Implementing Mpreg?

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, long story short, I really like both pregnancy content, including pregnant PC content, and the "femboy on futa" relationship style. Problem is, I'm not a huge fan of adding vaginas to my PCs just for pregnancy content. Back for FoE sadly dropped off the radar, I created an approved item for the game which unlocked the ability for a PC to get normally vagina-restricted pregnancies through anal sex, in the form of the Anusol+ TF item.

Given that TiTS is full of all manner of reproductive oddities, such as the Bothrioc, the Bruchandus , and canonical examples of fertility medicine overcoming natural limitations... would it really be so lore-breaking or hard to implement an item to allow male characters to get pregnant by various non-ovipositor-wielding men, women and others?

Yes, I know that, presently, there's not many characters who can get a female PC pregnant who couldn't already get a male one pregnant, but still, if Fen and Savin ever allow for Syri or Kiro to knock up PCs, I'd like the chance for my male PC to get in on that action.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
...I have the strangest feeling that Hippocampus Station was actually something I was involved in, before I retired from TiTS...

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
...I have the strangest feeling that Hippocampus Station was actually something I was involved in, before I retired from TiTS...

It does have your feel to it.

I think you should take a stab at it though. It always was one of those projects that had a lot of potential but just burned out. Mpreg would certainly be an interesting mechanic, and the npc's Hippocampus Station would bring is great in its own right.

Im not sure why NS stopped working on it, but it may be due to Pregnancy being screwy at the time or other projects being much higher in demand.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
normally vagina-restricted pregnancies through anal sex, in the form of the Anusol+ TF item.
I would love this item.
would it really be so lore-breaking or hard to implement an item to allow male characters to get pregnant by various non-ovipositor-wielding men, women and others?
I don't think there is any problem with the lore, though complicated (from a in-game perspective) TF's like that tend to cost more credits but considering you only need it once it is well worth it. As for coding it... I dont think it would be a huge problem and TiTs has some very skilled coders. Edit: You would have to write alternate birthing scenes/blurbs for existing natural pregnancies though.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
My big issue is that I haven't really followed up TiTS much and, even presuming Nonesuch would be okay with me taking on the task of writing this, I have no particular investment with either of the characters presented here. But... I think it technically could be added to the game already? It does have the mechanics for getting your male womb implant, after all.

Because... well, I don't really know if it makes more sense to make it a once-off mod or something that requires a more "integral" transformation - the latter kind of makes sense given that Tamani Corp exists for a reason and we know from characters like Eimani that some individuals need specialist treatment in order to breed.


Mar 26, 2017
I have a feeeeeling that savin and fen might not like this idea enough to put it in.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
I mean, I'm sure not gonna allow Syri pregshit, but I also really liked Hippocumshot Station and would love to see it added to the game.
I know you established Syri herself will never be impregnable, and I respect that, but what about having Syri impregnate the PC? Is that off the table as well?

I can see the potential in Hippocampus Station and I would definitely like to try and bring mpreg into TiTS some way - this is one of the few games that gives me the chance to do so. Of course, I have no idea how to track down Nonesuch and ask for his permission to work on this... and, like I said, I can't really flesh out the characters any further than they are on my own. But, if someone were interested in helping expand the cast of the Station with me...?

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I know you established Syri herself will never be impregnable, and I respect that, but what about having Syri impregnate the PC? Is that off the table as well?

The Puppy Slut Trio (Anno, Syri, and Kaede) are unpreggable in all aspects, from and to, by Captain Steele. (To be pregged and to get pregged.)

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
The Puppy Slut Trio (Anno, Syri, and Kaede) are unpreggable in all aspects, from and to, by Captain Steele. (To be pregged and to get pregged.)
I see. That's okay, because my focus is mostly on letting my male PCs get knocked up; I prefer to leave creating characters who can knock the PC up to other fans.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Talking about Syri gives me a completely random and unrelated thought. What if there's another variation of the krokas (frog woman) that has drugged skin and syri fucks it gets drugged by accident. She runs around the jungle hullusinating and shoots up my little ponny wannabes freaking out and runs into penny who's wandering what the hell she's doing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Talking about Syri gives me a completely random and unrelated thought. What if there's another variation of the krokas (frog woman) that has drugged skin and syri fucks it gets drugged by accident. She runs around the jungle hullusinating and shoots up my little ponny wannabes freaking out and runs into penny who's wandering what the hell she's doing.
That is completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Why did you mention it at all in this thread?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nonesuch has a orphan if you don't wanna start from scratch, probably gonna have to ask though.
EDIT: Forgot to add the link

I'll be honest, I think the Hippocampus Station is a terrible idea in general for three main reasons:

* It comes with forced feminization, hips size change which is a turnoff to me and a lot of people that like Mpreg. The only reason the feminization happens is because it's a fetish of the character in question and it's essentially that character forcing his fetish on people. It's also kinda weird to see a gay man forcing feminization. Forcing a second fetish on players that just want deal with the first fetish is in my opinion a terrible idea.

