Just a few ideas I think would improve the world ^_^

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Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
Just naming a few things I can think of that I think, would vastly improve gameplay.  
I think my biggest wants/creative ideas from playing this game would be:

-A bigger crew.  To be able to take along a few extra characters on your travels.  Like Gianna, or more biological lovers as most are artificial.  

-Allowed a second party member, perhaps.

-To be able to impregnate more to gain offspring, not always be impregnated.

-Perhaps incest/loli scenes with offspring

-Loli scene or two in general like Xadera's Nimin Fetish Fantasy and FoE had that "loli" catgirl.  Really cute.  Or at least some manner of Loli-like aliens of some kind

-Reaha's vaginal option disappeared after you bought her, maybe reopen that possibility after certain level of relationship points

-Items to shrink and grow cock at will to experience certain scenes with certain characters with large/small pussies/asses/holes.

-More space battles/rescue ops

-A cure to "Gush" and "Throbb"/addiction/ongoing statuses in general (re-buy value and variety of choice)

-Battle uses for certain appendages like wings/tails/claws/fangs/tentacle hair

-Access to (Perhaps even sub-quests for) the other 2 Myr Queens other than Irellia.

-More funny/silly scenes/options with "Vi" and such few innocuous characters

-Ongoing relationship with "Queen of the Deep", perhaps depending on choices made  (1 appearance the whole game?  cmoon..  :p  lol)   

-Perhaps a jail or prison to "visit" some of the characters you put away such as pirates and the like

-Size fetish, maybe tiny aliens/giants/giantesses

-Perhaps more power/influence over "conquered" worlds

-You gain that advanced AI android you can equip with several accessories which is awesome, a truly amazing idea, but she has no uses in battle, nor her accessories have no mention in sexual scenes.   I think that is a huge disappointment as she gets to equip armor and a katana but has no way to put them to use or show off her enormous potential as a character/sidekick/lover.

-Orgy gathering/BDSM orgy location

-Some people are into feet for some reason lol, maybe throw em a bone with a few footjob scenes or something creative?   (toe up the butt, toe sucking, feet around neck, idk)

-WE DEMAND MORE VIRGINS!   lolol   :p  

(   idk if I have any more ideas, ill edit?  ^_^;  )


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
-Will happen eventually.
-Sure, if you write the scenes for it.
-No, never.
-No, never.
-Sure, if you re-write it for crew status.
-Sure, if you write them.
-Sure, if you write them.
-Sure, if you write them.
-Probably not.
-Sure, if you write the scenes for them.
-Sure, if you write them.
-Sure, if you write it.
-Space prison is planned for the future.
-Sure, if you write the scenes for it.
-You ain't conquered shit.
-Nobody's gonna write a bunch of shit for Bess, she's a mess.
-Sure, if you write it.
-Sure, if you write it.
-No u

You may notice a pattern here. The Ideas section isn't a place for you to dump shit for other people to write; it's for you to refine and gain critique on your own ideas before you write and submit them.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
- Limited by written and coded content, both phases have substantial hurdles.  You're welcome to write a new companion if you want, but it needs to be of a certain quality standard to actually get in eventually

- Not.  Going.  To.  Happen.

- Again, limited to what is written (with quality) and coded.

- Pretty sure this is on the content blacklist

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- Doubt its gona get changed

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.


- This probably will happen eventually, but not for a long, long time.  You want it, you write it. . Or commission it.

- No.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- This will happen eventually.  Don't poke the devs over it unless you want it to be pushed to the bottom of the (vary long) qeue of stuff to get in. 

- Possibly could be a thing.  But pushing for it won't win any favors. 

- Fate of Men'gha by Nonesuch (At least, i think its Nonesuch who wrote it.  Sorry if i get author wrong)

- You must be new here.  The truth is everyone hates that droid.  You can write content that glows and farts rainbows, but it will never get coded because nobody will ever touch Bess' content.   Ever.  Except possibly to remove it. 

- There are already a number of orgy scenes hidden in TiTS

- There are already several of these. 

- No, we don't.  Shove your preconception you can speak for the rest of us. 

As Savin said, the ideas section is not a place to dump shit ideas.  Its a place to refine ideas, particularly ideas that you want to write or commission someone to write.  It is also a place to brainstorm, but this also carries the implication that the initial poster will write or commission it. 

