Lust Capacity Increases


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So I was watching a Let's Play of TiTS on YouTube a while back, and the person was showing off how The Treatment worked. His character got the "Inhuman Desire" perks and had a new maximum lust. However, he also had his minimum lust raised as well. So I began to wonder: Are those perks just there to give lust builds a more normal lust pool? Is it worth it for a lust build?

You have about the same lust pool size, but it seems like you also get perks that increase lust gains so you're gaining lust more quickly. Or am I just narrowing my vision and there are multitudinous ways to increase your lust cap?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1,788 - here you got list for perks in TiTS so you can look over this list to find all perks that adds to max lust (and there should be also notes if it overide some other perk or not). There isn't I think any specificaly made page on smutosaur about maxing lust for PC yet so this perk page is good place to find perks you want to get to give PC larger lust pool.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah, I was looking at that. I was just saying that it seems like you don't get just those perks. You oftentimes get other perks that increase your minimum lust as well essentially negating the maximum lust increase. Or at least, from what I've seen happen
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speed of gaining lust due to taking those items is partial due to PC libido stat rising. So normaly if those items not causing at the same time slight libido stat increase it wouldn't feel like lust still rising at smae rate or even slight faster. So after getting those perk you need to look for items or ot ehr methids to lower libido value.
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Aug 26, 2015
Anything that raises your Lust cap has to come with permanent drawbacks, except male Treatment because fuck consistency.  Generally these drawbacks make your minimum Lust higher.

The advantage of a 30-130 pool over a 0-100 pool is that you need at least 30 Lust for most sex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think there isn't yet any wasy way to lower libido when it get high. I'm fairy sure Dr. Lash removing of genitalia and other bits can cause dropping of libido. Someday if it not yet done soeone will make item to lower libido too ^^

@IVIysteriousPerson Well you still suprised it's MALE one version tht is all best of all world and none worst of any world? Maybe it will be diff if Fen would be manly guy to begin with :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Amazon still has Amazonian Needs. It's still probably a net positive overall, but not like the male Treatment. The only drawback of the male Treatment is the slow libido gain, but that's part of every Treatment variant as far as I'm aware. Is there any way to lower libido? As soon as that comes out (or if it's already out), the male Treatment has literally no mechanical drawbacks.

Honestly, doesn't seem as a drawback. I mean, it makes sex scenes easier to trigger.

Also i don't think you get how Amazonian Endurance is big to me.  :colbert:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The only way I've seen to reduce Libido reliably is the Ausar foursome on Uveto.  My character has 100 Libido, and I lose 2 whenever I do the scene.  Not sure if there's a cap to the Libido loss, as I've never done it more than a couple times.  I'm too OCD about my character though; ever since I got her to 100 Libido, I want to keep it that way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't get the appeal of the Treatment at all, really, so no. :p

Neither am I for the most part, but looking at the perks the amazon Treatment gives you makes me want to make my main Steele grow a vagina, take the Treatment, type in "AMAZON" and masculinize him back afterwards.

... and maybe save edit in the Pheromone Cloud perk in

EDIT: Also, Amazonian needs is still a drawback from the PoV of lust losses. It makes it easier to lose by hitting lust cap. I've literally never had trouble getting enough lust for scenes (the advantages of lactation ), so I don't see a minimum lust increase as anything but a negative. And a pretty big one, at that. 

Not really a big one since, you also get two inhuman desires which increases the maximum lust capacity by 40 which nets 120 lust to fill up.
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Aug 26, 2015
Lupinol, a full werewolf transformative available from talking to its creator at Steele Biomedical, will offer a Pheromone Cloud-alike without the extra tease damage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well for Techs atm loosing energy after sex scenes IS an lil bit issue. Other classes still laugh at tech for this flaw thou. So making for a moment cow to get this no lost of energy then going back could be some solution for techs atm.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Does orgasm fatigue really matter that much? I don't think I've ever been inconvenienced by energy loss from sex scenes. I assume that's what Amazonian Endurance eliminates.

Oh it is a big pain in the ass to lose energy after sex, it made training at the gym a pain since I needed to keep heading to the vending machine over at Big T's ranch to get enough energy to do my second/third excersize if I had sex with ANYONE on the most SEX-focused planet of the game.

At least until I got the Heroic reserves perk that gives me higher energy cap.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Didn't @Couch have something that was going to let people get Pheromone Cloud without the Treatment? I thought he mentioned that at some point.

