how much do I need to guarantee pregnancy for my pc? I know there's a % point where pregnancy a 100% with all partners but I don't know it. it was a lot easier when I could just hold the 1 key.
This is quite complicated to figure out, as it involves factors that vary wildly between pregnancies and the NPCs that can get you pregnant. Assuming the lowest chance pregnancy has minimal contribution from cum quantity (0.5), the lowest base impregnation chance I can find in the old Flash code (0.1, which also seems to be the most common), and default sire's virility (1 = 100%), and uses the linear method of rolling for pregnancy, you'd need 38 fertility (= 3800%) to guarantee getting pregnant.
If it uses the exponential method of rolling for pregnancy (which is what most NPC pregnancies use), it's literally impossible to guarantee pregnancy - though getting to 3800% fertility as above would give a 99.94% chance of getting pregnant, which is high enough that it's almost certain.