Journey to the North (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The stable hand gives Odrosa a sympathetic smile, keeping his own voice casual to avoid embarrassing her.

''Here miss, let me give you a hand.....''

Through a bit of trial and error (Odrosa is quite a bit taller than him after all), he slowly guides her on to her steed. It leaves out a soft neigh, the stable hand running his hand through its mane.

''There you are miss, nothing to it! Liara here is used to handling beginners, many a noble lad or lass has earned their jodpurs on her back!''

He pats Liara lightly on the side, the horse grunting slightly at that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will nod to the stable hand before glancing over to see how Orestina and Odrosa were doing. Seeing Odrosa's awkwardness he'll chuckle before turning back to his own steed. Glancing to the stirrups he'll brace a foot into one of them before pausing and glancing at the steed, double checking to make sure the horse hadn't been startled. As a moment passes and the steed remains calm he'll take a breath before pulling and leaping up, reflexively closing his eyes as swung himself up. As he feels his rear meet saddle Z'ar reopens his eyes. He had done it!- backwards. He had seated himself in reverse. Laughing awkwardly he'll spin himself right way around, facing forward.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina watched the others saddle up, noting the well-practiced motions of Sir Alec, the momentary hesitation from Odrosa and having to suppress a fit of giggles as Z'ar successfully mounted his steed... in reverse, before he corrected himself. Taking a moment to calm herself, she then slowly approached the remaining horse's side with a murmured "Heey there, let's get along with each other huh?"

Running a reassuring hand down it's shoulder and flank, she set to work on the straps and buckles, letting her time tending the horses of some of the more far-traveled rangers guide her hands. Satisfied with her work she set about climbing into the saddle before having to take a moment to right herself after over-correcting and nearly ending up flat on her back on the animal's opposite side.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Having mounted your horses, a few moments later the chamberlain arrives with servants in tow, each carrying the items three of you requested. Handing them to each of you in turn, he nods in satisfaction as the servants tie what can't be carried to your mounts.

''There you are, that should be everything. Now, if you will excuse me I shall take my leave. May the gods bless you on your journey.''

He and the servants hurry briskly off, the stable hand chiming in too with a cheeky grin and a wink.

''Its a lovely day for it, lets hope the weather holds! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!''

Chuckling, he waves goodbye and tends to his other duties, his flippancy revealing just how little he knows of what awaits you ahead.

The journey is a mild and pleasant one, the sun shining down on you as you make your way past the outskirts of the city. Sprawling noble estates (impressive but still dwarfed by Genis in both size and splendour) eventually give way to rolling fields and peasant cottages made of simple stone. Soon however it is just you four, rolling green hills and the sound of birdsong.

After a few hours ride, the sun begins to set, bathing the world in hues of red and orange. Deciding now would be the perfect time to make camp for the night, you eventually find a copse of woods surrounding an open patch of ground. Not the most comfortable spot in the world, but defensible at least. You still have plenty of time to light a fire and pitch tents before night arrives.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec privately questioned the necessity of stopping. To his eye, the if weather was good and the road was visible, then they could easily have ridden straight through the night with only a few breaks for the horses to catch their breath. But then, he was used to that sort of travel. The others... Orestina (as he’d learned the half-elf’s name was) looked able enough with her ranger training, but the other two were plainly unused to horseback, let alone staying awake for more than one day at a time.

As the four of them set up their camp for the night, Alec posed a question to the others:

“I have been meaning to ask, now that we are all committed: how much experience do you all have with this sort of mission? Have you ever hunted down a rogue wizard, or anything else of a similar nature before?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Pulling the steed to a stop Z'ar will awkwardly swing himself off the side, landing in a low crouch and thud. Brushing himself off he'll stand and glance around at the clearing, beginning to scoop up twigs and branches for firewood.

Never something this important nor long term I'm afraid. Most such people I've chased down were much more on the spot."

Bundle of wood in hand he'll toss it into a pile near the center of the clearing. Taking one of the sticks he'll begin to spin it back a forth rapidly between his palms, fast enough for a low whine to fill the air. Seconds later smoke begins to fill the air as the bundle of wood begins to burn.

