Lagon/Lvl Grinding


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
Hey guys. Me and Kai are lvl 17 while Layla and Terry are 15 I believe and we just got shredded by Lagon. Where's a good place to grind levels for character at that level? I'm still in the first act so maybe I should progress the main story further, but I figured I'd see if there's some places around Rigard or the Hills. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Game itself IS still in Act 1 without possibility to go to Act 2. As for grind places...try fight Malice minions at Higlands or Hills - forgot amt which is name of that location (centauress, goat Alchemis, Catboy Mage or them all 3 as group encounter) or go to King's Road (well if you done part of quest to find Scepter for Burrows questline you will know this place but if you didn't then go pass Rigard there to find there a higher lvl version of encounters from Crossroad. Those two locations got enemies that gives most exp atm.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Its possible to beat Lagon at lvl 17 already, though it does require a bit of luck in him not one shotting someone with a triple attack that happens to hit every shot, and that he doesn't one shot anyone right at the start of the fight before you get Cheer up. But its certainly easier at around lvl 20. And yeah the Hills are definetily by far the best place to grind xp, the malices minions group encounter gives over 60 xp per shot, which is about triple the best xp from anywhere else. (stay out of the cave though, big meanie lurking there).


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
Yeah, the hills was a very good grind map. Leveling up to fight Lagon made me sad though. I leveled up so he would be reasonable to fight but nothing else in the game currently is remotely close to his level so it broke the rest of the game for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The purpose of sidequests in an rpg wasn't always as a filler dime-a-dozen fetch quest, but to offer more difficult challenges for players not content with the main quest's difficulty. The Lagon quest felt in this vein, as he is very beatable at lower levels, though requiring some planning and smart play. Just like grinding for any sidequest in any rpg, it results in being overpowered until the main quest catches up. Problem here is that the main quest isn't finished, and so players that grind to overcome any hurdle are left lamenting. The only required grinding in FoE right now is if you want to seriously take on the dragon.

Course after I beat all available content, I ended up grinding all MC's jobs to max and wound up mid-30s. It's probably best to start a new file whenever Act2 starts up (to preserve difficulty, and because new party members will end up with a case of Can't Catch Up).


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
I probably would have had a much easier time with Lagon if I fought him with 4 party members. I only had 3 at the time and didn't find Layla until after.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Get T. Illusion and heal on a single character, give him Rani's favor, an iron buckle for more hp, and mage's robes/heavier armor if melee. 



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I probably would have had a much easier time with Lagon if I fought him with 4 party members. I only had 3 at the time and didn't find Layla until after.

It is probably best to do the Orchid fight* before Lagon; as the fight is easier, gives you 300xp plus some good kit and triggers the path that leads to recruiting Layla.

*arguably Orchid is easier than the Gol Queen [the Lagon precursor/sub-boss] to fight