Kineticist and Broken Psi Amp


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Now that Kineticists are a part of the game, is there a possibility to fix the Broken Psi Amp as a possible way to get, maybe an accessory that could boost your psychic power damage or something? It's been sitting around in my key inventory, and it seems perfect a time as any to integrate that into the game :D

For those that are unfamiliar, it's an item you get
when you answer Zaalt's distress call, escort him to Uveto and you interrupt Kara during the exchange.

For such a convoluted specific path to get it from an optional quest, it would be cool to have something strong and shiny to show for it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Last I heard, the devs were still deciding what to do with it.

I see two possibilities:
1. It's powerful, because of what you have to do to get it.
2. It's weak, because of what you have to do to get it. (They don't want that specific path to be mandatory.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I personally think it should be powerful, because of what you have to do to get it! I mean, it is mutually exclusive with the Uveto AI Cores in how you can obtain it, and the only thing you can do with those now are handing them over to Anyxine for a quick unique scene, but doesn't really serve a useful purpose right now that I'm aware of. It would be cool if the AI Cores help Tech builds and Psi Amp helps Kineticist builds. Speaking of AI Cores though, does Hand So’s Data Bead count as one? Is there any use for that yet?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
There's also the question of what, if anything, it would do for non-Kineticists.

Hand-So's Data Bead is pretty much abandoned. It took so long to implement Ships that the author (Nonesuch) started his own game to explore some of the ideas he had. Which is now abandoned itself (the programmer couldn't continue).


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
True, fair point! Maybe just have basic attacks deal extra psychic damage? That would make it useable for everyone, but doesn't seem all that strong. It would be cool if there's different options on what to do with it. Maybe take it to Doctor Badger to fix it allows you to get a way to do psychic lust attacks but at the cost of lowering your intelligence or raising your minimum lust or libido when worn. Sounds like something up her alley!

As for Hand-So's Data Bead, that's unfortunate to hear. A ship AI would be nice to have! If it's possible to expand on content other authors have abandoned, I might give a try at it eventually.