For writers' sanity sake the devs of CoC2 have chosen to exclude certain types of transformations that hardly anyone uses and that only serve to break immersion when not included and cause premature hair loss for writers that choose to account for them.
Some of the excluded tfs include multiple breasts/rows of breasts, non humanoid lower bodies (taurs, nagas, slimes, etc.), and over two dicks.
You can still get multiple nipples with tan eggs and many tentacocks with gaia leaflets if that's worth anything to you.
Every scene I've written for Champ nursing a character has been futureproofed for multiple breast rows. From the Ryn nursing scene:Don't think it's a thing. It's not as if it'd be acknowledged. Even multicock has more of a fanbase.
Ah!Every scene I've written for Champ nursing a character has been futureproofed for multiple breast rows. From the Ryn nursing scene:
Funny, because I found this easily enough:...the search function isn't good enough on the forums...
Huh, clearly my google-fu isn't strong enoughFunny, because I found this easily enough:
Multiple Boobs?
Been a couple months since i last played and noticed the wiki mentions breast rows so i was wondering if multiple is in
Ahh, I think I used "breast rows", which cut out the word "rows""Multiple breast rows".