Sala is left silent form Heather's stern tone, her four baby blue eyes searching around hopelessly trying to find a way out of this. But, before another thought could happen she is cradled up against Heather's large motherly rack with one hand handling her balls. she makes a sort of "eep!" noise as her antennae flick around and her peen throbs a little more. To be handled in such a way.... Sala had never really been carried around much and as much as she would hate to admit it this was comforting to her. after having most of her live devoid of tender love and care, her body seemed very willing almost begging to be held and cradled. She looks back up Heather as she smiles down on her. then before she knows it her peen was in Heather's mouth as she slowly slid it down her throat. She gasps out unprepared for the arousal.
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