Inter-species Breeding and Fertility Treatments


Oct 18, 2016
Hey, I'm thinking about writing a TiTs fanfiction, but I'd like to know a few things first. The Codex entries mention how several races are naturally capable of interbreeding, like humans and Ausar, Kaithrit, Zil, Red Myr (Briha), Nyrea (and Renvra, a Red/Nyrea hybrid herself), but I would like to know more about what races are naturally compatible with each other, especially when humans are involved, and what races cannot make cross breeds without assistance. I would also like to know more about what kind of treatments are used as said assistance to overcome said barriers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The only ones needing needing a medical intervention are the leithan, otherwise everything else interbreeds.

And as for

I would also like to know more about what kind of treatments are used as said assistance to overcome said barriers.

SciFi things and stuff... *shrugs* ...nanomachines, son.

The TiTSvers isn't very high on the scale of scifi hardness...


Oct 18, 2016
The only ones needing needing a medical intervention are the leithan, otherwise everything else interbreeds.

And as for

SciFi things and stuff... *shrugs* ...nanomachines, son.

The TiTSvers isn't very high on the scale of scifi hardness...

Um, according to their Codex entry, the Anatae need significant help to breed with non-Anatae. So there's nothing more specific you can tell me?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Um, according to their Codex entry, the Anatae need significant help to breed with non-Anatae. So there's nothing more specific you can tell me?

Ah, yeah there also the anatae...

"Nanomachines, son" is as specific as it gets. What part of "soft scifi" don't you get? (legitimately asking; not trying to be mean here)


Oct 18, 2016
It's all "space magic." There's no thought-out process behind what actually needs to be done to a specific race to make them compatible. TiTS lore tends to not get that specific, unfortunately.

So there's nothing more specific you can tell me about that then? OK, then did I miss any of the races/race combinations that need outside aid to interbreed, or at least to make it easier to do so, not counting races where one side of the genetics essentially overpowers the other like the vanae and their sacae cousins? 


Oct 18, 2016
If you're going to write a fic, I have one and only one piece of advice for you: Label it "AU," and just make up your own answers. If you can't find a very clear, direct, and immediate answer to a lore question, there is a very high probability that whatever particular facet you're curious about hasn't had any major thought put into it whatsoever.

Your best bet to maintain your sanity is to just communicate to your readers that your little fic-universe is your own take on the TiTSverse, and that you've filled in some of the blanks yourself. As someone that's been outlining and planning a TiTS fic of my own, I can promise you that that's what I'm going to do.

If people get upset or try to argue little details, just point to the AU label and remind them that what you've made isn't canon. Unless you're purposely and grossly misrepresenting well-established elements of TiTS (like you use well-known characters in completely incorrect ways), I doubt many people are going to give you a hard time. TiTS is super free-form with its lore. To the point where pinning down a concrete "canon" has proven... difficult.

The game is about porn, first and foremost. Lore comes after.  :p  

Thank you for the advice. Besides looking around the wiki and trying to find every single dialogue option in-game, are there any good sources for lore and character info?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That's not how gene mods work. They aren't passed down to children.

Eh, that's an NPC's child though. Your features at character creation are already being tracked, so things could change.

Personally I'm a fan of going back and changing blurbs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson About gene mods not passing on to childs is I think more up to writer/devs decision in case by case. Since...Treatemnt. It's kind of gene mod and it already started after many generation affecting each new generation, right? So as usual if writer feel something will pass to childs and Fen not say no to this during review it's ok to do it ^^


Oct 18, 2016
Yeesh, if the game itself can't be trusted to give canon information consistently, I see what you mean about it needing needing a major cleanup! Thanks for telling me that!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Treatment still has to be given to New Texans when they come of age. They're born and grow up as pure humans. It's not passed down. If someone has an NPC that was "born Treated" or something, I sincerely doubt that's how it's supposed to work. 

Since the Treatment is so extreme, there's definitely the possibility of it affecting the subsequent generations in subtle ways, but the Treatment is a huge outlier of a TF in many, many ways, and it doing something weird is evidence that normal TF's probably shouldn't do that thing. >_> Exception that proves the rule and whatnot.

New New texans generation not born with effects of treatment but witl some minor bovine traits that shouldn't happen to normal people that jsut modded themselfs, right? Reaha had tiny cow horn nubs already before modding herself so it somehow proves that some gene modding MAY be affecting future generations. Extreme ones or not gene moding is still 'gene modding'. We got atm just Treatment case but what stops writers to add some other case since first one case is already existing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It been stated that mods pass on children but only after several generations of abuse. Alot of them too, I would say atleast 50. Huskars are also like that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For example, Burt on Mhen'ga will mention "zil queens" when talking about his time with the zil.