Now, for a summery

  • Review the content blacklist
  • Poking the developers will never increase the chances of a piece of content getting into the game any sooner.  It can decrease the chances, depending on how you ask.
  • You want it, you write it, or commission it
  • Be content with what we already have
  • Support projects that you want to see actually get implemented
  • There will never be any new Bess content.  Ever.  This is not up for debate. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
-Reaha's vaginal option disappeared after you bought her, maybe reopen that possibility after certain level of relationship points

I spoke of some things in the other thread for some points you pointed out like the party system and the forbidden stuff (CoughthelolistuffCough) you brought up, but this point up above also caught my eye.

You CAN have vaginal sex with Reaha as you help her with her addiction therapy.
And I thought she lost all her vaginal scenes entirely after she was cured as well, but it appears you can have vaginal sex with her just by milking her after her addiction has been dealt with. I found this recently after curing her in my playthrough.

Also this

-You gain that advanced AI android you can equip with several accessories which is awesome, a truly amazing idea, but she has no uses in battle, nor her accessories have no mention in sexual scenes.   I think that is a huge disappointment as she gets to equip armor and a katana but has no way to put them to use or show off her enormous potential as a character/sidekick/lover.

Bess/Ben will never nor will ever be touched. They were an immense pain for coders with how much they have in terms of customization and how much they had going for them in general, so much of a pain in the ass to the point Gedan went insane. Take what you get, because they aren't getting expanded by anyone, ever, especially after their initial writer left the community... and even if that wasn't the case, I doubt they'd get more added to them anyways BECAUSE of them being said pain in the ass. >.>'
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Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
- Limited by written and coded content, both phases have substantial hurdles.  You're welcome to write a new companion if you want, but it needs to be of a certain quality standard to actually get in eventually

- Not.  Going.  To.  Happen.

- Again, limited to what is written (with quality) and coded.

- Pretty sure this is on the content blacklist

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- Doubt its gona get changed

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.


- This probably will happen eventually, but not for a long, long time.  You want it, you write it. . Or commission it.

- No.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- You want it, you write it.  Or commission it.

- This will happen eventually.  Don't poke the devs over it unless you want it to be pushed to the bottom of the (vary long) qeue of stuff to get in. 

- Possibly could be a thing.  But pushing for it won't win any favors. 

- Fate of Men'gha by Nonesuch (At least, i think its Nonesuch who wrote it.  Sorry if i get author wrong)

- You must be new here.  The truth is everyone hates that droid.  You can write content that glows and farts rainbows, but it will never get coded because nobody will ever touch Bess' content.   Ever.  Except possibly to remove it. 

- There are already a number of orgy scenes hidden in TiTS

- There are already several of these. 

- No, we don't.  Shove your preconception you can speak for the rest of us. 

As Savin said, the ideas section is not a place to dump shit ideas.  Its a place to refine ideas, particularly ideas that you want to write or commission someone to write.  It is also a place to brainstorm, but this also carries the implication that the initial poster will write or commission it. 

Now, for a summery

  • Review the content blacklist
  • Poking the developers will never increase the chances of a piece of content getting into the game any sooner.  It can decrease the chances, depending on how you ask.
  • You want it, you write it, or commission it
  • Be content with what we already have
  • Support projects that you want to see actually get implemented
  • There will never be any new Bess content.  Ever.  This is not up for debate. 

Hmmmm...   Well.   Aside from being a bit rude and short about the input, I AM actually a pretty talented writer myself.  But yes, I AM also new here and recognized talent and a passion for the work put in on this project and enjoyed the creative ideas put into this.  Perhaps I was mistaken and this is more a business than a passion.  In which case I understand why outside ideas and influence may be unwelcome.   But honestly, I "pushed" for nothing, only mentioned my ideas or thoughts about the game and how I thought it could be improved, my own opinion, of course.  I would have gladly have contributed and written something to test my prowess on smuttier things as most of my work is being done on working on personal projects such as novels I wish to complete, but tbh, the way the people working on this project come off about someone merely sharing a brainstorm, I dont think it would be a pleasurable experience.  I know nothing of coding, but I do write quite well.   If I were to have written anything it would have had to have been for a friendlier bunch and more open to a new guy throwing an idea or two out there in an attempt to help out.   I understand that you all probably get more than one submission of ideas, but if I were the writer or working on the project, I would be thankful for each submission, even the "shit ideas" you say some people throw in.   It may give me ideas.  But now that I know ideas arent really welcome, I wont be throwing any more out there.   Ive learned my lesson and will simply keep my mouth shut so I cause no more issues I suppose, and apologize for attempting it.    I will simply enjoy what this is and not bother imagining anything else for it unless I want my own game, which is unlikely.  Lesson learned.    And a huge thank you to those that were actually helpful, positive and responsive to my ideas and questions like Emerald, (Thank you!).  You are the real MVP's!   ^_^   And as to not come off too snarky or ungrateful, thank you to the team that work so hard on this as well.   A truly great piece of work so far.   I very much mean it.
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Jul 11, 2016
If I were to have written anything it would have had to have been for a friendlier bunch and more open to a new guy throwing an idea or two out there in an attempt to help out.