Should change his title to "Writer of Good Things and Liberator of Perks" :p  

I said MAYBE edit in Pheromone Cloud...

Also the amazon Treatment doesn't give Brute Speech (nor Ditz Speech).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ah, I guess it could be an issue for Techs. Smuggler all day, err'yday!

Real talk: I suck too much to play Tech. I tried, and I failed...

Oh come missing playing most fun class of TiTS by not picking Techs ^^

And their got now even cool drone recently to use in one or other way :parrot:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
But... couldn't you just not have sex? >_>

I don't understand this game at all, do I?

Sex helps break up the monotony of the training, oh and even if I wanted to not have sex, when I go to sleep to get rid of the sore debuff I usually get Anno, Reaha, Bess, or Celise fucking me thanks to the sleep random events. Which takes energy just after regaining it....

Oh and there should be more ways to get rid of sore, I go to sleep in a bunch of events outside of just the one from clicking the sleep button on my ship.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Real talk: I suck too much to play Tech. I tried, and I failed...

Git gud!!!

You're not a hardcore T.i.T.S. player before you've beaten Dr. Lash as a techie :p  

In all seriousness though, it's currently not as strong as the other classes. But I find it the most interesting and fun class to play because of the occasional alternative techie way to do stuff, and the drones. Especially the drones :D

As for something relevant to this discussion, I don't really see a downside to the amazon treatment. Your max lust increases more than your minimum lust...unfortunately the flower power perk I'm gonna get for one of my characters is going to raise it by I'll have 40 out of 130...I guess I can learn to live with it, it's a smuggler after all, need to give the enemy a chance too  :p  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That could definitely be a plus for some. I was under the impression Bimbrute checks were barely recognized or used, though.

Oh, but they are present enough, especially on Myrellion and onwards.

Even the mere presence of them in the perks list makes me go "NOPE"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That no-crew single life, yo. I rock it. Just me and my cunt tail whoopin' it up in space. All the company my Steele needs is attached to her butt. :p  

The opposite of me then xD


Waifus are crewmembers in this case. Better to have people on board, I don't want my Steele to be tricked to go out of his ship by evil space manatees/alien sirens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I actually like the idea of Techs the most out of all the classes, but the first character I made was a Smuggler, and I kind of just rolled with what I knew from then on. I've never even made a Merc. Not a single one.

The Steele that's going to be in the fanfic part of Jill's Diary is a Tech. I think Techs have the most interesting character potential. I just suck with them.  :p  

My first ever chara in TiTS was...Tech and 98% of charas I ever made was...Techs xD Tech4Life I think I should say ^^

Sex helps break up the monotony of the training, oh and even if I wanted to not have sex, when I go to sleep to get rid of the sore debuff I usually get Anno, Reaha, Bess, or Celise fucking me thanks to the sleep random events. Which takes energy just after regaining it....

Oh and there should be more ways to get rid of sore, I go to sleep in a bunch of events outside of just the one from clicking the sleep button on my ship.

Well you can always first say to this crewmember you sleeping with that you not wanna anymore sleep with her. And for others events you can reject offer of sleeping together like Celise one offer PC can turn down still.

About other places to sleep...On Mhen'ga there is possibility to sleep in that abandoned camp of Xenogen right next to taxi stop....and I think that may be actuly only one place outside ship where PC can sleep atm :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I should really just build a permanent residence on Mhen'ga. ;)  

I would probably be a lousy rusher, considering I'd probably fall for the first snuggly Naleen I'd ever come across...

Reaha because NT makes me sad, Yammi because NT makes me sad... It's almost like there's two major things I dislike in TiTS, and most of the followers have pretty strong associations with both them. :|  

All the more reason to hire them is it not? Release them from their sad life and all.

I love helping people in the game. Be it potential crewmember, or just giving someone like Shekka both the platinum and the probe.

And Nova is my favourite armor in the game, especially after her expansion :D  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bess... I never stay on Tarkus long enough to go get her, and everything I hear about her is that her quest is a huge time investment and super in-depth. I've just never gotten around to picking her up.

Umm not staying enough long to get Bess? What blasphemy you speaking Misty?  :dogbutton:

Bess is taking less time to pick up than finishing main plot on Tarkus. All PC doing is visiting one room on the Tarkus and then diging Bess out. After this if you not feel like you want to progress questline for Bess you can just not pursue actively all events that showing up.