Zil don't have queens. They're not like CoC's bee girls. Zil have tribal chieftains.

Wasn't this already corrected in one of the previous builds by Jacques00?


Oct 18, 2016
Yeah, I brainstormed and proposed that system. I wrote the "UGC birth records" blurb. The ever-lovely and impossible-to-fully-appreciate Jacques coded it and created the [baby] parsers that went with it.

Y'all are welcome. :p  

Also, NPC's don't get free reign to just ignore the rules, in my mind. That's how you get a bunch of bubbled snowflakes that all have to have their piece of the pie. I am of the opinion that Kelly and Briha should be changed. They're just wrong, flat-out. I'd do it myself if I was an official member of the FenCo team, but I'm not, I never will be, and therefore I'm stuck here in a puddle of my own impotence, and left being frustrated at something I cannot control.

>My life.

The Treatment still has to be given to New Texans when they come of age. They're born and grow up as pure humans. It's not passed down. If someone has an NPC that was "born Treated" or something, I sincerely doubt that's how it's supposed to work. 

Since the Treatment is so extreme, there's definitely the possibility of it affecting the subsequent generations in subtle ways, but the Treatment is a huge outlier of a TF in many, many ways, and it doing something weird is evidence that normal TF's probably shouldn't do that thing. >_> Exception that proves the rule and whatnot.

 First off, something is really funky with the quote system for replies, as this post shows, can I get some help with clearing this? So, what exactly is wrong with Kelly and Briha's kids? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Because that is how you get a bunch of insufferable snowflake OC's that are too good to follow the rules. It's like how what were supposed to be "rare mutations" of the Treatment in cow-mazons are becoming increasingly popular because bending the rules like that is appealing. Allowing everyone to make sure their little precious treasure of an NPC can break otherwise clear and established rules leads to an erosion of what little logic the game has, and everything becomes a huge smear of nonsense. 

For every NPC that breaks a major TiTS "rule," I feel like there needs to be several others that adhere to it properly. Otherwise the "rules" aren't rules at all. They're just vectors to create cringeworthy OC's.

Umm what about Devs then? Treatment already make first tiny breach in wall of "no gene modding effects pass on children ever". Then their added Huskars as Lash said making another crack in this wall. So it seems even Devs already not looking to be serious concerned about people writing those OC's that futher cracking this wall.

Aside speaking what mean gene modding affecting children? That would just mean gene modding affecter person reproduction cless to allow carring over mutation to next generation. But it would be still to be enough stable changes to keep genome stable enough to not make after mixing both cells something that would die due to genetic deffect after few cell divides.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I didn't know about huskars, but if it's clearly established that long-term and universal use of TF's can slowly influence the natural genetics of a given demographic, that's fine. That makes sense, even. But that is not an excuse to make a bunch of characters that inherited wacky gene mods from their parents. Kelly is still an inconsistency in this situation. Briha is still an inconsistency, especially because she's having Steele's kids. Kids that other mobs and NPC's have that don't inherit mods.

Huskars lore may be directly affected by Savin wishes so then it would be case of dev actively leing toward possible case of gene modding affecting somehow next generations.

So devs not despite their powers to say NO to stuff so far not been activaly pushing stance of no gene modding affecting children and their children and etc.

Without pressure form devs it's impossible people slowly working their plans around fact that IT may be possible to some small degree. Thta why we got only cases when gene modding giving effects after more than...20-30 generation and not 2-3. On this one I think any of dev would probably right away react and say No (or who knows maybe for sme such outrangeous projects their already done so and we may know about all of this cases yet ^^).


Oct 18, 2016
Are you using a phone? I think they get wacky on phones.

The issue with Kelly is that she says she inherited first-generation gene mods from her dad, which contributed to her two-dick hermaphroditic status. That shouldn't be able to happen. It makes her a nonsensical exception and a canon-defying outlier.

Briha's kids a really just a holdover from before the child genetics system (and pregnancy content in general) existed. When the player impregnates Briha, a few of their traits are saved and tracked. When Briha gives birth, the kids can have Steele's traits. It makes sense on a surface level, but there's a bit of an oversight in that Briha's code tracks Steele's traits regardless of what they are, even if they've been modded. It should (and it does for other pregnancies now, thanks to Jacques) track the traits the PC was born with. Their natural genetics that they got from Victor and their mom, not what they modded themselves to have. Because gene mods aren't passed down.

Unless you have fringe situations like New Texas or Huskars, where, after hundreds and hundreds of years of every single member of the gene pool using the exact same mod, certain subtle changes to the natural genetics of future generations can be seen. That circumstance applies to neither Kelly or Briha.

