Not entirely sure about the question, but it seems like you've used all the Available Stat Points from your player character's level ups. Your player character gets 13 Available Stat Points per level up, with having a maximum (cumulative, in total) of 117 Available Stat Points upon reaching level 10.
Due to your player character starting at level 1 (and the current level cap being 10), however, there are only 9 level ups, hence the 117 being from 9 (level ups) * 13 Available Stat Points (per level).
If you look at the second screenshot your player character is level 6 (6 - 1 = 5 in terms of level ups), right? So you'd only have gotten 65 (5 * 13) Available Stat Points to use when levelling up - which is why you don't have any more - you seem to have already used your player character's Available Stat Points from levelling up to increase the Stats.
So, you'd have used 13 Available Stat Points from your player character reaching level 2, then the next 13 from level 3, so on and so forth all the way to level 6, maxing out at using the 65 available.
As for not being able to select more Special Abilities - if you once again look at your second screenshot, it seems like you've already selected the "Heavy Weapons" one, so you would not be able to also have the "Low Tech Solutions" one - you can only pick one between the two Special Ability options for the level (so, only 1 Special Ability per level, from level 2 to level 10, currently).
If you want to increase your Stats outside of using the Available Stat Points from levelling up, have a look at this
Wiki page.