"You? I take it you've been in service for quite some time. Ever been wizard hunting?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Most of the mages I faced were on various battlefields, but I have had a couple targeted pursuits like this over the years. Usually it was limited to my brothers in the Order, but on occaision I would end up partied with outsiders against some dangerous, high-profile outlaw."

He sat down by the fledgling campfire and placed his helmet at his side. He idly scratched at his beard for a moment while he thought about what else he could say on the matter without boring them.

“But like you say, those were often on-the-spot missions against some regional menace. Maybe you'd have to cross a border or two if they were especially quick, but it was never some lengthy expedition across half the known world. In that regard, this one feels more like going on crusade."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will nod as he stands and begins to step around the clearing, stamping his feet and sweeping his tail across the ground behind him to flatten the earth some.

"Is there anything in particular we need to be concerned about? Being turn into a toad or inside out?"

Unfurling a bedroll he'll lay it out on part of the newly smoothed over ground before e pausing and tilting his head back to Odrosa.

"I suppose I should be asking you that since you knew the man personally."
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Well-Known Member
Odrosa shook her head, intently listening to Sir Alec's account of his experiences. Her ears fluttered here and there as she began trying to set up her tent, letting it be known she was paying attention to the conversation even if her eyes were elsewhere. Surely Orestina was too. A boon elves shared despite the difference in species; sharp auditory perception.

"In all sincerity, I don't have much of any experience on the field. My time was spent in study, with fa- Zolon, most days."

Before the true usefulness of her skills could be put into question, Odrosa spoke up again, less timidly than before. Joining the others at the budding campfire and outstretching her hands for a little warmth as she did.

"While Zolon is capable of such, magic can be horribly taxing on the caster both mentally and physically. He's very powerful, with more mana, er, magical stamina than average. But the stronger the spell, the more it takes. Both in time and exchange. It would take him too long to cast a spell like that, leaving him open, so I doubt he would attempt so. Distance is a factor as well, so he can't really target us from afar, only able to utilize certain rituals. So the most worrisome thing would be his destructive feats, not transmutation nor body inversion. From what he taught me, and what I read."

Grasping the amount of magical gab she threw out in response to their questions, Odrosa gave a sharp cough. Somewhat flustered.

"Apologies if that was too much. I- I hope the information helps."

The Drow awkwardly chuckled. Turning to the other elf for a moment to distract herself.

"What about you? Any experience with mages?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Following along with the conversation as she worked a particularly stubborn tent peg into staying, Orestina paused when the Drow addressed her. "Uhhh... can't really say so no" she responded, scuffing a foot against the dirt. "I've helped track down people who went missing in the forests or mountains but they were never mages... or if they were they never did anything to show it."

"Unless things like the tricks street performers count as magic, I can't really recall having ever even seen someone use magic" she concluded, giving the peg a final kick before joining the others at the fire. "I suppose it's a good thing the main thing we need to worry about facing him is only him blowing us up or zapping us with lightning, not waving his hands and having us live out the rest of our days croaking and eating flies in a bog somewhere" She added with a mischievous grin, trying to add some admittedly sarcastic humor to what had otherwise been a very serious day.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec frowned; not that he ever seemed to smile.

Odrosa's brief summary of basic spellcasting certainly matched with his own eyewitness experience, but he felt that she might be underselling her father's capabilities somewhat. Zolon Adair was reputedly one of the most powerful wizards in the known world, and while Alec didn't doubt that the man had taught Odrosa as much as he could...

"It's what he hasn't taught you that worries me..." he muttered quietly.

Out loud, he said: "I suppose we won't know for sure until we can catch up to him. We can speculate until sunrise if we want to, but ultimately we know about as much about Master Zolon as we do about the Book of Rosha."

And there was the other problem: what forbidden secrets could a scholar of Zolon's caliber gleam from just fragments of that heretical text? Alec didn't want to imagine. He put his helmet back on and lay back on his bedroll.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
With a yawn Z'ar will lean back onto his bedroll, leg resting on knee as he settles down by the fire. Despite Sir Alec's very reasonable concern he was wholly unbothered by the daunting task ahead. Like he said, no point in worrying about it until they actually caught up. Not to mention the group seemed more than up for the task.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. Between a crack tracker, experienced knight, a prodigal wizard, and myself we'll have probably nabbed this Zolon before months end."