Okay, so I see what the problem with Briha's children are, outdated mechanics, how would you make Kelly make sense if you had the authority?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The only instances of gene mod inheritance present are supposed to be extreme cases of fringe outliers with extraordinary circumstances. Thus being, again, the "exceptions that prove the rule."

Yup that what i wanted to say too about exceptions proving the rules. Why you said it one post too early? xD

Kelly is not such a case, and neither is Briha. They're just old and outdated, from before certain lore elements of TiTS were solidified. I'm not saying QB/LD and JimT are bad writers because they created those pieces of content, I'm just saying that certain elements of the content no longer fit the lore. At the time, they probably did fit.

Well I admit Kelly and Briha are eyesores now with new changes to how children/pregancy content is handled. But as you point out there is still hope to fix them without totaly messing up orginal wirter intention by changing few lines of text (Kelly) or slight changing stuff happening under the hood that PC not see anyway (Briha).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson You still know that pulling explanation that some npc parent or parents taking some crazy weird TF that mutated their gaments cells too could be reason to transfer some traits? But that really extreme approach to justify stuff even if it logical with most sense. Like for Kelly father make him producing mutated cum due to this mods and causing Kelly unusual body mutations :laugh:

But staying with line she was born not much different and jsut took mods later on is way less work to do to changing all ^^

Plus this excuse of: but npc father had mutated cum could lead to real wve of all snowflakes NPC's :mad:

And no worry I not felt you post came too strong ^^

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Mods are weird and don't make any sense currently (at least by real life standards). If a women can grow a dick does she swap for a Y chromosome? Can her children be boys? If so whose masculine traits do they receive? The answer is that biology doesn't matter in space smut and you guys think too hard on it, especially when writers are divided as well.

According to my PhD in Xenobiology and Space Magic, I think it makes more sense for mods to pass down genetically. Besides, y'all are assuming that writers don't change and/or retcon certain pieces of the lore every 2 weeks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She surely will get anatomical body part but will she still cum with XX or XY cells it's...up to writer decision I think since noone set rules on this yet. Truly wild west of writers here so far ^^

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Or just limit them to physical traits? I mean, there's proof that intelligence is genetic but...let's just not worry about it, lol.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, you can have high libido without mods. In real life, sexuality is a very complex topic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Mods are weird and don't make any sense currently (at least by real life standards). If a women can grow a dick does she swap for a Y chromosome? Can her children be boys? If so whose masculine traits do they receive? The answer is that biology doesn't matter in space smut and you guys think too hard on it, especially when writers are divided as well.

According to my PhD in Xenobiology and Space Magic, I think it makes more sense for mods to pass down genetically. Besides, y'all are assuming that writers don't change and/or retcon certain pieces of the lore every 2 weeks.

No it doesnt make more sense. Having nanomachines specifically go into gonads and change dna there for no reason is stupid. It only opens companies for getting sued for adding a dangerous nonsensical features.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You mean every single isn't some kind of hyper omnisexual that's into all genders, presentations, and even species?! Noobie, say it ain't so! :eek:  


I suppose that's true. Keep the individual bits of DNA isolated like that isn't a huge stretch. Not based on what's in TiTS already.

I think its more like the opposite. Nanomachines changing the dna of all the pc cells should also be biological imposible if not extremely lethal. Also a huge waste of money to add sucha feature.

My interpretation is that nanomachines go to the cells they need to change, change the dna locally and then accelerate cell production and death cycles. Doing what takes 7 years for your body to in a few mere moments.

Well not in size mods,thats a different issue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wouldn't this cause some kind of tissue rejection issue, though? I know people that get transplants of various kind can suffer from that kind of thing. That hhy I always assumed gene mods were like full-system/full-body kinds of things, even if what they changed was fairly minor.

I mean, it's all space magic, but it's interesting to see how other people imagine it working. :p  

Im not exactly sure but I assume this already assume this already happens in real peoples body. Cells can mutate without changing the dna of every single cell of your body. Cancer are cells that reproduce after mutating and losing their killswitch section of the dna. Aids works by turning individual white blood cells into virus factories. Tissue rejection I think happens because the dna is just too different instead of sharing the same base.

Changing every cell in the body is kinda like demolishing a whole house and then rebuilding it just to add an balcony or a pool.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Every atom in your body is changed periodically. Cells "know" what they're supposed to be like because of DNA. There's no such thing as "local" DNA. If nanomachines alter even a tiny place isolated place it would have to be a permanent change to the overall DNA.

But again, space magic.
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