Looking for Good Text Games


Active Member
Sep 27, 2015
Hello! As the title suggests I'm looking for some new text based games (like CoC (with or without the smut is fine) that have good story and an open world (as much as possible). Any recommendations are appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Aetolia, the midnight age

Aetolia is my favorite game from Iron Relms Entertainment, a company that focuses on MUDs.  Although the details vary wildly between Iron Relms games, they overall share a vary easy to use system, the Rapture engine, and have small but excellent playerbases.  Aetolia is my favorite among Iron Relm's offering for several reasons, most prominently the early game experience and the focus of PvE over PvP.  (As opposed to the runner up, Achaea, which has a heavy community emphasis on PvP).  All of Iron Relms games have a heavy RP element. 



Jul 26, 2016
Vashon, WA
My suggestion would be most games form Choice of Games. All the games are text based and give you the choice (ah haha) of picking the rout you want your character at that point to make. The sight itself makes the games, but they also allow hosted games from people who use their files to make them. And since they are hosted, people can sell them legitimately in the App store, Steam, Google Store and even the sight itself. Not bad right?

My favorite games from the sight are Tin Star which is over 1,376,197 words long. You'll read 80,000 words each time you play!

The down side, if you count it, is that you do have to pay for a majority of the games. Some of them are free, but those you do have to pay for are pretty cheep. Even ones that are vary popular don't go above $5.00.

So yeah, that would be my suggestion.