Intergalactic mining

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I've gotten stuck with a shop scenario I'm writing, mostly with the shop keeper's history. Basically she was a migrant worker acting as sort of a maid/caretaker for mining/construction encampments on fringe worlds. I'd rather not come up with a new company if I don't have too, but the companies on the Wiki don't have a lot of what each specifically does. I'm mostly curious about RhenWorld and Steele Tech. Like does Steele Tech just create the technology needed for mining, and then use smaller companies they have majority shares in, like RhenWorld, to do the actual mining? Also did RhenWorld operate at all on Myrellion? There was the Khia Corp. bot there and a Lethian necklace so I thought they might have some attachment there and that could be a way for the shop keeper to have gotten land on Uveto. (albeit a small shitty plot of land) Through helping to hide some RhenWorld foreman's red venom addiction or something. I'm really sorry if the bible wrote more about this and I just missed it.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Steele Tech probably creates new mining equipment when needed. They're as much an industrial powerhouse as a mining one. RhenWorld gets tapped for really tough mining gigs, since that's their entire deal rather than just a specialization, as with Steele as a whole. RhenWorld does indeed operate on Myrellion, mostly in Federation territory. 


Although I should imagine planetary mining would be only for the rare stuff like those crystals. All the metals can be more easily taken from asteroids and planetoids without the cost in fuel to lift from downwell.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Steele Tech probably creates new mining equipment when needed. They're as much an industrial powerhouse as a mining one. RhenWorld gets tapped for really tough mining gigs, since that's their entire deal rather than just a specialization, as with Steele as a whole. RhenWorld does indeed operate on Myrellion, mostly in Federation territory. 

Alright, that clears up what I need for her history, I think I can write something stable now. Thanks for answering that for me.

Although I should imagine planetary mining would be only for the rare stuff like those crystals. All the metals can be more easily taken from asteroids and planetoids without the cost in fuel to lift from downwell.

Yeah I think the Wiki actually mentions that, though the big mining thing I have her doing is on a water planet where they're collecting rarer materials from a hydrothermal vent/abyssal trench like area. So I think that'll work out.


Alright, that clears up what I need for her history, I think I can write something stable now. Thanks for answering that for me.

Yeah I think the Wiki actually mentions that, though the big mining thing I have her doing is on a water planet where they're collecting rarer materials from a hydrothermal vent/abyssal trench like area. So I think that'll work out.

Hmm, I'm not sure what you could harvest around that area that you can't get in space. Perhaps some sort of bio-organic crystal that's useful for data storage?

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Hmm, I'm not sure what you could harvest around that area that you can't get in space. Perhaps some sort of bio-organic crystal that's useful for data storage?

That's the part I still gotta think up I guess, I think originally I was thinking platinum deposits but you wouldn't really find it there. A bio-organic crystal might be a better route. Though I'm basing that part off the Shining a little, so maybe some sort of fossilized remain that happens to be receptive to psionic energy. 


That's the part I still gotta think up I guess, I think originally I was thinking platinum deposits but you wouldn't really find it there. A bio-organic crystal might be a better route. Though I'm basing that part off the Shining a little, so maybe some sort of fossilized remain that happens to be receptive to psionic energy. 

Yeah mining platinium off the seabed would be even more expensive than mining it on planet. In fact 5.4 trillion dollars worth of platinium passed earth by back in july. Psionic sounds good


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
That's the part I still gotta think up I guess, I think originally I was thinking platinum deposits but you wouldn't really find it there. A bio-organic crystal might be a better route. Though I'm basing that part off the Shining a little, so maybe some sort of fossilized remain that happens to be receptive to psionic energy. 

Receptive to psionic energy? So like Satyrite, which is the main reason mining companies went to Uveto for?

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Receptive to psionic energy? So like Satyrite, which is the main reason mining companies went to Uveto for?

I knew Uveto dealt with a lot of psionic stuff with the kitsune people being puppets for the lovecraftian horrors under the ice, but I didn't know anything about Satryite outside being able to find it in Myrellion. I really need to read more into the forums to find this stuff.


