With this sort of thing I think people enjoy it more when it's tied to an event rather than a simple item (or at least has an event surrounding the creation of the item). Part of the appeal is the unnatural-ness of it; for many of the cosmetic gene mods it's fine to just stuff it all into an item but when it comes to something extensive and truly transformative it feels more than a bit lacking if it's just a mundane sort of thing. Either it needs to be a robust item like the Treatment (and part of the popularity there is that there's a whole environment surrounding the item so it has that event feel) or it needs to be part of some unique adventure that frames it and hits not only the notes for how it should work, mechanically, but also the actual process of changing.
The problem, though, is writing it. A TFing item that simply lets you unlock vaginal pregnancies through anal sex? That's very quick, easy and simple to write. Anybody could do that. But writing up a background environment, as with the Treatment? That is a LOT of time and effort and, frankly, the reason so many ideas for this game die stillborn is because writing in large detail is HARD. Take it from someone who knows.
My recommendation? Focus on the TF first. Then, if people really want something - say, a total reinvention of Hippocampus Station - to serve as a Tarkus equivalent, people can work to add that later, making it that the item came from that location in the first place.