Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked and tried to listen. wondering just what Wendy was talking about, obviously her otter like ear were better then hers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It sounded like... well it kind of sounded like running. Lots of people running. But it was pretty faint and must be far away... though it does kind of seem like it is getting louder. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra tattoos switched to a deep purple as the light were calming her, but she still fallowed the woman in front of her. "My family was going to get more power from this marriage, so it was natural that I marry him"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie kept up her frantic pace, taking quick peeks at her surroundings for any places to hide, but still running as fast as her legs could carry her. In a last-ditch effort with her wings, she bent her back down just the slightest bit, dashing through the cave all the same, and hoping for her wings to catch the air and help her glide.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Crystle must rolled her eyes "That sounds like a HORRIBLE reason to get married! Shouldn't it be with someone you care about and love? you know, someone who you would actually like to spend the rest of your life with? No offense, but you home sounds like a horrible place to live."

As Melanie ran and ran, her little wings trying and failing to get her up into the air, she found herself coming out into another large room with a pool of water in it. What really caught her eye was the two woman standing there looking rather surprised at her sudden and frantic appearance. One was a tall and athletic looking otter woman while the other was a softer and shorter bee girl by the looks of it. Both were stark naked and just staring at her.

Eventually, the otter girl speaks up  "Uhh.... hi?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie skidded on her feet to avoid crashing into them, slowing down for only a second to steal a peek behind them. "No time, haul ass!" She shouted, conveying the urgency of the situation, and lunging between them as she took the bee girl and otter woman both by the hands. She'd be forced to let go in an instant if they didn't start moving, but as the Golds stayed in hot pursuit, she tried to tug them along, making for the nearest tunnel or form of escape. Melanie had given up on her wings, she'd sort those out later. As for right now, she took a look behind them in a gamble, hoping to see how far away the ants were.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both the otter and bee were quick to follow along at her tugging, fear and worry on their faces as they are suddenly brought into yet another horrible situation. Behind them, Melanie could see a group of either angry golden ant soldiers chasing after them, not that far behind and keeping steady pace.

"what is going on here?! Why are we running?! What is up with those guys?!" The otter girl cried to her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Short and sweet, they're a tribe of not-nice ants. They're mean to the nice ants for being nice. I'll let you take a wild guess as to why I'm covered in cum. We can do some getting-to-know-yous later, just please don't trip," Melanie explained to them. The gold ants knew the tunnels far better than she did, and it was becoming painfully clear that she couldn't run forever. So, she did the only thing she could think to do in an attempt to stop the wild opossum chase, and shouted as loud as she could so that it echoed all throughout the tunnels. "Korlish! Busco! Copper ants! Ravindra! We're here, it's the gold tribe! Samara! Walsh! We're here, it'd Melanie! We need help!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her voice echos off of the walls of the caves and for the longest time she hears nothing in return. Just as hope was beginning to fall she hears the tell tale squeal of a very pissed off pig. Coming down the tunnel toward them was Busco, rage in his eyes and a big fuck off hammer in his hands. He rushes right past her and barrels into the gold ants, knocking them around like a bowling ball through the pins! Before she can really take it what the crap just happened, Three familiar furry forms are running down the hall way towards her in the shape of Samara, Korlish and Walsh with their big furry tails wagging behind them!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Marriage on my planet is not made for love, it's made for alliance. If you want love you can always find a lover afterwards, you just need to be a little bit secretive about it. Everyone  does that at the court, but it's still viewed badly if everyone knows it"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Gang!" Melanie squealed, accidentally dragging the otter and bee girl by the hands with her as she dove in for the shelter of her wolf friends. The realness of the situation was not lost on her, but for the moment, she could allow herself to rub up against them for comfort, tears of joy brimming in her eyes as she watched Busco tear the gold ants a new one. She awkwardly recalled the hands that had been locked in hers as she went in to see Samara, Walsh, and Korlish, and Melanie's eyes followed up the length of their arms to see the two new people themselves. "Oh these are-" she tried to explain, before throwing it aside and looking back to the gold ants. "Ah forget it, I'll explain later."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta moaned as her breasts were suckled, the sheer bliss of her milk letting down sending her into a pleasure fueled stupor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That completely defeats the purpose! Just marry your lover, not some other pompus noble who you know is going to cheat on you! Everything you say is backwards!" She throws her arms into the air "I would rather be in this sex crazy place than wherever you used to live!"

