What type of content is blacklisted?

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Oct 7, 2015
I'm sure it's listed somewhere, but I have had a hell of a time finding an actual list, I've seen discussion about where the line is on beastialty, that scat isn't allowed, as is underage.

Can is there some sort of list that can be referenced? I'm working on a few potential characters and I'd rather not write something that's a no go from the start. Advice on what non blacklisted kinks don't stand a chance in hell would also be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
watersports, I think?
Oct 7, 2015
I did forget to mention guro, vore and snuff, although I've gothen the impression those are blacklisted too, none of that's my wheelhouse anyway. 

I assume there's more than that, especially in the not blacklisted but won't make it in catagory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
as is underage.

This one is sort of vague. Underage line is very different for different humman cultures, all the more so with aliens with different biology and psychology. We have Vanae Maidens and Aurora, all within 12-14 years old but Aurora is considered child (and this is touchy theme here) and Vanae are adult (and no one cares).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Vanae Maidens are sexually mature, though, and the implication is that Aurora is not. That's the key factor. You have a race that hits adulthood when they're only 14? Cool, anything younger is an absolute no-go.

I imagine purposefully manipulating this concept and designing a jailbait race would be shot down very quickly, too.

Jailbate race... You mean race with childlike appearance? It would be shot down because any race in TiiTS can only be accepted if it has huge breasts, desirable on both genders.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Beasty, scat/watersports, guro, vore, loli, necro. 

Be easier to say what you want to write and let me just veto/approve it, tho.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I didn't know what a Shota was until I played MGQ. It sucks he's a shota but ah well, it was still a good game.
Oct 7, 2015
Beasty, scat/watersports, guro, vore, loli, necro. 

Be easier to say what you want to write and let me just veto/approve it, tho.

One of the outlines I was working on started trending toward the non-con/reluctance department and then kind of veered off into forced bimbofication and/or more toward rape than nonconsent. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
One of the outlines I was working on started trending toward the non-con/reluctance department and then kind of veered off into forced bimbofication and/or more toward rape than nonconsent. 

Forced bimbofication is something that can both happen to you or an npc already. So depending on how you do it, I guess that one can slide, but I´m not a dev so I can´t be 100 % sure.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hm... So shota is ok 9_9

hate to point it out and say it but Shota is the other end of Loli, both pretty much ARE underage. I've nothing against either but if Shota content is allowed that's quite a fucking contradiction there with a heaping of hypocrisy.

besides that point... yeah I think everyone has pointed out already what has been blacklisted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd assume it would be allowed, but I expect it would also be... divisive. Dr. Badger does not seem to be a particularly well-loved character...

Actually, is there anyone who actually likes her? Well, I like her slut ray (as only non-lethal energy weapon), but otherwise...

hate to point it out and say it but Shota is the other end of Loli, both pretty much ARE underage.

Thanks, Captain!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'd assume it would be allowed, but I expect it would also be... divisive. Dr. Badger does not seem to be a particularly well-loved character...

Not really. In my very first play through I responded to being a hero...as innocent and untainted by the perverse mysteries of the worlds of Fenoxo I was, it was a bit of a shocking experience.

But I don´t think too many people minded when you could turn Penny into a complete bimbo. I haven´t really heard any fuzz about it in the very least. Probably because it was an obvious choice and not surprise buttsex.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Actually beast is already in the game, Just call them "parasites" and it's fine.

Source: Cunt Snake Fuck scene


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But I don´t think too many people minded when you could turn Penny into a complete bimbo. I haven´t really heard any fuzz about it in the very least. Probably because it was an obvious choice and not surprise buttsex.

I'd say because it is an option, which is yours to take or not to take. Thought she really lacks content for those who don't want to be asshole overdriving her libido.

I went into it thinking it might be a CoC reference. Didn't even save beforehand because I thought "even if it transforms me, it's not like it's going to completely ruin my character on every single conceivable level with permanent and instantaneous changes, right? That'd be crazy!"

Actually, debimbo potion is one of my favorite things in CoC.

Actually beast is already in the game, Just call them "parasites" and it's fine.

Source: Cunt Snake Fuck scene

Dual standards everywhere...

Why do I feel like this is a discussion that has happened before and goes nowhere positive? :/  

Because it happened and this theme is uncomfortable to many people, likely. Not to me, though 9_9


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
He has short and slender build, but does this make character shota? Barely.

That's just like saying people with the body of a loli/shota are actually 1000 years old or something so it's perfectly legal. Just because your an adult doesn't excuse the loli/shota body you've got going on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's just like saying people with the body of a loli/shota are actually 1000 years old or something so it's perfectly legal. Just because your an adult doesn't excuse the loli/shota body you've got going on.

Pedohysteria in many countries doesn't make 1000 year old character child disregards of character's appearance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's just like saying people with the body of a loli/shota are actually 1000 years old or something so it's perfectly legal. Just because your an adult doesn't excuse the loli/shota body you've got going on.

Legally sure, but morally I wouldn't be too sure.

Unfortunate implications! What about all the real life adults that are short or flat? You're saying they aren't allowed to love because anyone interested in them would be considered a pedophile...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think their mental age also plays a part to the morality.

Oh for sure.

Unfortunate implications! What about all the real life adults that are short or flat? You're saying they aren't allowed to love because anyone interested in them would be considered a pedophile...

If their an adult that's mentally capable of being in a relationship then sure, I don't mind
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Apr 25, 2016
This is why taking advantage of any mentally unsound individual is despicable. Individuals with compromised perceptions of reality, a lack of general understanding of what's going on, paranoia, etc... All of it is really, really disgusting, but their physical traits don't really contribute to that.

Like those who have been Treated, or Bimbo'd?


Yeah Bimbo and treated. Not so good there.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, the morals of it are an even grayer area. The ethical and moral issues surrounding child abuse of any kind have less to do with their physical aspects (children are far from the only demographic that can be physically overpowered or helpless) and more to do with their mental aspects. Immaturity, underdeveloped situational awareness, lack of social understanding, and general lack of cognizance. Having age-frozen characters or super-old characters removes said aspects, thereby removing most of the moral dilemma.

This is why taking advantage of any mentally unsound individual is despicable. Individuals with compromised perceptions of reality, a lack of general understanding of what's going on, paranoia, etc... All of it is really, really disgusting, but their physical traits don't really contribute to that.

Funny thing that this exactly argument is fully applicable for bimbo-like characters.

Edit: looks like i'm not only one who sees double standards here...
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