Lazily he'll drag his tail across the ground, tip leaving circles subconsciously as it idles.

"Even asides that, he can't accomplish whatever he's seeking if we keep the other pieces of the book away from him no? If we get the piece from the Blood Hoofs we're set."

With a pause he'll glance up at the sky above with a chuckle, a recent memory flashing in his mind.

"Speaking of the hoofs, what was it the king said again? Fight hard and fuck harder? Do you think the hoofs are literal with that saying?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Concealed under his helmet, Sir Alec rolled his eyes. Of course someone would have to bring up that part of the briefing...

"Almost certainly," he said without enthusiasm, not even sitting up to reply. "Among their own, at least. In my own experiences dealing with beastmen such as centaurs, nearly all of them have been like that: pugnacious, vulgar. Unrepentant. I have no reason to doubt Maxim's assessment of them."

The knight folded his arms disapprovingly. "We won't get along, is all I will say."


Well-Known Member
She smiled back at Orestina, appreciating her spot of humor to lighten up the mood, giggling. The serious things could come tomorrow, all they needed to do now was stay on their toes if anything before the sun came up with serious responsibility.

"Personally, if worse comes to worst, I still think we'd all be pretty fetching toads, if I do say so myself."

Though Odrosa tried not to show it, laying over on the dark, cool earth and staring into the dreary sky...Sir Alec's words did bother her some, ever so slightly. She didn't know him well enough to assume a dislike for non-humans, but that earlier pointed look in her direction and the presumption about the centaurs (even based on experience) made her smile dim a little.

It was still much too early to tell; perhaps he was right and she was paranoid and naive in her thoughts about a culture and species she only read about. Everyone hardly knew each other, nor their experiences that led them to feel the ways they did.

They were called 'Blood' Hoofs. He probably wasn't far off.

There was no use getting torn up over the thought. All she could truly do was silently hope everyone would get on well despite any previous encounters. And get a good nights rest. Turning to Z'ar with a little grin.

"Don't know. Though on any score that isn't fighting, I don't think I and a centaur are...physically compatible. Even if I am a tad elevated for an elf. Plus I have a preference for more Promethean types. Maybe if one of them is a poet and pulls out some roses I just might swoon."

The joking thought amused Odrosa. Hell, even if there was a rare Blood Hoof poet she damn well knew she would be too flustered to say as much of a 'hello' than set up a date.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Feeling her face grow warmer at the question, Orestina only hoped any of the others that looked at her simply thought it was her being too close to the fire. "I'm all for the fighting part though..." she trailed off, her blush practically creeping to the tips of her ears "if the other half is true I'd be afraid that I'd break in two."

Listening to Sir Alec, she couldn't help but frown at his words. "Well for all our sakes, I hope we can at least pretend" she retorted, barely resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at the knight. "Well I'm gonna go take first watch, anyone want me to wake them in a few hours to take over?" She airily said, getting to her feet, before striding over to gather up her bow and a handful of arrows.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Sir Alec's disapproval apparent, Z'ar sides eye him as he shifts to make himself more comfortable. He had gotten an inkling of the Knight's distain for beastfolk and non-humans back during the audience with the king, a distain he was all too familiar with. This though seemed to be something more... personal.

"Orestina is right. Whatever hate you might harbour for them we need to retrieve their piece of the book. That will be easier if you keep your distain in check."

Hearing Odrosa reply Z'ar will turn back and chuckle. After how tense and worried she had been during the briefing with the king it was good to see that she had relaxed some.

"Poetry and roses... Those are surprisingly traditional tastes."

He lazily raises his arm at Orestina question accepting the offer for the next watch, though as he glances over and notices her blush he'll grin.

"I'll do it. Make sure to wake me before any Bloodhoofs sweep by and steal you away."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The night passes uneventfully, the silence broken only by the occasional hoot of a lone owl. When the sun rises, it bathes the clearing in an orange glow, the life that inhabits the woods coming back to life along with the rest of you. Breakfast is a simple affair, a bowl of porridge and some water, but it is filling nonetheless. As soon as you douse what little remains of your fire from the night before you set off once more, the day as mild and welcoming as the one before, although with a slight breeze.

