Seven Deuce offsuit is considered one of the worst starting hands in Texas Holdem. As in its so bad, if you got those cards, you should immediately fold.
- You can't make a straight, there's too much of a gap between the two cards.
- You can't make a flush, they're offsuit.
- You can't even go for the high card as approximately half the deck will have a higher value than 7 (8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A times 4, 28 cards in a deck of 52)
- You might be able to make a two pair or maybe even a full house, but the odd of getting a full house are fairly low and even then, most people would have folded by then. As for two pair, well, thats still beaten by three of a kind.
Point is, Whisper is trying to bluff you. But if you break through the bluff, he drops fairly quickly.