I've gotten stuck with a shop scenario I'm writing, mostly with the shop keeper's history. Basically she was a migrant worker acting as sort of a maid/caretaker for mining/construction encampments on fringe worlds. I'd rather not come up with a new company if I don't have too, but the companies on the Wiki don't have a lot of what each specifically does. I'm mostly curious about RhenWorld and Steele Tech. Like does Steele Tech just create the technology needed for mining, and then use smaller companies they have majority shares in, like RhenWorld, to do the actual mining? Also did RhenWorld operate at all on Myrellion? There was the Khia Corp. bot there and a Lethian necklace so I thought they might have some attachment there and that could be a way for the shop keeper to have gotten land on Uveto. (albeit a small shitty plot of land) Through helping to hide some RhenWorld foreman's red venom addiction or something. I'm really sorry if the bible wrote more about this and I just missed it.