Aug 26, 2015
He means Savicite, which is found on Uveto.  Myrellion has three gemstones of note: Kirkite, Satyrite, and Picardine, all of which are standard precious gems except the last.  Picardine is used in AI cores and can make galotians super-intelligent if they eat it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
He means Savicite, which is found on Uveto.  Myrellion has three gemstones of note: Kirkite, Satyrite, and Picardine, all of which are standard precious gems except the last.  Picardine is used in AI cores and can make galotians super-intelligent if they eat it.

I now wonder why we don't have an expac for Celise that involves throwing chunks of picardine at her.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
He means Savicite, which is found on Uveto.  Myrellion has three gemstones of note: Kirkite, Satyrite, and Picardine, all of which are standard precious gems except the last.  Picardine is used in AI cores and can make galotians super-intelligent if they eat it.

Ah okay, I was just reading through the Uveto history again and got to that part. That said I think I'm just go with some scarce metal that works well as a super conductor based on Covellite, after reading the psionic stuff I think it'd be best to stay away from that.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Although I should imagine planetary mining would be only for the rare stuff like those crystals. All the metals can be more easily taken from asteroids and planetoids without the cost in fuel to lift from downwell.

-=Pedant time=-

Actually, no. The entire conceit of a space elevator (such as the one on Uveto) is that once it's more or less set up, you offset the goods going up with the energy of the goods coming down. This may not totally offset fuel costs, but it's much cheaper (or at least, the calculations suppose it is. We don't have a material strong enough for the cables IRL yet) than shuttles hauling goods into orbit and back.


Aug 27, 2015
I now wonder why we don't have an expac for Celise that involves throwing chunks of picardine at her.

a) It would require a lot of work on an NPC nobody much cares about, and b) The writer to whom she belongs likes his women stupid.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
a) It would require a lot of work on an NPC nobody much cares about, and b) The writer to whom she belongs likes his women stupid.

I like Celise tho... still, if I had to evict any one of the crew members it'd be a toss-up between her or Reaha. Anno is waifu and I wouldn't dream of doing that to her, she's also the best drop-off for the loot I don't want. Yammi I have less scruples about but still more useful than Celise or Reaha... I don't even know if you can evict Bess, but with the way her "brain" is wired right now her central processor would probably suffer a meltdown, add an incomplete self-repair and boom! Yandere sex-bot, have fun with that.

It begs the question though, when/if the PC goes full galotian do they get Ditz speak and int loss? and if so, will we be able to fix it with X consumptions of Picardine?


Aug 27, 2015
It begs the question though, when/if the PC goes full galotian do they get Ditz speak and int loss? and if so, will we be able to fix it with X consumptions of Picardine?

We had this debate when Savin floated the idea of a galotian starter race with Celise as your mum. He was dissuaded from doing it because aside from the amount of effort it would take to set up (and the fact it probably wouldn't be particularly satisfying even if a fair amount of work went into it), it would probably mean making galotians less galotian-y to function properly. Galomax is there for people who want to be goo - I doubt there will be TFs to become properly galotian or rahn, because they're just too different.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
a) It would require a lot of work on an NPC nobody much cares about, and b) The writer to whom she belongs likes his women stupid.

1) Unless you are talking specifically about devs and writers, I don't know how can you be sure about that. There weren't any polls AFAIK, and even among the non-representative minority of forum-dwellers she has her fans.

2) On the wiki she is listed as a brain-child of a whole bunch of authors. But even if Fen is her main creator, you don't neex to look farther than Gianna or Nayna to debunk that point.


Aug 27, 2015
1) Unless you are talking specifically about devs and writers, I don't know how can you be sure about that. There weren't any polls AFAIK, and even among the non-representative minority of forum-dwellers she has her fans.

2) On the wiki she is listed as a brain-child of a whole bunch of authors. But even if Fen is her main creator, you don't neex to look farther than Gianna or Nayna to debunk that point.

1) I was talking specifically about devs and writers. Nobody's particularly interested in doing anything with her.

2) I was being flippant. I would love a Fenoxo penned expac in which a woman is made significantly more intelligent than she was, and I'm not saying that he hasn't thought about it, but pardon me for being cynical by not holding my breath.


-=Pedant time=-

Actually, no. The entire conceit of a space elevator (such as the one on Uveto) is that once it's more or less set up, you offset the goods going up with the energy of the goods coming down. This may not totally offset fuel costs, but it's much cheaper (or at least, the calculations suppose it is. We don't have a material strong enough for the cables IRL yet) than shuttles hauling goods into orbit and back.