Samara, Walsh and Korlish all grab onto her, completely ignoring her messy state as they hug their lost pack mate and smother her in their warm furry bodies. It takes them a few moments before they are willing to let go enough so they can talk face to face, rather than their faces pressed into her.

Samara: "Oh... oh my. you are covered in... everything aren't you?"

Walsh: "Woa! Look at you! you got those dragon wings! You are also blond... and have horns.... and pinks eyes.... what the hell happend to you?!"

Korlish: He pokes her bellly "God damn it girl, I just washed you out from the bear woman! Now I have to do it again for this!"

Binx and Greta drank deep from her milk reserve, gulping down her sweet milk until she has nothing more to give and their bellies round out from the sheer amount they had to put down. Binx has another erection steadily growing against Unta's warm body while Greta's pussy is dripping on the floor. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"As long as you two are helping me out, there is something else that's been on my mind a lot lately." Pushing Binx back unto her butt, Unta quickly grabbed Greta and spun her around so her back was to her, before thrusting her arms between her legs and lifting her up to hold the confused chicken in front of her with legs spread wide, giving Binx a clear view of her pussy. Before Greta could voice a protest, Unta leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Greta, I've wanted to watch Binx fuck you since the day we met, is there any chance you'd be willing to indulge my little fantasy?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"The chief guy fed me some weird shit, but the joke's on him. Should've known you can't break ol' Melanie with a few pills and medipens, because I look awesome now! We'll catch up later, but I missed you all so much gang." She hugs them right back, turning to survey the situation with Busco. "Do you all have your weapons? We can fight off the front line and make a break for the copper village." She turned to the otter and bee girl too. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. You don't have to stay and fight if you don't want to. Make a break for it down that tunnel, and ask the chief you find in the village where the door out of here is. Trust me, you won't want to stick around here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx could only stare at Greta's pussy while it was on full display while Greta blushed heavily.

Greta: "I... yes... I can do that for you... but what about you dear?"

Binx: She smiles and focues on her cock, caping it out at her smallest size of a foot long and 2 inches thick "you want to do the honors and bring her down here Unta?" She said while patting her cock.

Korlish: "We don't have to worry about this... Busco has been livid since he got to us, eager for another chance at the golds."

Samara: "Yea... I don't think he needs any help."

Walsh: "I call first round with Melanie later!"

Korlish: "Damn it! I was going to call that!"

Meanwhile, Busco is going... HOG WILD... on the gold ants. Tossing them this way and that while smacking them around with his huge hammer. They honestly don't stand a chance against the enraged pig. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"What do you think, Greta? Is that as big as you can handle, or did you ever try getting a little friendly with those horses back on your farm?" asked Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta nods "I... I can take the next size up with a bit of effort."

Binx: Her eyes widen and her cock grows again, reaching 24 long and 6 thick "You sure?"

Greta: "Yes... but I want unta to push me on.... make your fantasy come true girl... impale me on that cock!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta wasted no time, positioning Greta over Binx and lining her hole up with the tip of the giant pecker. slowly, she eased Greta down until the head of Binx' cock had just barely slipped in, before lowering her legs and letting her stand there. Standing up, she gently placed her hands on Greta's shoulders. "Take a deep breath now." With a firm push, she forced Greta down onto the cock, stopping when she was halfway down.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was so surprised by Melanie the ants and everything that she could only just go along with her during the whole scary encounter. She grabbed onto Wendy once more after they found all of Melanie's gang. it was at that point that Umi got a look at Melanie's now super long cock and balls to witch she was awestruck by. she turned away embarrassed not ready to see such a sight.

