So As we wait for Tiamat I'll explain how this game will work. So I'll make a Roll20 game in which we will do the rolls in. So you'd roll there and post your results and your action here and then I'll make a post that response to the roll. Also in the game is where I'll make rooms for when combat is a thing. And when you move please leave a line to show the squares you move from, this way I'll know if and who activates on a trap. So when you move make a new post in game so I know. A pain in the ass I know but better then me just randomly rolling to see who gets to deal with the trap.
Also like in CoC when you defeat an enemy they will be at your mercy to do with. You can do anything you like but, and I mean this, make it only one post. If we have to do a multi post sexy times after every encounter we will go no where. Multi posts with other characters or important NPC's is okay, I just want to sit here typing sex times with every single goblin.
If you have any questions, or suggestions please say so in this thread or PM.