[Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I'll give the best reason of them all: because that's what I want, and that's how I wrote her.

If someone in charge tells me to change it, then I guess I'll have to, but I won't just because it's different.


Aug 26, 2015
Gray Prime can be beaten trivially with grenade spam.  The only important fight that demands use of tease combat so far is Amara, whose stunlock spam makes defeating her conventionally impractical.

It's kind of doubly weird because Amara's post-combat scene acts like you managed to overcome her with brute force anyway, but eh.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
What about Lash? Can you tease your way to victory against Lash? If you can, you definitely shouldn't be able to. Makes no sense.

Not only can you defeat Lash with Lust, but it's arguably easier than straight up beating him up, and it indeed makes no sense.

As for Paige, I'd still prefer her to have the debuff mechanics and special scenes that B has mentioned previously. The fact that she is an accomplished yogi can easily justify her not succumbing to Lust completely. The idea of a Lust draining move sounds pretty good, though I'd prefer if it didn't jsut drop it to 0 and instead lowered it by a set amount roughly equivalent to the Focus Pills.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Loving the progress being made on Paige, this is definitely the quality of NPC that makes TiTS worth playing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
The name's B, coming at you HARD AND FAST with an update on Paige!

That update is: I'm still working on her. I'm chugging through her sex scenes right now, and like I thought, they're taking a bit of a backseat during NaNoWriMo. But they're still coming along, and I'm throwing a couple hundred words into her every day just to keep her moving.

It's been just under a month since my last post, and I just wanted the three or four of you know that she's not forgotten or anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
The name's B, coming at you HARD AND FAST with an update on Paige!

That update is: I'm still working on her. I'm chugging through her sex scenes right now, and like I thought, they're taking a bit of a backseat during NaNoWriMo. But they're still coming along, and I'm throwing a couple hundred words into her every day just to keep her moving.

It's been just under a month since my last post, and I just wanted the three or four of you know that she's not forgotten or anything.

I think there are more that follow and keep an eye on this thread that don't post on the forums. Including me :D
I'm excited for the progress


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Thanks for the hard work on one of the characters I'm most excited to see in the game. :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hello! My name is B.

This thread is coming up on its first birthday, and its last post was December 5th. It's been a very long time since Paige has seen an update.
The short of it is that I have no real excuse as to why it took so long to update her. I could cite burnout, or the few times I've been sick since her October updates, or real-life events, but all of them (aside the burnout) had no real bearing on my ability to write her. I just didn't. It sucks to say that to the people that were looking forward to her and I left them waiting and wondering all this time if she had been abandoned. Even though there are five or six people in this thread vocalizing how much they like her, it sucks when you leave just one person holding the bag.

That said.
I have great news.
Sexy news.


So the first thing you might notice is that this document - which is full of absolutely nothing except sex - is 114 pages and 54,000 words.

I already wrote this in the Overview section of the document, but I have a criticism with TiTS: I find a lot of the sex scenes to be difficult to digest because they're all overly wordy and full of unnecessary prose. I know why most authors in TiTS do this, but nonetheless, it gets kind of difficult to enjoy myself when I have to wade through two paragraphs of my lover just getting ready to do something to me. I'm certainly guilty of this with Lane and, to a lesser extent, Brooke.
Speaking of Lane, two criticisms I once got was that Lane didn't have a lot of sex content (which is true: he had something like two scenes per [Lane's] gender), and, a criticism from Gedan, that his document was difficult to navigate and messily organized.

In an effort to address both of these criticisms, I'm doing something completely different for Paige.
Please direct your attention this: http://i.imgur.com/OfBwRIx.png

The idea with Paige's sex scenes is that, rather than getting as much as four full-on pages all at once for you to try and digest, you instead get anywhere between three and six paragraphs with Paige before you're asked for an input. According to this image, her "First Time" sex scene goes for three paragraphs before asking you to either Embrace Her, Grab Her Ass, or Do Nothing. Whichever option you pick, you get four more paragraphs, then another input prompt, and so on until you get to the big climactic finish.
As for it being easier to navigate, every single scene is marked with keywords that can be easily Ctrl+F'd. For example, Grope Tits is FTGT1. Just Ctrl+F that, and you'll be taken straight there.