I think the problem is you named off a bunch of things that've been thrown up and shot down multiple times, so every time someone sees an idea thread about it they sort of roll their eyes. So yeah, just gotta beat those ideas outta ya nice and quick. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I think Savin was "rude" because these topics have been covered numerous times.

1.The amount of times "No loli/shota" has been covered in the relatively brief time I've been here has been staggering. If you mean a petite person then say that, loli/shota implies underage.

2. Write it you want is kind of doctrine at this point.

3. Lots, and I mean most of this has been covered before.

I understand if you want to give ideas (I've done similar things) but please check if its been covered and check the rules, loli and shota are talked about there.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
-Probably, eventually
-Write it
-Jesus no
-Loli does not exist in the TITS universe as far as anyone's concerned
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Probably not
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it
-Write it

It should be noted that most people here don't take requests, people do commissions, or add on to their own projects, but for the most part, there aren't any freebies, hence the "write it"

Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
Haha...  well.   I think I would honestly be safer not mentioning anything else at this point.   lol    And it was not so much Savin as others, Savin was pretty much just straight to the point... just throwing that out there.   But no...in all honesty, I joined only recently, and people have been incredibly helpful so far until I attempted throwing ideas in.   This is not my project nor are my ideas welcome because as you said, many have attempted this before apparently and the creators seem tired of it.  So I no longer will.   That simple.   No hard feelings, this is the internet after all...  Just wrote what I feel about it.  It is what it is.   And I really mean it when I said this really is a magnificent piece of work and there is real talent here.   But as I am unwilling to make my own game or anything of the sort as of yet, I can understand why if ideas were heard of many times why they would be unwelcome, meaning any more I may have would be equally as dismissed.   It seems they have an idea and direction and people throwing in their ideas is more an annoyance now than anything so it would be better to simply enjoy whatever they create I suppose. ^_^  ...
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
My response was probably the most hostile of the lot.  I apologize for that.  What really irked me about the list you presented is that everything was either blacklisted, already being done by someone else (some of these i really want to see in game but are unlikely to get implemented in the near future, particularly  in the companions department), or would have no practical chance of actually going anywhere.  The Bess mention, in particular, drew a lot of hostility out of me.  Its up there with psionics with stuff thats been asked for a million times, that always end badly. 

My advice: poke around on the forums a bit before you go anywhere with an idea.  If you can get a more specific idea of what is already in the works, what to and not to write, and what nobody has attempted so far then you'll be in a lot better place for making an idea into something that could eventually get in.  A lot of the best threads on the Ideas forum are brainstorm threads for developing specific ideas.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I would also like to apologise if I was hostile. I really do believe that this forum is a really good place to express creativity and such.

The unfortunate reality is that there are a few "sensitive" subjects and bring the worst out of us


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The unfortunate reality is that there are a few "sensitive" subjects and bring the worst out of us

Bess, Psionics, additional permanent party members, additional PCs, poking the devs (don't annoy them.  Especially Gedan), in-battle use for transformations (pheromones are pretty much the limit of whats allowed), forced transformations, Dr. Badger, the civil structure of New Texas

We really should have a warning sticky.  Thou shalt not speak of these...
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Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
My response was probably the most hostile of the lot.  I apologize for that.  What really irked me about the list you presented is that everything was either blacklisted, already being done by someone else (some of these i support but are unlikely to get implemented in the near future), or would have no practical chance of actually going anywhere.  The Bess mention, in particular, drew a lot of hostility out of me.  Its up there with psionics with stuff thats been asked for a million times, that always end badly. 

