Lilith's Throne - A Promising Text-Based Erotic RPG


New Member
Jan 14, 2017
Also, I cannot seem to raise corruption in the new patch anymore - surrendered a lot, never got even +1 to the stat even though I made sure to reach 100 arousal before the enemy a lot.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Gave the new version a poke and I do think you're moving in the right direction. Sex scenes are more satisfying now and I feel like you're making good design choices.

For suggestions, I'll throw out that I think it would make sense to let the player pick a couple fetish perks at the start of the game so you don't have to spend level up perks on them. It's usually not a good idea to mix flavor perks with those that have an impact on gameplay. If you want players to be able to pick fetish perks and other similar customization perks that don't directly affect gameplay, Flexible Survival has a system for that where you gain two different kinds of perks at different levels that affect game stats and sex scene preferences (as well as things like transformation preferences, ex: can't be affected by female transformations, can never lose a specific body part, can only grow endowments not shrink).
Thanks for your feedback once again!
I thought about making a separate point system for fetish perks, but decided instead to make them as more of an alternative route for the player to go down. I plan on adding more tangible benefits/rewards to sex scenes, in much the same way that Ralph's discount currently works. In this way, I wanted to give the player the following choices:

1. Take fetishes in order to unlock sex scene actions that provide rewards. (Thus missing out on combat-based perks.)
2. Increase corruption in order to unlock sex scene actions that provide rewards. (Thus being able to take combat perks, but suffer from corruption's negative effects.)
3. Take both fetishes and combat perks. (This will still be achievable, but will obviously require more levelling up.)

My overall goal in implementing fetishes like this is to give the player some meaningful decisions to make as they level up.

Oh, and I'm planning on giving the player some starting points to spend as part of the character creation, so you'll be able to start the game with a couple of perks/fetishes! Thanks for the suggestion. ^^

I would have to agree that this game has a good setup with the core mechanics. The perks you can select from each level integrate all of your experiences into a fluid combat system. It's very easy to pick up on which branch or branches you might want to build your character along. I also want to point out that the creator of this game has taken some pretty good steps to ensuring that the combat is balancing out. Just between this 1.67 and the 1.65 version there is a bit of a difference in how some of the combat skills weigh in. It's now more evenly matched than it was then. If you were playing earlier builds you probably would have figured out that seduction attacks are the way to go because they quickly did the most damage overall and ended fights in your favor. They still do that to an extent but it's scaled much more closely in respect to what you gain with the other branches and stats now. It is a very clever balancing act that they have going here. One thing I have noted now is that ranged attacks for me seem to hit a little harder than melee attacks. I wonder if that was intentional or just a byproduct of how I built up from leveling though?

Either way, the corruption elements add their unique flavor to the gameplay too. I can only imagine what the higher levels could entail for the player though. It might have harsh consequences towards certain points.

The present content still seems to be revolving around shaping the core mechanics and UI though. There is a promise of new content in the works for the story soon so that's good. I don't really mind the delays on the story though when I can see many improvements coming into play with each of the presently weekly updates that the game undergoes. I think 0.1.68 should demonstrate a much more polished release than it already is at 0.1.67. I'm actually pretty satisfied with how the gameplay is setting up. The initial area does get a little old fast but it's a good sampler for the things to come I believe.
The combat is one of the big parts that I'm still working on improving. The reason for the ranged attacks hitting a little harder is that they used to be harder to land a hit with as well (so they were more of the higher risk, higher reward attack).
I think I'm probably going to change melee/ranged into main/off-hand attacks. Some enemies are going to have high resistances to certain damage types, so I think that the way you can equip a different damage type in each hand is enough of a combat mechanic without throwing in obscure hit chance/damage modifiers behind the scenes.
I'm still working on the combat mechanics, so this is all subject to change...

Now that fetishes are in the game as a way to bypass corruption, I'm probably going to ramp up the positive/negative effect balance at higher corruption levels.

You're right in that I'm still shaping the core mechanics and UI. I think all that work will take me up to version 0.1.8, but after that, I'll be free to focus entirely on game balance and adding content.

Can I just ask you to switch the hotkeys from 1-0 to 1-5 and q-t like CoC does it? Much easier to, well, use one-handedly.
You can customise the key binds in the options menu if you'd prefer to use that layout. I would add q-t as secondary key binds by default, but the 'w' key is bound to 'Move North' (as part of the usual W-A-S-D movement keys), so would interfere with the q-t bindings...