Your journey is equally pleasant, the forest growing thicker to the side of you as you make your way down a seldom used country road. Soon however, something in the air changes and you get the feeling that you're being watched. Sir Alec and Orestina catch it first but Odrosa and Z'ar quickly notice it too. A light rustling in the undergrowth, the sounds of furtive movement, even the occasional glint of something shiny in the noonday sun. Whoever is in there is clearly making some effort to go unnoticed, but its not enough. A more obvious planned ambush is difficult to imagine but you do have at least a moment or two to brace yourselves before its launched.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Not two days out of Flavia and already we seem to have hit bandits. You'd think His Majesty could afford better patrols...

Exasperated, Sir Alec's hand slowly crept toward his blade, while his eye searched around for any signs of traps. He hadn't survived twenty-five years as a knight errant by being complacent. Sometimes even desperate highwaymen got lucky.

"Ready yourselves," he whispered softly, "I wouldn't expect a 'Stand and deliver!' from this group, whoever they are."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina's ears twitched at the rustling of the undergrowth and again at Sir Alec's whispered warning. Responding with the barest of nods, she slowly brought a hand to rest over an arrow waiting in a hip quiver, even as her other readied itself to whip her bow from her back at the slightest sign of movement.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Hearing the rustling and Sir Alec's warning Z'ar stands, crouching slightly as he tenses his arms, legs, and core ready to spring forward. Seeing Orestina and Alec already at the ready, and remembering Odrosa's comment on how magic could take some time, he steps slightly to the side to cover her to make sure whatever spell she would cast would remain uninterrupted.


Well-Known Member
Odrosa narrowed her eyes once she heard the crunch between the bramble, nodding at Sir Alec's alert and thankfully for Z'ar's cover as she focused, thinking on a particularly fitting spell. She didn't want to kill whatever could be hiding out of sight, not yet anyhow. There was no sign of whether it be beast or man and she wasn't ready to assume. Electricity hummed at her fingertips, chanting quietly under her breath as the blue bell-adorned branch at her side glowed with a faint purple light, channeling from her hands to her staff. Odrosa could feel the arcane sparks ready to burst.

It wouldn't kill, no, but it would hurt more than enough, and prove a rude awakening for whomever or whatever was dumb enough to approach them, readying her catalyst toward the undergrowth.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
An arrow suddenly lets loose from the bushes, whizzing past Sir Alec's head right before five of the most dishevelled bandits you've ever seen emerge, running headlong towards you with a bellowing war cry. All human and all male, the look like they haven't bathed in a month and they smell like it too. Their weapons are in slightly better condition, probably the only equipment they bother to maintain, but that's not saying much.

You get the feeling that these are probably not the most successful bandits in the world, given their shoddy appearance and equally shoddy tactics but they probably are enough for the average untrained traveller by virtue of numbers and moderate experience. Seeing the size of some of you and that you look like you can actually handle yourself gives them some small pause, but not enough as they get ready to attack, three moving towards Orestina, Sir Alec and Odrosa individually but taking on Z'ar two on one, assuming since he's the largest to take down it will be a two man job.

Let the battle begin!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
No hesitation.

Decades of experience took over. With the grace and flourish of a man who had done so a hundred times before, Sir Alec Durant drew his sword and raised it aloft once more. “For Trinia! For the Order!” he cried, and spurred his horse onward to meet the highwaymen’s charge.

Sir Alec had armor, training, and a very heavy steed. Momentum would carry him straight through the foes’ line, as his blade swung around in passing for a brief but impactful introduction to some poor bastard’s face.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The sheer force, both verbal and physical, of Sir Alec's attack takes the bandit by surprise, his attempt to dodge proving an abysmal failure due to the speed of the assault. His gurgling scream is quickly cut short, his face cut to ribbons and his head barely hanging on by a thread as his body crumples to the ground. A brutal and grizzly sight no doubt and judging by their mournful and furious cries, it has filled the other bandits with the fear of the gods, or at least of the knight who just slayed their companion.

