Jstar's Treasure Trove


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Hi all

I know everyone have their own pref to finish the knot cave but I'm block in a dilemma.

I finish the knot cave but i'm not satisfy because a cannot choose what I want.

1) Honestly I'm not like Olivia she truly monstrous with there subject in the dungeon but I don't know if that change in the wayfort, I hope, so I have difficult to choose beat her or help. I'm not dom, only if I must choose, I like 50/50 relation where all find satisfaction.

2) I think Tharsus is a bastard and I betrayed him in other save because i think in the end male lupine can make problem in future content (or not, I'm not sure). So I choose too change them in female but i think is... not a bad decision because it's a fine punishment for what they've done to the poeple but is a little bit much I think. and I lost Olivia content in that way.

So that's my question: It's more interresting to change Asgeïr in female, with the other lupine male and lost Olivia content or keep Olivia with Asgéir in male form?

I try find the best way for my save because I search a "loyal and friendly (not "care bear" friendship but more respectfull and good relation or a good love relation)" ending, the best ending with lupine and a good deal for my Herma PG ( I see my hero like a 50/50 or dome hero if she must take the lead and she's not sub).

Personaly I think punish Asgéir and morph them in female is a good ending after I betrayed Tharsus. but I'm not sure is the best choice. so what is the best way? (not pure or corrupt but the best way).

Thanks for your answers and your patience^^.
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