This way, you get approximately the same amount of content, if not more, and they're in easier-to-digest chunks, and you get more variety per scene. I'm trying to be the change I want to see; I don't know if this will work in practice, but hopefully it goes well.

Things that still need doing:
(In order of priority)
1) I need to rewrite the Tribadism scene to accommodate sexless PCs, which it currently doesn't even though it's supposed to. I forgot to include sexless PCs in the initial draft of the scene.
2) Writing in the PC offering to pay for Paige's surgery, then her subsequently becoming a crewmate
3) Battle win/loss sex scenes.
4) Sex scenes that explicitly cater to Taurs. Don't expect a ton of content: you're most likely only going to get one scene per gender (unless...), and Lord help you if you're a sexless Taur.
5) A threesome scene with Kiro. In fact, in an effort to maintain my sanity, this will probably be shelved in favor of doing it as an expansion pack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Must unlock permission for us to see the doc >.<

Also, if the coders won't have a bitch of a time coding all the different variations of the sex scenes, this could be pretty revolutionary! I really love this approach!

(Also feels guilty about being one of those writers who type 5 page long sex scenes, though I don't usually mind them as much as long as they're descriptive. :confused:)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I knew I fucked this up somehow. Should be fixed.
Yup, all good now! Unfortunately I had to sleep when I saw this gem, but holy crap, you pretty much wrote as much as I have for my first doc (Which was ambitious in and of itself) in just entirely a sex scene oriented doc... I can't say I'm not jealous at that productivity, but man... :confused: I do feel sorry for the coders that would have to go through it, but it looks like it would be worth it in the end, and definitely a nice change of pace and a fun way to go through sex scenes as a whole.

I'm definitely impressed from the brief glimpse I got so far of this! :D

Although I think if I had to gripe a little about one thing, its that its a bit hard to navigate the doc without a proper outline (On the left side of google docs) for each of the scene branches. It might get easy to become lost on which scene leads to what in the doc after a bit. Might be easy enough to make one out of the bookmarks you already have on the doc, but its just a little nitpick if anything.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Although I think if I had to gripe a little about one thing, its that its a bit hard to navigate the doc without a proper outline (On the left side of google docs) for each of the scene branches. It might get easy to become lost on which scene leads to what in the doc after a bit. Might be easy enough to make one out of the bookmarks you already have on the doc, but its just a little nitpick if anything.

I'm not going to do that for two reasons: 1) adding a bookmark for every single branch would take me an hour and a half of the most mind-numbing cataloguing work imaginable, and 2) I link to the Action Tree images twice per scene: one at the start of the scene, and one at the very beginning of the document. If you really don't want to follow or reference that and go through one branch without tabbing off the document - let's say you're in Vanilla, on Missionary, and you want to go to Anvil Position, and you don't know the keyword and don't want to tab to the reference image. You can also just as easily search for [=Anvil Position=]. A bracket followed by an equal sign is unique to scenes, making them easier to search for.

I don't mean to come off as dismissive to your suggestions, I'm just saying that I've thought of this and offered alternatives. Work smarter, not harder.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I'm not going to do that for two reasons: 1) adding a bookmark for every single branch would take me an hour and a half of the most mind-numbing cataloguing work imaginable, and 2) I link to the Action Tree images twice per scene: one at the start of the scene, and one at the very beginning of the document. If you really don't want to follow or reference that and go through one branch without tabbing off the document - let's say you're in Vanilla, on Missionary, and you want to go to Anvil Position, and you don't know the keyword and don't want to tab to the reference image. You can also just as easily search for [=Anvil Position=]. A bracket followed by an equal sign is unique to scenes, making them easier to search for.

