[Implemented] Muffstick - Mouthgina TF


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It´s implemented!!! :D

Thanks to @Jacques00 being his awesome self Muffstick and FizzyFix got in this early after submission.
I was certain that this would take a lot more time to code due to the new descriptors and what not, but I guess that´s just breakfast to an expert coder and writer :p
Again, thanks a lot Jacques.

But anyway. The first thing I wrote for TiTS is finally in game :D
I´m so happy :)
And I hope you all enjoy it. It´s very niche, so it´s not expected of course :p
Congratulations, Birb Bro. :toot:

Praise be to the Based JQ, the Code Geenie.

Just to celebrate this occasion, I've created a new Steele, Ammy the Mouthy Mouse. If Rodenian TF will ever become a thing, this little lady will turn into one hell of a sexy, kissy freak.

Now go and right proper mouth muff support for all the scenes that are lacking in that regard.:p


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Just wait til we meet that Gold Myr Queen now and ask for some girly fun...
("Your vagina isn't that diff-"
She stammers, stopping mid sentence, as your [Mouth-gina Descript] purses and sticks its tongue out at her. She stares in a shocked, wide eye stillness as the appendage flailing at her retracts as quickly as it came.
She mutters quietly, her awed stunned expression breaking upon your giggling amusement. She's about to say something until you blow a raspberry with your exotic girl parts. "Interesting ..." she finally says "Does it sing to?"
Pc.misch* "It does! though its through ventriloquism. But it only knows the high notes... "
She crosses both her arms, a pair under each bust. A bemused smirk belies her regal face as you abuse her wits.)
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