Level 7 Thief Perk for Spellblade


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
What does the forum think? Does Eye for Weakness (Double Duration Enemy Debuffs) or Perfect Positioning (+10 AP, +10 CC, and +25 Evasion) work better for a spellblade?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Depends on whether you're inflicting the debuffs yourself or if you're synergizing with your companions. If you're the one setting up for Twist the Knife then doubling your duration is great, if your companions are mostly doing it (say, Outrider/Wyldkin Ryn or most of Kiyoko's sets) then Eye for Weakness isn't doing as much for you and you'd likely get more out of the stat boosts from Perfect Positioning.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I am going to be using Blue Flame Blade. BFB lights enemies on critical hit. So PP make it more reliable, but TK increases duration. Personally, I think Thief class has one of the toughest Level 7 Perk Choice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I forgot how much burn damage BFB does but depending on your odds of critting, the extra crit rate might be more valuable. Then again with Eye for Weakness you could use Grease and set up for other companions as well. But then AGAIN you have to consider whether using a turn to set up Grease is worth it.

Yeah this sort of questioning can go on for a while, especially when it hits the point where you have to consider just how much time you're willing to spend on a battle. For some people they're perfectly fine taking turns to have the most secure strategy, while others are fine introducing risk for the sake of moving things along quicker. That's not really a right or wrong debate so there's no definitive answer there.

I'll say this though, if you're considering Perfect Positioning, your crit is decent, and you're using elemental attacks, you might want to consider Black Mage with Arcane Penetration to have that -25% resistance for free. Not sure what that maths out to in damage but it might be more certain than banking on crit if it's too low.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
If you're going BFB Grease is worth it. You're getting more raw damage and less threat compared to Charge Blade for a damage type that is more commonly resisted to. And considering as you progress through the story you will be forced to face more and more demons Grease is pretty much necessary if you don't opt into Arcane Penetration. Crit Burn is negligible, and although the 25 Attack and 10 Evasion from Perfect Positioning are nice, you need Eye for Weakness if you want Grease to be any useful against enemies with 3 or more Actions per round. Also two turns of knockdown feel realy good. Eye for Weakness is also very strong with abilities like Deadly Shadow and Kitsunetsuki.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
As much as I hate to admit it, and I really hate to admit it, but the combo of grease and TK is just too good with BFB. Still it is painful to give up 10% Crit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Yeah that's definitely higher peak damage. Although with Grease being two turns and Blue Flame Blade being a stance weapon buff, it's not quite as limited as Grease fireball where if you miss that one damage window you're stuck waiting for cooldowns. You could do Cleave and Deadly Shadow for a very nice chunk of damage.