I know it's possible to become a herm but are cuntboy and dickgirl also possible and if so how do I pull it off
I see it seems they would bee hard to accomplish since succubi milk grows breasts thus eliminating cuntboy status and incubi draft can completely remove breasts eliminating dickgirl status
I see it seems they would bee hard to accomplish since succubi milk grows breasts thus eliminating cuntboy status and incubi draft can completely remove breasts eliminating dickgirl status
Reducto and Gro+ can fix that.
Save scumming is the way to go. Try and repeat until you get the preferred result.
I´d advice you to purify them first.
Btw. The salon can give you facial treatments that can make your face look either more masculine or feminine. That way you don´t have to worry about the facial changes you can get from the incubi draft or succubi milk.
Keep in mind that the game won't notice you're a cuntboy or a dickgirl; If you have a set of male/female genitals without any herm elements, the game will treat you like a man/woman regardless of breasts/body shape/face, including NPCs reffering to you as a "girl" even tough you are a 100% male-looking guy who just happens to have a vagina.
Kitteh's mod helps by adding a maleherm option into the game, but cuntboys and shemales are still out.
Cuntboy and dickgirl are options too in a mod.
THEY ARE?!?!?!?!?!
*Proceeds to play the shit out of CoC Revamp*
Can someone send me a link to this mod
Yeah, tried that, too bad scene descriptions still treat you as a female. :<
Yeah, tried that, too bad scene descriptions still treat you as a female. :<
Yeah, I know.
Characters do call the cuntboy a "he", but then you get a sex scene and Arian mentions something about having sex with a wonderful woman.
I see I guess I shouldn't bee surprised that not a lot of games have the coding to make the character I want to one of my characters I made up is a highly effeminate cuntboy that despite his usual attire being a pink dress identifies as male so of course I want him refered to with male pronouns
I see I guess I shouldn't bee surprised that not a lot of games have the coding to make the character I want to one of my characters I made up is a highly effeminate cuntboy that despite his usual attire being a pink dress identifies as male so of course I want him refered to with male pronouns
A highly effeminate cuntboy wearing a dress? So basically he is a flat chested girl that prefers to go with he instead of she?
Feminine, pink dress, female genitalia... You shouldn't be surprised if no one would consider you maleTiTS seems to use parser for pronouns consistently rather than hardcoding, so you should try it.
What exactly is parser
When you say that tits uses stated gender does that mean I actually could make him in tits and have people actually call him a he
When you say that tits uses stated gender does that mean I actually could make him in tits and have people actually call him a he
I see that's actually pretty interesting but is tits still doing what made me quit in the first place with that being enemies don't drop any money so I can only ever get anything done with the pampered lifestyle and the infinite item cheat