After Melanie told them about the copper village and that they should head there. "Um...ok... sure... thanks for the help b-back there." Umi said with a deep blush as she tried to not look all over Melanie's changed naked body.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Now now, no need to call dibs. There's plenty to go around," Melanie snickered, too caught up in the banter with her gang to immediately notice that the bee girl was speaking, as she threw back to her words from the very first time they met. "And these! Look at these tits! They make nectar, real-ass nectar! My cum tastes like peppermint now too! Who knew I could be so delicious?" She said giddily, sitting back and watching the gold ants fly. For a moment, she wished she had some popcorn to go along with the feature-film that was going on before her, and she nudged her team in their sides as she jokingly commentated over the spectacle. "And the daring Busco Tuskwrite takes the fight to the hierarchy. Viva la revolution! Viva la revolution! Oh- uh..." she caught sight of the otter and bee gal again. "I'm Melanie, and this is Korlish, Samara, and Walsh," with each introduction, she patted them on their heads, "and the tough guy over there is Busco. Sorry, this is probably a bit of a clusterfuck to just suddenly walk into, but what're your names?"
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Yeah it is awful, but life is not easy and full of sex. I prefer my planet even if it full of lie and stab in the back. How was your home planet?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx: She moans in bliss as her horse cock sinks further and further into Greta's cunt. "Oh gods! She is so tight! She is squeezing me so much!

Greta: With groans and gasps of bliss, she sinks lower and lower onto the offered horse cock, the massive meat disappearing into her pussy. After Unta stops pushing, she just lowers herself down, wanting more of the huge cock inside of her. "Yes! Give it to me girl!"

Binx: She grabs Greta's hips and without warning starts pounding into her cunt from below, her big balls slapping around with her motions.

The otter girl smiles at Melanie "Well... I am Wendy and this with me is Umi. This is certianly a lot to come into... but you seem to be alright sorts and I can't see for shit down here... think you could lead us there once you friend is finished venting?

Walsh: "Peppermint? Really? I may just have to have first go at that bit then..."

Korlish: "Fine, I will clean out her pussy yet again with my cum."

Samara: "Have you two completely forgotten that she make nectar with her breasts? Fine... more for me!"

"My planet was boring. It was nothing but humans, doing human things like work and construction and god knows what else. While I was scared at first... this place turned out to be pretty awesome... if you learn to live with the occasional rape and forced changes."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Occasional rape and forced change seems rather awful if you ask me, it's your choice after all... Could we stop soon, I am starting to be hungry and thirsty?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta just sits back and enjoys the show, her tail her tail casually sliding up and down her slit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's eyes shifted around to look at the others, It seemed that Melanie had quite the posse and Umi soon became quite aware of her stark nudity and she was soon hiding behind Wendy. "Dammit.... T-They have some clothes at this village your talking about right?" Umi asked with an extremely embarrassed look on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh it isn't so bad. You can always find something else to change you again and the rape can be fun at times... if you are on top. Any way, we can stop up ahead." She leads her into a small clearing and turns around to face her "Alright, you can rest here, I will go and find you something to eat. Remember... DON'T follow the lights." She smiles and walks away, leaving Elmyra alone.

Binx and Greta are really going at it by this point. Binx has Greta on her back while she humps her like a bunny possessed, her hips a blur of movement while lewd wet noises come from between them. Unta can see the outline of her huge cock through Greta's body as she takes something far too big for her to normally take... but her magic lets it happen. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Uh... not unless you count chitin. But hey, if you got it, and you do got it, flaunt it girl! We can lead you to the village right after, these tunnels are a maze anyways." Melanie nodded decisively, catching onto Umi's blush with a smirk, before gleefully talking to the team again. "We can get get Ravindra in on our "session" for a proper goodbye, if you know what I mean. Wendy, you and your friend Umi are welcome to join in too!" She wiggled her eyebrows at the modest-mannered bee gal, flicking her gaze down to her own cock and then back to the zil's face suggestively, before being struck with one of her ideas. "Guys! Let's set up a trap for when the chief comes in! We can roll a boulder out in front of him when he steps in, or rig up something else. If or when he does, let's try and make him land in the water, and then we can do whatever from there."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"You already told me this before" Elmyra decided to sit on a rock and look at the flower around her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish: "As much fun as that would be... let's just get out of here."

Samara: "Yea, we already have you back... we should not push our luck."

Busco: He comes back over, leaving a pile of beaten ants behind him "That... felt... really good. Welcome back Melanie!"

Wendy: "Oh my! Already inviting us to join in your little group sex huh?"

Walsh: "Yea... that is just how she rolls. First day we met her and she was asking for double penetration..."

As Elmyra sits there looking at the flowers, she notices one that stands out more than the others. It is a bright orange color with a big green stamen in the middle of it. It stands taller and bigger than all the others in the field.