Kai's not getting the healer abilities


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
So a friend of mine's been playing the game and maxed Kai in Acolyte and now has him at level 4 in both Scholar and Mage. He then promoted Kai to Healer to level 4, but hasn't gotten any of the skills associated to it for some reason. Right now, Kai's job skills are the acolyte ones (Heal and Cleanse) and he hasn't gotten Detox either, which he should have, according to the wiki.

Is this a problem from the latest build, something in his version of the game, or something else? If it helps, he's playing the online/web version.

Of course my first post is going to be a debug request. Of course. Ffff... Thank you for everything, Alder, and sorry;;;
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FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
This is as intended. Healer is a bit barebones atm. The class skills for it are Heal and Cleanse, as noted. The Detox spell (and similar single status effect heals) have been removed from the game and replaced with the three spells Cleanse, Dispel and Purify (dealing with physical, magical and lust-based debuffs respectively). The change is relatively recent, so the wiki is most likely not updated on it.