Just a thought


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Paige is blind and has a companion to help her see and do things.
Vanae are naturally blind, but use other senses to hunt and move about.

There's a market for the Vanae to get Companion drones so that they can go out off of Mhen'ga.

Offers player a chance to get a Vanae Companion, get her temp work at the nursery while she learns her cyber implant and synchs so she can effectively "SEE" - should cost player a bit of credits. Same as it did Paige. Maybe more since it's an unknown race on a Rush planet that's not part of any known intergallatic group.

Steele could convince her company that this is a new opportunity and either open the market herself after Mhen'ga is pacified (zil problems fixed...maybe ant queen moved in too? Probably not the latter) and has encountered enough Vanae to figure this out (ie intel 80%?) or prompted idea after a visit with Paige and telling her about Mhen'ga...and paige could suggest that if they are blind they could maybe use the same tech she is. If it's compatible. (ditz would know they have orgasms the same way at least and can have your babies).

If route 1 - chance to have a Vanae baby in Nursery if virgin has had sex with Steele. if route #2 w/paige maybe not...steele would have to seek a Vanae shaman or something first?

But if Steele figures this out, she has option of telling her corp and hope they back her (and maybe pay her back for initial outlay for gear for her Vanae Friend) or selling idea for a quick payout to the company that makes the devices that Paige uses to basically see and sense world.

If Sheka is aboard she might be able to figure things out...but would want to talk to a biologist or doctor and examine the Vanae patient herself too... Shekananigans maybe happen too? prod prod...especially if Sheka has a dick now...Vanae milk might KO her for a day too though.

Younger Vanae maybe because not fully mature and can grow into cybertech and grow in skill/use with it as they mature.

Might require bioscans of several and samples plus of other Mhen'ga materiel and DNA too so that comparisons can be made for tech compatibility.

A new market quest could be simple, but could also be intricate depending on writer and if Fen and Co approve of idea.

Hell it doesn't even have to be anything I came up with here. Could be just like other business opportunities that befall Steele.

Finding a rep to try to find something Vanae can trade w/steele or other companies would be important so that Vanae have concept of money. (Zill learn don't they? At least queen does as do the Zil in town seem to learn and use also, neh?) Trade might require other corporations at least in finding use or markets for stuff.

The saps - Sara would likely know because she deals in illegal mods all the time. And there's that certain belly rub loving bat/dragon on the ant world that deals in plant biologicals too. Right?

Mangos. If the Vanae can brew something with zil honey with those. Good seller.
Or Mhen'ga mango perfume or venus bloom perfume or medical bark /roots ... skysap...

If Steele is ever going to prove that they are the rightful heir to ST, she not only need to win the drone contest, but also prove she's an business asset. Having made money and opened new markets to a company that's only been known for mining so far...well now, that's a huge bonus should ever Steele need to deal with the board and whom ever her rival has bribed seduced or blackmailed into supporting them over Steele's child.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
posted in wrong area...will move to Ideas you might like to see...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
1. Are you going to write this?
2. Some points are basically a copy-paste from the things that already ingame (like Vanae with cyber-eyes)
3. Looks too ambitious, but again, if you're going to write this yourself - it's up to you to make it live.