My advice: poke around on the forums a bit before you go anywhere with an idea.  If you can get a more specific idea of what nobody has touched, what is already in the works, what to and not to write, then you'll be in a lot better place for making an idea into something that could eventually get in.  A lot of the best threads on the Ideas forum are brainstorm threads for developing an idea.

I understand your perception...and apology accepted.  Thank you.   Takes a good person to realize such things.   But no harm done, as I said this is the internet you cant click two pages without someone being dicks, rude or aggressive.  I am no exception in some cases.   That being said....I am, again, new.   I have not the time to spend looking at each post on these forums, as there are literally thousands.    As far as what is "blacklisted", I had no idea.   I honestly didnt know the idea of loli/shota would "urk" so many as it is pretty popular now.   But it seems to have gathered quite a large amount of hate by those working on or close to the project Ive noticed.   I myself enjoy a few stories with such implements.   People tend to associate loli culture with pedophile tendencies.   I can understand that perception as well, but with many it simply isnt true, and that is what "urks" many in that fetish as well.    Liking lolicon is a such a cool thing in my opinion, simply because it allows us to live or relive certain relationships of the past that would be impossible in the real world or in the present time, location, state of mind/being, body, age, ect..  It is, still fantasy, of course since it is always in artistic, or literary form.   Here is the main difference, as far as many have seen, and I happen to agree.

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Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
And sorry to any I offended by bringing up these ideas, but know that it really was in interest in helping and seeing some new awesome thing implemented as far as I wanted to see...  if any felt the same, then awesome...if not..  then hey...it was just an idea.   

Wow. I just poked my head in here. I feel really bad after reading this. This was... just needlessly brutal. :eek:hdear:  

The thing I think a lot of y'all are missing here: Savin covered it. We were done. We didn't need everyone else to jump in and just repeatedly hammer the exact same points into the dirt. Savin posted literally 3 hours before the next person came in and decided to lay the smackdown. This thread was done with before it even really began.

@Angel Avalon: I'm very sorry your ideas attracted so much vitriol. It's a simple fact that a lot of your ideas are either unworkable or infeasible, but you offered them in a pretty amiable way, and I can tell you weren't trying to cause any trouble. Reading some of the stickied rules posts to better understand what kind of content isn't allowed in TITS and/or looking around to see if other people had suggested similar things would have helped you, and I hope that's a lesson learned, but I'm sorry it came in such a harsh, unforgiving way... >_>

And thank you Mysterious....    means alot.   And yes...it appears as though I have learned my lesson....   My opinions are just that though...  Thank you for noticing my intent.   Also means much.    But, I shall stick to the shadows from now and read what and when I can.    Or just stick to playing the game...   ha...  ^_^;...

Angel Avalon

Oct 11, 2016
Well, that's your choice to make, but I hope you don't write off the forum entirely. I can't really blame you if you do, though. If I'd showed up and received what was basically the equivalent of a gang beating out of fucking nowhere, I'd probably limp away and never come back...

Meh...  Im pretty sure Ill still pop up here and there with something weird or silly.   ^_^;..   ha..   Guess I gotta get used to the prison rules here first though...  haha...   *stands up straight with a wince*   .......And......I never....limp.     *walks slowly away with chest puffing out, forgetting to breathe every now again until out of sight, finally able to crumble into a mess where no one can see*


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Wow. I just poked my head in here. I feel really bad after reading this. This was... just needlessly brutal. :eek:hdear:  

The thing I think a lot of y'all are missing here: Savin covered it. We were done. We didn't need everyone else to jump in and just repeatedly hammer the exact same points into the dirt. Savin posted literally 3 hours before the next person came in and decided to lay the smackdown. This thread was done with before it even really began.

And unlike Savin, the people who jumped in on said smackdown aren't the ones that have to deal with th contente requests and demands on a regural basis. 

Never thought that I'll see such a pure example of the Five Monkeys Experiment performed by people on this forum.

Still, in the end, the peace got restored, apologies were excepted, OP didn't get driven away from the forum and you stepping in showed that some forum users can remain welcoming and kind in the face of people bringing up the ideas that had already been discussed ad nauseam or go against the ToS.
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