Still, they refuse to give up, whether blinded by greed, lust for revenge, stupidity or some combination of the three, they fight on. One of the bandits facing Z'ar moves back, facing Sir Alec with a dagger in his hand and leaving his hapless friend to face his foe alone. This one seems slightly smarter than the others or at least a tad more cunning, taking a combat stance as he glares at the mounted warrior.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Seeing one of his assailants falter Z'ar's eyes will flash as he makes his move. Before the remaining attacker has even finished taking their stance he's taken a half step forward and launched a flurry of punches into him. As the bandit is knocked off his feet, before the blows can send him flying away Z'ar grabs him by the collar and hurls him effortless at the one who turned away.

I have to admit, this was brave. Though any profit you hope to make will be outweighed by the cost your injuries soon enough."

Glancing back to make sure Odrosa is fine, he steps forward to impose on the recently thrown bandit with a bemused expression on his face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Seeing the swift but brutal dispatching of one of the assailants by Sir Alec and hearing the sound of what she could only assume was Z'ar pummeling the pair who had charged him, Orestina quickly brought her bow to bear on her would-be assailant. Taking a scant moment to follow the man's movement, she would quickly aim and loose a pair of arrows towards his chest.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The bandit who Z'ar punches is taken by surprise to say the least, leaving out a serious of pained grunts that turn into a a dazed scream when he's thrown at his companion. The latter yelps in almost comical shock which turns into a groan of agony as he falls to the ground, pinned beneath his unconscious friend. Neither one of them will be in any condition to move any time soon, but they will still live, although they won't live well without proper healing.

The only one left conscious is the bandit Odrosa is facing, Orestina's arrows making short work of her own enemy as they pierce his chest. Blood wells up in his mouth as he stares down at the shafts sticking out of it, as if in complete disbelief that this has happened. He doesn't have much time to ponder it though as he soon collapses to his knees and then on his face, the life completely draining from his eyes as he does so.

Four down, one to go.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec wheeled his steed around for a second pass, though it almost seemed that he didn’t need to. Only seconds later, and the altercation was practically over. Two men lay dead on the ground, two more crumpled in a heap, and one poor sod still advancing on Odrosa, who held her staff at the ready.

As capable as the girl tried to appear, Alec had started to doubt if Odrosa really had it in her to inflict harm on another person. A dark elf with a timid disposition like hers was not something he’d ever expected to encounter, much less associate with. Still, it was not in Sir Alec’s nature to let a comrade fight alone, so he galloped back toward the rest of the party.

If it came to it, he could finish off the last of the bandits himself; even if it was just to spare the others from the effort.


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It had happened in what felt like a flash. Men jumping from the underbrush, two dead in two seconds flat, the first of bloodshed the Drow elf had ever seen in person from humanoid beings. She could only eye the corpses in shock for a split second, too focused on dodging the oncoming swing the bandit took at her, whipping out of his reach in a knack of time, silvery tresses slipping through his fingers. Aiming her staff at his now turned back the few metal bits of his armor caught her attention most. She was terrified, trembling, but steadied her breathing.

She had made on oath, and she would make good on it. If the girl couldn't even do this how was she supposed to be a match for her father?

"sorry," Odrosa whispered under her breath.

He had made his choice, you could only pity a person so much when they make an attempt for your life, desperate or not. She swallowed hard, an arc of blinding light shooting from her staff at Mach speed, an electric pulse sending sparks flying through the air and across the highwayman's poor choice of armor. Metal scraps abuzz with painful voltage.

While she didn't have it in her to kill him, he wouldn't be spared any scarring or agony. There was simply no way to avoid it, and the last thing she needed was to appear soft-hearted, regardless if she truly was.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The bandit leaves out a snarl of frustration as Odrosa dodges his attack, which turns into an ear piercing shriek as he becomes a conductor for her magical attack. The smell of cooked flesh mingles with his cries, the small amounts of iron armor he is wearing making the experience even worse for him. He stands ramrod straight, his entire body spasming and his eye twitching as if he's having a stroke. Eventually, he falls over, his hair and clothes smoking fiercely. From his shaky breathing you can tell that he's still alive, but he's probably going to have the odor of cooked pork wafting off of him for weeks.

You stand victorious, now all that remains is deciding what to do with your prisoners and to divide the loot (As meagre as it is).