For others crew members... well tbh I also not see much use for them but Bess. You of all people that want see npc that givign waff vibre Bess would be the one that give it strongest. If PC go thoru quest line it end will really bring many positive stuff that would most people happy for tagging so long and going throu all this trouble. I would say if you one day be so determined to go thoru this whole plot will see that Bess carry much of positive feeling that player can feel interacting with her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I love helping people in the game. Be it potential crewmember, or just giving someone like Shekka both the platinum and the probe.

Speaking of giving her both, are there any benefits in the game yet for giving her both the plat and the probe. I know the plat can be used in one more place and it wasn't even that useful of a trade (or at least it wasn't as debilitating as 20,000 credits in the hole if you don't use the plat at that spot).


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
My first ever chara in TiTS was...Tech and 98% of charas I ever made was...Techs xD Tech4Life I think I should say ^^

Well you can always first say to this crewmember you sleeping with that you not wanna anymore sleep with her. And for others events you can reject offer of sleeping together like Celise one offer PC can turn down still.

I also go tech only, I don't think I've ever made a non-tech character...

Anyway while I could say no to a lot of the events, I don't because cause it feels pretty mean to say no a lot of the times, Reaha for example you have to tell her to fuck off to get her to stop. Also there are events that can't be avoided like the angel dream and your cunt snake wanting a snack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Speaking of giving her both, are there any benefits in the game yet for giving her both the plat and the probe. I know the plat can be used in one more place and it wasn't even that useful of a trade (or at least it wasn't as debilitating as 20,000 credits in the hole if you don't use the plat at that spot).

None as of yet.

The plate can be used to bypass the nyrean guards in Myrellion. But I always fight them, so I don't really have any use of it anyway. It might be useful for something else later in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of giving her both, are there any benefits in the game yet for giving her both the plat and the probe. I know the plat can be used in one more place and it wasn't even that useful of a trade (or at least it wasn't as debilitating as 20,000 credits in the hole if you don't use the plat at that spot).

There was some time ago plans it will be used to upgrade weapon that Dane is droping after losing at first planet.

Anyway while I could say no to a lot of the events, I don't because cause it feels pretty mean to say no a lot of the times, Reaha for example you have to tell her to fuck off to get her to stop. Also there are events that can't be avoided like the angel dream and your cunt snake wanting a snack.

Ok I admit those events aren't easy or even possible to avoid. Some of them are partialy possible to predict and by triggering them earlier to avoid losing of energy at more unfitting times.


Aug 26, 2015
I like Techs the most, I just can't stand how weak they are.  I run Mercs pretty much exclusively, with the occasional Tech to see if they've been fixed yet.

Wait, Pheromone Cloud gives you extra Tease Damage? I thought it just activated extra scenes.

Is extra tease damage... not a combat buff? Isn't that exactly what Myr Venom did, which was stated to have been a mistake?

This game has no rules. Why do we pretend it has rules? Waaaaah.

The Treatment is one of Fen's personal favorite things, and I don't think anyone really feels up to challenging him on it.  Just leave it be.

Bess... I never stay on Tarkus long enough to go get her, and everything I hear about her is that her quest is a huge time investment and super in-depth. I've just never gotten around to picking her up.

I'll be honest, I've never once picked up Bess or Yammi.  Maybe once there's better ships.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm interested to see how well the existing crew member interactions can be tossed into the new mechanics of ship interiors, designated rooms, and crew limits. I feel like it would necessitate some changes to the NPC's themselves, but I've never written a crew member, so I don't really know. It's a development milestone I'm anticipating a great deal.

Speaking of the crew, I remember reading that Celise is a crewmember, but according to the dialogue, she doesn't take up a bed, because she sleeps on a bunch of pipes or something like that? Do you think that is going to change when this milestone gets implemented?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
See, that's exactly the kind of stuff I'm curious about. Will Celise still take up a "crew slot?" I dunno. Will Nova take up crew slot? She shouldn't, considering she's clothing, but she's also technically a crew member.

There's a lot of ambiguous stuff surrounding crew and the upcoming ship changes.

I'm pretty sure they all count as crew members. I think I remember someone saying that there will be a limit on how many people you can recruit once ship upgrades and the like come along, so we won't be able to hold everyone on the ship like we can now if that mechanic gets implemented. Don't quote me on that though.