Y'all wanna bet?
The original kitsunes were straight up feral foxes with multiple tails.
They could shapeshift into humans, but the default form was straight up fox
It's only in recent times that the whole "human with fox ears and tail" has become kitsune
So having an anthro fox be a variant kitsune isn't really far fetched, and you can find that in some games. The Pathfinder RPG for example, uses full on anthro foxes as the default form of kitsunes.
Of course, this game has a lore of its own, so if you say that kitsunes in this game is only hte human variant, then that's of course canon, but just saying that it's not that far fetched to have anthro versions
(And just for the sake of clarification; I am not asking for that to be added, nor do I mind kitsunes being defined as human-like only in this game. I just asked the original question in case there was a way to get the anthro fox version, because I prefer that)