I don't mean to come off as dismissive to your suggestions, I'm just saying that I've thought of this and offered alternatives. Work smarter, not harder.
Oh, I didn't mean ALL the branches... even I wouldn't want to do all that. :confused: I only meant like cataloging the beginnings of each action tree as headers in gdocs, like the Vaginal, Anal, Trib trees, etc. where you have the bookmarks already. (Curse my sleep deprived vagueness of explanation) but fair enough that you have alternative means, which isn't a bad thing at all, and my small suggestion might just be stupidly trivial. Was just a small nitpick after all. I don't have a problem with it myself, just a little unusual from the standard I've usually seen. :confused:

Captain Kiera

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
Hello! My name is B.

This thread is coming up on its first birthday, and its last post was December 5th. It's been a very long time since Paige has seen an update.
The short of it is that I have no real excuse as to why it took so long to update her. I could cite burnout, or the few times I've been sick since her October updates, or real-life events, but all of them (aside the burnout) had no real bearing on my ability to write her. I just didn't. It sucks to say that to the people that were looking forward to her and I left them waiting and wondering all this time if she had been abandoned. Even though there are five or six people in this thread vocalizing how much they like her, it sucks when you leave just one person holding the bag.

That said.
I have great news.
Sexy news.


So the first thing you might notice is that this document - which is full of absolutely nothing except sex - is 114 pages and 54,000 words.

I already wrote this in the Overview section of the document, but I have a criticism with TiTS: I find a lot of the sex scenes to be difficult to digest because they're all overly wordy and full of unnecessary prose. I know why most authors in TiTS do this, but nonetheless, it gets kind of difficult to enjoy myself when I have to wade through two paragraphs of my lover just getting ready to do something to me. I'm certainly guilty of this with Lane and, to a lesser extent, Brooke.
Speaking of Lane, two criticisms I once got was that Lane didn't have a lot of sex content (which is true: he had something like two scenes per [Lane's] gender), and, a criticism from Gedan, that his document was difficult to navigate and messily organized.

In an effort to address both of these criticisms, I'm doing something completely different for Paige.
Please direct your attention this: http://i.imgur.com/OfBwRIx.png

The idea with Paige's sex scenes is that, rather than getting as much as four full-on pages all at once for you to try and digest, you instead get anywhere between three and six paragraphs with Paige before you're asked for an input. According to this image, her "First Time" sex scene goes for three paragraphs before asking you to either Embrace Her, Grab Her Ass, or Do Nothing. Whichever option you pick, you get four more paragraphs, then another input prompt, and so on until you get to the big climactic finish.
As for it being easier to navigate, every single scene is marked with keywords that can be easily Ctrl+F'd. For example, Grope Tits is FTGT1. Just Ctrl+F that, and you'll be taken straight there.

This way, you get approximately the same amount of content, if not more, and they're in easier-to-digest chunks, and you get more variety per scene. I'm trying to be the change I want to see; I don't know if this will work in practice, but hopefully it goes well.

Things that still need doing:
(In order of priority)
1) I need to rewrite the Tribadism scene to accommodate sexless PCs, which it currently doesn't even though it's supposed to. I forgot to include sexless PCs in the initial draft of the scene.
2) Writing in the PC offering to pay for Paige's surgery, then her subsequently becoming a crewmate
3) Battle win/loss sex scenes.
4) Sex scenes that explicitly cater to Taurs. Don't expect a ton of content: you're most likely only going to get one scene per gender (unless...), and Lord help you if you're a sexless Taur.
5) A threesome scene with Kiro. In fact, in an effort to maintain my sanity, this will probably be shelved in favor of doing it as an expansion pack.


Paige is back,baby:yes:

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It's too vanilla for me, but your ethic is very impressive.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Amazing B. You outdid yourself here, I really like what you wrote. The Powerfuck path is easily my favorite

Im just a bit sad that the first scene only happens once, cause now I have to choose whether I want the dom or sub scene. And they are both HOT. I may need a save file just to repeat the scene with how good it is.

