In what order do you currently want new content added to TiTS?

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd like to see more armor/clothing first, then obviously Uveto, and lastly new TFs. 

I like playing dress-up okay? Don't judge me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Uveto with the new armor and weapons that would be in it I assume, new quests and then new tf's.

Possibly more flavor text for taurs and naga's because come on man, please, i'm begging you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Syri Quest before Uveto, as it's another way to unlock the planet.

After this more Space content, particularly the event that's based off Deadspace that Savin is developing. Beware of tentacle monsters.

And of course, alternate planet 1.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would like to see some space stuff, nursery and SSTDs first to be honest. Mostly because they are entirely new game mechanics that will increase the potential of the game rather than just further expanding more planets.

Ignoring that I would like to see Busky and Angus added and some more ways to get penis related items(that I wrote *cough cough*), specially the one that let's you grow penises without having to pay the libido penalty.

From Uveto I'm interested in the clothes and Dr. Lessau, so we can stop sucking Xenogen cock so much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015

Also yeah, Uveto comes with a bunch of new clothes/armors, though mostly winter themed, so you got that going for you. 

Will we be getting at least one greatcoat to match the dusters we already have?

I need a coat collection. Maybe a supercoat at some point that is basically all coats sewn together.

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
Will we be getting at least one greatcoat to match the dusters we already have?

I need a coat collection. Maybe a supercoat at some point that is basically all coats sewn together.

Woah, slow down there, space cowboy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Galotian race start, the eldritch horrors underneath Uveto, and anything to do with breeding with aliens.


Dec 15, 2015
Uveto, offspring, Reaha's addiction cure thing, another femdom scene with Anno or Reaha.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well most of stuff I wish others meantione but my list is one of kinf of which after which...I suppose. So here I go...or return or (dunno living up to been sane once).

Cured Reaha path (well if cost for it is Treated path goes also I not mind - for everyone something tasty after all), new ships/ship sim(ulator)  300, space combat, Cured reaha path, ship stuff, ship combat...err did I meantione already about Reaha/ships/space combat?...ohh right and nursery with more Briha type pregnancy stuff (even if most authors would cringe seeing it...cuz it so similar to making second/third Bess in work load).

Ugh forget add psionics...hum maybe it should been somewhere higher on my list...there is nothing better than higher magic of cosmos - Schwar... err nethermind psionic name sound good too.

PS. Power Armors are so yesterday new black xD

PS to previous PS. Err since Briha I meantioned after her in line for my version of what I want...ble ble ble would be Vanae exp with that cute preg stuff for vanae maiden (ok that badass robot-miniboss fight should be fun too).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Some way to comprehensibly genetically enhance yourself that isn't connected to animals. More content, Uveto in particular, and more dom/sub (With dom steele). Possibly some way of enslaving an enemy or rival.


Aug 26, 2015
Got you covered, mang, as long as you're flexible about the grotesquely-penised part.  And the futa part.  And the waifu part.  Kind of the interchangeable part, but I don't think my character writing is actually that good.  So basically if you want furries and nothing else, got you covered.  We all know how much you love those.

Personally I'm looking forward to space content so it's feasible to actually start writing for it, so I'd like to see that first.  After that, obviously, damn near everything I've done this year is for Uveto so I want to see that happen sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Personally I'm looking forward to space content so it's feasible to actually start writing for it, so I'd like to see that first.

I would like to see this, as well. It's going to need to get in eventually and the sooner it does, then the sooner the writers get another avenue for expanding the game's content. Getting it in sooner rather than later also means it can be integrated with other parts of the game more easily.

Really, if space content is meant to be an important part of the game then I can't see many benefits in delaying it much longer. Either you'll have a large swath of the game where it simple doesn't exist or you'll have to go back and integrate it with past content, so delaying it either risks making it a less significant part of the game or it just piles up work to be done later.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Or reason to delay space combat/travel and other stuff related to this is due to it been I think last think on list that was said to be done before Year of Free would start. So that way Fen and Co still not feel it's time to start it and thus it just covering dust?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Armor that doesn't want sex? Lewd.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Nursery, then generic pregancies for all the male enemies who cant get us preggers, syri quest, then Uveto & Shade content. 


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
If I have to do a list it would be:
1. Nursery addition to Tavros station. I want to see my hoard of babies.
2. More ways to spread my genes among the galaxy. I think galaxy needs more Steele's spawn.
3. Starships content. I can't imagine proper Smut Space Opera without ways to improve/buy/build your spaceship. If I want to travel across the universe with my harem it should be in style.
4. General development of Tavros station. I see it as great place to hang out and I would love to see more of it's levels.
5. More m/m content. Especially mpreg one.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
New ships would be nice if we get bed upgrades.

Cus I have no clue what the shit kinda bed we must have now if it can only fit 2 people regardless if I'm 10'+ of amazon or if I'm small enough to fit into a suitcase.

Maybe whatever our cousin has.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Good news: I'm working on that right this moment.

That IS good news.

I personally don´t have anything I want to see in a specific order. Every update is often a pleasant surprise to me almost no matter what it is.