* The character in question is a racial supremacist and is doing his whole research for racial supremacist reasons. As we all known from the Ryia example that is effectivly Skub and it's again forcing people with the Mpreg fetish to deal with things they might not want to do. This in general is a terrible idea.

* Because male content is added at a very slow pace because of the personal tastes of developers, this means that if hyppocampus station get in, it would be likely be the only example that gets in. This mean that effectivly anybody that wants to taste Mpreg, would effecitvly have no way to avoid the above mentioned problems.

TL;DR: Hippocampus station is a terrible idea because of force feminization, a racial supremacy character and the very slow addition of male content making people unable to avoid the beforementioned problems.

Given that TiTS is full of all manner of reproductive oddities, such as the Bothrioc, the Bruchandus , and canonical examples of fertility medicine overcoming natural limitations... would it really be so lore-breaking or hard to implement an item to allow male characters to get pregnant by various non-ovipositor-wielding men, women and others?

To answer @Quiet Browser question, yes there is. I wrote the Vulkrim Codex that is already in the game and canon. It does cause a few problems with Hippocampus station lore that can be easily solved by having the character reinforcing his racial supremacy.

To explain it further Vulkrim are a race of imp-like creature with scorpion tails. In the past they had females, but someone inserted a virus in the population that exterminated the females and altered the male tails into producing "mpreg juice". When injected into a large enough hole in a person, usually a anus it will create a "pseudo-womb" for a week that can be impregnated. If sucessfully impregnanted it will result in a birth in 8 months, if not the womb will just come off(or be absorbed back into the body? I don't think I specified which in the codex). The resulting child will not have Vulkrim DNA, unless a Vulkrim was the biological parent. The only physical change it does, besides the gravid belly, is increased elasticity in preparation for giving birth that disappears shortly after it.

In short I tried to write a mpreg system would be mechanically easy to implement without any of the issues that I found the Hippocampus station and without having to write pregnancies and births for every possible type of child. However I might also have made an indirect explination on why a Mpreg would be unviable as a product as a Vulkrim can already do the essentially the same for free.

The reason I haven't wrote it yet is because I commissioned a part that would have to go with it, but the writer has been having problems that I will not discuss further. However I wouldn't have problems with someone else writting it and sharing my notes on it.


Mar 13, 2018
Hi, so I'm trying to do a trans run myself and the lack if impregnating options (that doesn't involve eggs or seeds) is a bit bothersome to me as well. But I feel it would be something easily solved with some of the things already in the game, such as something that creates an anal womb. I know I'm new to the game, but I feel like if things like cunt snakes can do weirdness to you like a cock tail, something could similarly give you a permanent anal womb.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Hi, so I'm trying to do a trans run myself and the lack if impregnating options (that doesn't involve eggs or seeds) is a bit bothersome to me as well. But I feel it would be something easily solved with some of the things already in the game, such as something that creates an anal womb. I know I'm new to the game, but I feel like if things like cunt snakes can do weirdness to you like a cock tail, something could similarly give you a permanent anal womb.
Nothing currently in the game allows pure males to get pregnant in game at the moment. The doc i provided in the first response is the closest it is to getting in and with no word from Nonesuch or Quiet publicly we don't know if this is gonna get continued.


Mar 13, 2018
That is too bad. Doing a DickGirl play through is something I've been wanting to do, but the lack of analpreg is sort of knocking the experience down a bit for me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
I didn't think about the mPreg situation when I wrote up the idea for Vaginus.
Unless it was combined with other TF's and accident happened a male would just have a vulva for an anus, more lube, better capacity, and a bonus clit.
I only allowed for actual egg laying if it followed a certain path and became basically a cloaca. (thinking of the basilisk back in CoC basially-- it's all internal with lizards neh?)
The modified TF effect would allow self preg if a non-parasitical tail dick. (or one changed by TF to match Steele's appearance at time.)

