Hello! My name is B.
This thread is coming up on its first birthday, and its last post was December 5th. It's been a very long time since Paige has seen an update.
The short of it is that I have no real excuse as to why it took so long to update her. I could cite burnout, or the few times I've been sick since her October updates, or real-life events, but all of them (aside the burnout) had no real bearing on my ability to write her. I just didn't. It sucks to say that to the people that were looking forward to her and I left them waiting and wondering all this time if she had been abandoned. Even though there are five or six people in this thread vocalizing how much they like her, it sucks when you leave just one person holding the bag.
That said.
I have great news.
Sexy news.
So the first thing you might notice is that this document - which is full of
absolutely nothing except sex - is 114 pages and 54,000 words.
I already wrote this in the Overview section of the document, but I have a criticism with TiTS: I find a lot of the sex scenes to be difficult to digest because they're all overly wordy and full of unnecessary prose. I know why most authors in TiTS do this, but nonetheless, it gets kind of difficult to
enjoy myself when I have to wade through two paragraphs of my lover just getting ready to do something to me. I'm certainly guilty of this with Lane and, to a lesser extent, Brooke.
Speaking of Lane, two criticisms I once got was that Lane didn't have a lot of sex content (which is true: he had something like two scenes per [Lane's] gender), and, a criticism from Gedan, that his document was difficult to navigate and messily organized.
In an effort to address both of these criticisms, I'm doing something completely different for Paige.
Please direct your attention this:
The idea with Paige's sex scenes is that, rather than getting as much as four full-on pages all at once for you to try and digest, you instead get anywhere between three and six paragraphs with Paige before you're asked for an input. According to this image, her "First Time" sex scene goes for three paragraphs before asking you to either Embrace Her, Grab Her Ass, or Do Nothing. Whichever option you pick, you get four more paragraphs, then another input prompt, and so on until you get to the big climactic finish.
As for it being easier to navigate, every single scene is marked with keywords that can be easily Ctrl+F'd. For example, Grope Tits is FTGT1. Just Ctrl+F that, and you'll be taken straight there.
This way, you get approximately the same amount of content, if not more, and they're in easier-to-digest chunks, and you get more variety per scene. I'm trying to be the change I want to see; I don't know if this will work in practice, but hopefully it goes well.
Things that still need doing:
(In order of priority)
1) I need to rewrite the Tribadism scene to accommodate sexless PCs, which it currently doesn't even though it's supposed to. I forgot to include sexless PCs in the initial draft of the scene.
2) Writing in the PC offering to pay for Paige's surgery, then her subsequently becoming a crewmate
3) Battle win/loss sex scenes.
4) Sex scenes that explicitly cater to Taurs. Don't expect a ton of content: you're most likely only going to get one scene per gender (unless...), and Lord help you if you're a sexless Taur.
5) A threesome scene with Kiro. In fact, in an effort to maintain my sanity, this will probably be shelved in favor of doing it as an expansion pack.