I hope that what you wrote doesnt cause too many problems with the coding department cause I'd love to see this ingame. Great work!!!:)

P.S: Tell me when those combat victory/loss scenes are written. Looking forward to those.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Oh, I didn't mean ALL the branches... even I wouldn't want to do all that. :confused: I only meant like cataloging the beginnings of each action tree as headers in gdocs, like the Vaginal, Anal, Trib trees, etc. where you have the bookmarks already. (Curse my sleep deprived vagueness of explanation) but fair enough that you have alternative means, which isn't a bad thing at all, and my small suggestion might just be stupidly trivial. Was just a small nitpick after all. I don't have a problem with it myself, just a little unusual from the standard I've usually seen. :confused:

Oh! Yeah that sounds fair, I went ahead and did that so now you can jump straight to the trees from the headers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
There are no words for how much happiness I feel,
Thank you so much B.

Also I really like the multiple-pathing system, its really enjoyable and well defined
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
Looking at docs, this is some really good writing, you know what you are doing and definitely something to look forward to whenever this gets finished. The only concern is, with the way the love scenes branch out, whether or not this will be a challenge for the developers to code in, it would be a shame for Paige not to get in. The only nitpick I have with the docs, as others have pointed out already, is navigating through the text. So yeah, Paige the yoga instructor looks pretty good, so far.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated the sex document, fixing the Tribadism tree to accommodate sexless PCs. There isn't actually any new content; it's just a bunch of logic calls and changes to say one thing if the PC has a cooch and say something else if they don't.

I'll be working on making Paige a crewmate next, to give myself a break from all the hanky-panky.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
chalk another one up to my slut puppy harem

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
While I applaud your creativity, at first glance that sex scene structure looks like it might kill the coder.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I can't imagine it'll be any harder than coding any other dialogue tree - but yes, I'm worried Paige won't be well-received by the dev team because of her scope. But, I'm committed to the idea at this point.

The update to making Paige a crewmate is coming along pretty well, and we should see an update fairly soon. Famous last words, considering how long it took to make her sex document, I know.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Greetings! It is your provider, B, here with content!

Are you ready to add Paige to your ever-increasing harem of willing followers/wives/husbands/workers/pets/slaves? If not, I'm sorry.

But if yes, then feast your eyes!

Most of this content update is fixing Paige's eyes and introducing her to your ship. Her barrier for entry is still the same 500,000 credit it was before; after that, you have a number of interactive options before and after her surgery, which are mostly cosmetic. When Paige first steps onto your ship, she has a small paragraph about her thoughts on your other crewmates, if applicable, and an entire other section if she's the only crewmate you've brought on. It's very plot heavy and features no sex whatsoever, but if you like reading about happy emotions and happy endings, this update is sure to please.

The biggest benefit to having Paige on your crew is that, as a navigator, she can plot your courses to other planets or stations when you fly to them. As a result, she can cut travel time down by almost half, turning a ten hour trip into a six hour trip (although that's just a suggestion, and is up to Fen & Friends to change/balance).
That's a relatively minor buff, I realize. One of the biggest reasons why I wanted to have Paige on as a follower is for the ideas Fen and Savin keep throwing around about having ship-to-ship battles and boarding/being-boarded parties: as Paige has a history as a combatant and as a pirate, she would be a valuable asset in such situations. The mechanics aren't implemented into the game, but with Paige as a follower, any player that has her would get a decent headstart on the competition. Or, at least, that's the intent.

As a follower, Paige's content is very similar to her interactions with you while she was blind and in her unit, but with some logical changes to go with her restored vision. I do have a couple of ideas to branch out her content as a follower for later expansions, such as allowing her in your bed to sleep with (similar to Anno) and, like I promised, the Kiro threesome. Maybe some fun times in a shower, like a minor shoutout to Brooke, the character Paige is based on. Possibly even a scene where you share your bed with Paige and Anno, but that's just me throwing ideas out there. Another idea is that, since Paige is still keeping up her yoga practice via her helper droid Iddi, she can be another constant source of income, similar to if the PC breaks free of Lane's control. Keep in mind, these are just ideas for expansions, and thus are fairly low priority.
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