I can use more suggestions. One already noted is break it up for scene w/Sub Sara which makes me have to write the Dom Sara variant (triggered by Sara wanting anal and Steele being plugged by perma-eggs, maybe?)

This would keep male npc's male and give them vag-anal sex options w/o changing masculinity or adding a full vagina and breeding organs (uterus and ovaries etc).
Also an option for those npcs that only do anal... Perma TF and one that lasts maybe one day, but use + anal sex in 24 hours plus reuses to extend...might make it permanent too?

Figure even sub-sara has contacts that can modify TFs or make a new one...but testing might not be more than computer simulations and inside info of what went wrong with other TFS.

Figure the twinks would love to have this TF as would Beth and her Type.

What's desirable in a mPreg type TF and what isn't? What changes and what should not be changed? Is the egg laying (can be fertilized vs just make more eggs) and limited time in womb before laying once fertilized (won't harden shell for passing/first birth/laying) and then hatch outside at nursery the only route I should pursue? Or should natural birth be examined (but really, who wants to be known as the "Ass-born?" Is it Cloaca or bust? Should other pussy TFs affect the vaginus? (other than making more of same...cause who needs 2-3 poopers?) Like nubby or bloom/blossom (the one that doesn't make a second pussy and associated uterus. )


Mar 13, 2018
Well I recently got impregnated by the psychic tentacle beast and I think that would be the perfect segway into an breedable anus if you ask me. Instead of just having it be an incubation process, instead make it a parasite like a mimbrane. A consequence just being that every now and then the child born will be a psychic tentacle beast egg instead of yours and your partners offspring. Have it build trust based on feedings as well, with high trust allowing for one to control if someone impregnates them, or even what might be born (This is just spitballing). It wouldn't need to change femininity or the body as it doesn't even do that in the game as it is, so all you would be changing is where the womb is rather than the whole mechanic itself. It would give people a reason to come back to places and grind a little.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Well I recently got impregnated by the psychic tentacle beast and I think that would be the perfect segway into an breedable anus if you ask me. Instead of just having it be an incubation process, instead make it a parasite like a mimbrane. A consequence just being that every now and then the child born will be a psychic tentacle beast egg instead of yours and your partners offspring. Have it build trust based on feedings as well, with high trust allowing for one to control if someone impregnates them, or even what might be born (This is just spitballing). It wouldn't need to change femininity or the body as it doesn't even do that in the game as it is, so all you would be changing is where the womb is rather than the whole mechanic itself. It would give people a reason to come back to places and grind a little.
The question is that if someone is intrested in writing it, you write it, or you commision it. Feel free to make a copy of the doc i left above and try your hand at it make sure you ask Nonesuch if you do. It already has alot of content already written its just finishing it.


Mar 13, 2018
Then I guess I might be up a creek because though I do pride my writing skills I'm quite flaky when keeping up with content writing and I don't have the money to commission writers. Though otherwise I'd hop right in. At most I can say i'd be able to write out what the parasite does with some certainty.

otherwise I'd commission Kaydex


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Then I guess I might be up a creek because though I do pride my writing skills I'm quite flaky when keeping up with content writing and I don't have the money to commission writers. Though otherwise I'd hop right in. At most I can say i'd be able to write out what the parasite does with some certainty.

otherwise I'd commission Kaydex
Id say try as the community here is normally very supportive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd all down for a mPreg TF. But associating it with a parasite is a bit of a turn-off for me. I'd rather have it as a medical enhancement. Perhaps as a possible treatment offered in the Nursery, or announced in another of those random JoyCo spam emails?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I'd all down for a mPreg TF. But associating it with a parasite is a bit of a turn-off for me. I'd rather have it as a medical enhancement. Perhaps as a possible treatment offered in the Nursery, or announced in another of those random JoyCo spam emails?
Last time a parasite was submitted it was rejected

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
With this sort of thing I think people enjoy it more when it's tied to an event rather than a simple item (or at least has an event surrounding the creation of the item). Part of the appeal is the unnatural-ness of it; for many of the cosmetic gene mods it's fine to just stuff it all into an item but when it comes to something extensive and truly transformative it feels more than a bit lacking if it's just a mundane sort of thing. Either it needs to be a robust item like the Treatment (and part of the popularity there is that there's a whole environment surrounding the item so it has that event feel) or it needs to be part of some unique adventure that frames it and hits not only the notes for how it should work, mechanically, but also the actual process of changing.