Carbon nanotubes.

I'm still not convinced that planetary mining is less expensive when you have a space elevator than mining asteroids.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On the wiki she is listed as a brain-child of a whole bunch of authors. But even if Fen is her main creator, you don't neex to look farther than Gianna or Nayna to debunk that point.

And if you remember who is such a diligent creator of mindbreak and bimbo related content here...

I'm still not convinced that planetary mining is less expensive when you have a space elevator than mining asteroids.

Asteroids are not a huge fuckton of resources collected in one place. Despite common image from games and other media, asteroid belt is mostly empty space. You'll have to find and catch asteroid with appropriate composition to mine it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
He means Savicite, which is found on Uveto.  Myrellion has three gemstones of note: Kirkite, Satyrite, and Picardine, all of which are standard precious gems except the last.  Picardine is used in AI cores and can make galotians super-intelligent if they eat it.

Yes Savicite, got mixed up with Satyrite due to its similar same.

We had this debate when Savin floated the idea of a galotian starter race with Celise as your mum.

That would be hilarious, since it would mean galotians are the only ones that get to meet their mother, it would also mean most of her lines would need to be changed. Like the tutorial.... Vic: "Go beat up your mother, so you understand how to fight!" "Okay now that you've failed at combat, remember Galotians weakness, seduce your mother!"


Aug 26, 2015
We had this debate when Savin floated the idea of a galotian starter race with Celise as your mum. He was dissuaded from doing it because aside from the amount of effort it would take to set up (and the fact it probably wouldn't be particularly satisfying even if a fair amount of work went into it), it would probably mean making galotians less galotian-y to function properly. Galomax is there for people who want to be goo - I doubt there will be TFs to become properly galotian or rahn, because they're just too different.

This is, incidentally, why all the aliens are just animal people or rubber forehead aliens and not weird stuff: the engine won't play nice with turning into weird stuff.

If you can seduce your mother, you can seduce anyone. Pretty sure that was the moral of Oedipus.

Don't forget the other lesson, that pedestrians always have the right-of-way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is, incidentally, why all the aliens are just animal people or rubber forehead aliens and not weird stuff: the engine won't play nice with turning into weird stuff.

I thought it is because this is because it is monstergirl game o_O It is justifying why there are no really alien TFs, not why there are no really alien NPCs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
And if you remember who is such a diligent creator of mindbreak and bimbo related content here...

I wan't saying that Fenoxo doesn't write mind-break (usually of a pretty specific 'uncontrolable libido variety) or bimbos, just that he is fully capable of writing good characters that have neither.

I thought it is because this is because it is monstergirl game o_O It is justifying why there are no really alien TFs, not why there are no really alien NPCs.

If a race is in the game but doesn't have a TF item of some description, people will bitch about it constantly. I'm pretty pissed about the lack of Laquine or Lapinara TF items myself. Eapecially since the descriptions for all those parts are already present in the code.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If a race is in the game but doesn't have a TF item of some description, people will bitch about it constantly. I'm pretty pissed about the lack of Laquine or Lapinara TF items myself. Eapecially since the descriptions for all those parts are already present in the code.

As was said many times, TF items are pain to write.

I wan't saying that Fenoxo doesn't write mind-break (usually of a pretty specific 'uncontrolable libido variety) or bimbos, just that he is fully capable of writing good characters that have neither.

Yes, he can. But all his characters have something in common, which makes them feel allmost the same.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Yes, he can. But all his characters have something in common, which makes them fell allmost the same.

IMO, if you dig deep enough into the meat of those character's content, the differences outweight the similarities in each and every case. But let's agree to disagree here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
IMO, if you dig deep enough into the meat of those character's content, the differences outweight the similarities in each and every case. But let's agree to disagree here.

It's subjective, I'll agree. Well, except objective horsecock overdose.


Asteroids are not a huge fuckton of resources collected in one place. Despite common image from games and other media, asteroid belt is mostly empty space. You'll have to find and catch asteroid with appropriate composition to mine it.

I know that, but in the long run it's possibly easier. After all you'd use the beanstalk to take raw material down and processed goods upwards. You can get all the fuel you need in space.