Is their any point in getting bigger?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought so at first too but Ellie is just a loose size queen. Aina is a taur as well but she can't handle the sizes Ellie can take with ease.

Ellie is Leithan - they have a size advantage over horses - coupled with being treated, so...

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, Aina is just a modded human. And to be fair, NPCs are by no means consistent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ho Ho why we want try compare capacity of taur non taur female npc's? Clearly taur girls exist in bame for purpose of PC with 'lil' too big dong to have chance stuff it somewhere in not only see worship scenes :D

Ugh hivemind...somehow seems even been too tight connected to it already been like borgs when hivemind disconect those units temporaly been all zombie like at those times :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ugh hivemind...somehow seems even been too tight connected to it already been like borgs when hivemind disconect those units temporaly been all zombie like at those times :p

Actually, a "hivemind" doesn't necessitate a lack of any personal wants and desires in individual units but rather it's all about quick communication among many individual units within a "hivemind". As is the case with any species with a "hivemind" that exist already on Earth (which includes us too :aaaaa: ). 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@NotYouNorI Just our was kinda artificaly created not naturaly. But that makes no difference in the end if memebrs can use it effectively. And that zombie like meaned I know some people that when net is down and their cut out from facebook and other online stuff their...just not know what to do with themselfs cuz all the world their know gone out with lack of connection to www. Isn't it no different from been zombie that wander around aimless?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Natural hiveminds that are a complete unit as-is and aren't constantly trying to assimilate other independent wills are pretty hawt.

Hiveminds that try to pull other things into the fold are horrifying, though.

I'd really like a "benevolent" hivemind. Like that's just how a given species evolved and they're content to stay that way cuz it works for them.  :D  

Have you ever read The Chronicles of Elantra series by Michelle Sagara. It has a race of telepaths that are a hivemind. As well as lion people, dragons, birdmen, and "not elves". It's very good.