Lip Size

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Any way to reduce lip size without becoming more masculine? Im trying to get rid of the "bee stung lips/swollen lips"

I've tried Blue Eggs to reduce my lips to the smallest size and then use Pink Eggs to femenize my character but I always get the "bee stung lips"

Then I tried Lycanthorn but that didn't help either so here I am. Any suggestions?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
How much did you decrease your lip size? At least in TiTS, the counter has to be decreased about two units (I belive) before the description changes.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
How much did you decrease your lip size? At least in TiTS, the counter has to be decreased about two units (I belive) before the description changes.
I used Blue Eggs to reduce the lip size
The way the size goes is
Bee Stung
Thin(I think)
After this your lips are basically non existent as it doesn't even mention them in the description
So I used Blue Eggs with Soft Mud to decrease the lip size but at the same time made my character, who was very feminine, super masculine.
After that I used Pink Eggs to feminize my character again but once the description said my face was "androgynous" my character already developed "bee stung lips"

I looked on the Wiki and the only thing that reduced lip size so far is Wolfbloom and Lycanthorn but that didn't work

So yeah now im stuck I would be able to ignore it if it didn't mention my disgusting BEE STUNG LIPS every time my PC kissed someone
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
What I read from the wiki is that both Pink and Blue egg just increase/decrease your feminity score, not your lip size. Wolfsboon apparently reduces the lip size, but only by one unit. It then turns lips black, and does not reduce their size again as it seems from the wiki. ("If Lip Color is not Black", then: "Lip Color becomes Black + Reduce Lip Size by 1 or until 1 (if possible)")

Ors the wiki out of date?

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Yeah none of those things reduce lip size they just change my face to a mino or lupine but have no effect on the lips. Its fine I can just wait until there's something like reducto in CoC2 if that's planned luckily I have a save of my character before she got bee stung lips.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Yeah none of those things reduce lip size they just change my face to a mino or lupine but have no effect on the lips. Its fine I can just wait until there's something like reducto in CoC2 if that's planned luckily I have a save of my character before she got bee stung lips.
The lip size increase is because 1/25th of your femininity is added to your lip size. At 100 femininity this means your base lip size is 4. Pink Egg doesn't have any direct affect on lip size.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
The lip size increase is because 1/25th of your femininity is added to your lip size. At 100 femininity this means your base lip size is 4. Pink Egg doesn't have any direct affect on lip size.
Okay thanks for that info it makes sense now because I also used Bovum Cherries to get the cow girl look and it mentioned my lips got bigger as part of the transformation although I never figured out how to reduce the lip size but at least I won't make the same mistake again.
Im good now though thanks to a previous save


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and arousal works in mysterious ways, after all.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
“Bee-stung” always bothered me as a description because I legit think of someone having anaphylaxis from a bee sting. Even if I get they’re supposed to be blimp lips.

Edit: Apparently this is what a “beestung” lip looks like:


How does this look anything like a bee stung it?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Idiom: a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
It's just a phrase, humans have many weird phrases, like 'slept like a baby'... you ever dealt with babies? They sleep like shit, constantly waking up screaming. When i think 'well slept' i do NOT think of babies, quite the opposite in fact. Eh, humans be humans man, they're weird.

To be fair, when babies are asleep, they legit sleep through anything. It varies infant to infant and I've seen my share of both. Babies that wake up a lot typically have colic issues. But generally when they actually sleep, they are the picture of serenity and that's what people think of.

And sheesh, you guys can drop the condescension. I just don't think the idiom fits at all on account of being poorly descriptive AND not funny (at least shit like "happy as a clam" and "cat got your tongue" are suitably silly. I was imagining much plumper lips than that (and yes, I have seen them).

Still a stupid term imo, but not a big deal to me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Dry humor does not translate well in text form.

(I'm speaking of my last post, BTW.)
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Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Anyone want to start a petition to remove "bee stung" and "swollen" from CoC2 and just leave the description "voluptuous lips"?

Just kidding btw
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New Member
Sep 10, 2024
i figured out how to not have disgustingly huge lips, edit the lips size mod to a negative number appropriate to what you want to subtract. with the custom stats im running on my current character "Ms. Moist" she had Jacques lips, i set the lips to -30 cuz i was at 32 in game, and voila, fixed. kept all the femininity and now my white girl has white lips again.



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