Also, I cannot seem to raise corruption in the new patch anymore - surrendered a lot, never got even +1 to the stat even though I made sure to reach 100 arousal before the enemy a lot.
This is a bug, sorry...
That mechanic will be back in the game as of the next release!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh yes, I was going to mention that since you're on the forums now, you could make a new thread for the game in the Showcase sub-forum so you can control the OP. It also is less likely to be swept away by the noise in sub-forum, since the only threads allowed are those posted by game devs showing off their games.
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Feb 27, 2017
its a really fun game tho a bit bare bones. I cant wait to see what it looks like a year or 2 from now


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Oh yes, I was going to mention that since you're on the forums now, you could make a new thread for the game in the Showcase sub-forum so you can control the OP. It also is less likely to be swept away by the noise in sub-forum, since the only threads allowed are those posted by game devs showing off their games.
Thanks for the tip, I'll make a post about the game on that sub-forum tomorrow!

its a really fun game tho a bit bare bones. I cant wait to see what it looks like a year or 2 from now
Thanks! ^^
I have a lot of plans for the game's content, so in a year or two there should be loads of content to play through!


Dec 16, 2016
Odd question(s), as I may have very much missed it, but it seems when you have 'advantage' due to success in combat it seems to be very much a one way street, at least under the oral category. Are there no means to 'dig in' for the sweet (salty?) taste of victory?

--An amusing but unlikely outcome from this would be storing up result from such things and then giving them a kiss, thus giving 'em a taste of their own medicine.

Also, is there any way to change things up mid process, as it were? It appears that once you do a particular act, you are committed to that to the very end, rather than (for example) the traditional heroic exploits of getting various bits good to go and then going to pound town?

Lastly, is it possible to hot swap the point of, er, entry?

None of this is a demand for such sillyness if they do not actually exist in game, by the by-- merely more a curiosity. A fine start, by the by. Greatly looking forward to where this goes as time marches on.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
57 seems to be very much a one way street, at least under the oral category. Are there no means to 'dig in' for the sweet (salty?) taste of victory?
Also, is there any way to change things up mid process, as it were? It appears that once you do a particular act, you are committed to that to the very end, rather than (for example) the traditional heroic exploits of getting various bits good to go and then going to pound town?

Lastly, is it possible to hot swap the point of, er, entry?
That's an interesting idea. I was in the mindset of finishing sex scenes as soon as the relevant person orgasms, but there really is no reason not to allow the player to continue a while longer (as long as you're not the sub in a non-con scene). I'll probably use Kate as a test for some post-orgasm actions (by letting the player do some cum-play with her). This might not make it into the next version, but I've added it to my todo list!

Onto the next question; being able to swap between positions on-the-fly is completely possible within the engine at the moment, I just haven't had the time to write content that does it yet. The random attackers have the sex options 'Oral' or 'Sex', but there really is no reason why there shouldn't just be a single 'Start point' for every sex scene, from where you can move to the position you want.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is; yes, I'll add scenes that do that in the future!

EDIT: I made a new topic in the showcase forum, so it might be better to post in there from now on:
Last edited:
Dec 18, 2015
With the system of having a single 'start point' would that mean that the player could try (not always successfully) to tempt winning NPC's into going for a certain method of pleasure for the sex scene? For example a PC trying to go down on the NPC who just beat them before things can get to the anal/vaginal part to preserve their Purity, etc.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
With the system of having a single 'start point' would that mean that the player could try (not always successfully) to tempt winning NPC's into going for a certain method of pleasure for the sex scene? For example a PC trying to go down on the NPC who just beat them before things can get to the anal/vaginal part to preserve their Purity, etc.
Yes, that's definitely going to make its way into the game at some point. It'll most likely play out just as you said, in that the player will be able to kneel/present themselves in order to tempt the NPC into using them in a certain way.

I plan on adding some variance to each random NPC's corruption, so that will most likely affect how willing they are to go along with the player's requests. (With lower corruption NPCs respecting the player's requests.)
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New Member
Jun 30, 2016
I haven't played in quite a few versions but I'm quite curious about the map. I seem to be constantly getting lost and stuck with the current map looks. Is there any way to open up the big overview map again?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
I haven't played in quite a few versions but I'm quite curious about the map. I seem to be constantly getting lost and stuck with the current map looks. Is there any way to open up the big overview map again?
You can zoom out on the map by pressing 'z', but there's no large overview map just yet. I'm hoping to improve the UI a little within the next few versions, and I'll add a large overview map then. ^^