[Implemented] Futa Paige Expack!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
It's time we give that bitch a cock! Bitches love cocks!

In this expansion, we get around to giving Paige a dick and balls of her own. It's one of the more commonly-requested expansions for her, and I told Fen that I'd only write it once he writes Kiro Crew. Well, he pulled through, so it's time I held up my end of the deal.

The requirements to giving Paige a dick are:
1) Paige has her eyesight back. She doesn't necessarily need to be crew.
2) KiroQuest is completed. Kiro doesn't necessarily need to be crew.
3) You have a threesome with them.
4) You have the money to buy one (1) box of Dicksprout from Sera. That's 42k credits. I'm aware that Paige is a bit of a money sink.

At the end of the threesome between you, Paige, and Kiro, you'll be given the option to ask Paige if she's still willing to grow a dick, like she said she was when she and Kiro were younger. She still is, but Throbb, while being cheaper, does shit to your head, and she wants a cleaner, above-the-board alternative, which is why she asks for Dicksprout. It's one-hundred percent completely optional. Even if you ask Paige to grow a dick, you can still just not give her the Dicksprout.

You can find the document here! This document will receive all future updates as part of my commitment to bringing you free porn during these difficult times. You don't have to be a subscriber to my Patreon to get it or anything!

But I'd still appreciate it if you did. Subscribe, I mean. To my Patreon.

As of this posting, the document has roughly 4,700 words. In it, you cover the initial discussion to convince her to grow a dick, as well as the sequence of her actually growing it, followed by an intense masturbation scene that ends with Paige consciously denying her own orgasm. So we're jumping straight into the deep end!

And, of course, this being a Paige expack, her sex scene will have a flowchart to it:

Also, I'm hoping to go through Paige's current in-game content and giving her
knot support
before this expack is done.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
guess Paige won't need her ghost partner anymore, which is a shame
but hooray for getting a dick to our favorite yogga doggo


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 6,300 words! In this update, Paige gets accustomed to her newfound girth, and then she starts fucking you silly. This completes the first three scenes in the flowchart!
{Not Hard:“Oh, don’t get your messages mixed, [pc.name],” she says}{Hard:“Oh, let’s get one thing straight here, [pc.name],” she says} as she pulls the codex away from her face and lowers it down her body. As the camera pans, you realize she isn’t wearing clothes, and not only that, but her nipples are standing upright and fully erect on her C-cup breasts.

Not that you have much time to ogle them: she flips the codex over, its camera pointed straight at her crotch, simulating her own point-of-view, and you’re treated to a viewport screen of her fully-erect, blood-red cock, standing fully erect from her crotch and pointing straight forward from her hips. Her knot is fully inflated atop her loose sheath, itself pooled against her pelvis; the knot blocks most of the view of her plump, furry balls, but you can see each of them, squashed slightly from her sitting position and bulging against the inside of her thighs. As soon as the camera’s on her cock, it flexes, and a dollop of her pre drips in a single, long, clear strand from her pointed tip, slowly drooling to the floor.

“{Not Hard:You’re the one that gave me this. And it’s <b>you</i> that will be taking <b>full responsibility</b> for it. For as long as it takes.}{Hard:By the time we’re done, it’ll be <b>you</b> that’s begging <b>me</b> for a reward.}” The codex shifts slightly, and you see her right hand come into frame from the side; her fingers wrap around her shaft, just above the knot, unable to close the whole way, and she begins to pump it. The codex’s microphone can easily pick up the sound of her fist ‘plap plap plap’ing against her knot with each jerk.

“I’ll see you soon, sweet thing.” And then, she disconnects the call.
She shoves you, and you fall backwards onto her bed; not a second later, and your ausar navigator is straddling your chest{B’s or larger:, her huge, hard dog dick flopping in between your [pc.chest]. She doesn’t waste any time in grabbing each of your tits in her hand, squishing and wobbling your mounds against her cock, and she wetly titfucks herself: she doesn’t thrust, but rather, she glides your boobs along her cock instead}. Her huge, furry balls press against the underside of your ribs, and as soon as she finds a comfortable spot to settle in on top of you, another shot of her pre jets from her tip, reaching as high as your chin. If she had angled it just a smidge higher, it would’ve bulls-eyed right into your open mouth.

“You have five seconds to tell me how you want it,” she pants, her voice coming out more gravely and throaty than before. It’s been a while since she grew this thing, and she’s been edging herself the entire time, waiting for you to ‘break it in;’ she’s understandably a bit <i>rowdy</i> and hopped up on her own hormones to get started.
Paige inhales through clenched teeth as her back arches, and you’re suddenly given a front-row seat to the performance of her red, pointed dog-dick bloating and inflating in your hands as her newly-minted cum flows from her, spurting from her tip in long, unbroken strands. Her jizz coats your [pc.skinFurScales] from your stomach to your chest, painting you white in long, thick streaks{bimbo:; you angle it upwards just slightly and stick out your tongue, and, on her third gout, it jets far enough and high enough to land right into your mouth}.

Paige holds her breath through her orgasm, bucking into your hands the whole while, until, after she adds another few ropes of pearly cum to drench you with, she finally exhales and relaxes. Her body’s muscles release their tension, and she takes a few huffs through her mouth as she regains her composure.

Despite how thoroughly soaked you are in her cum, you can’t help but notice that she isn’t soft. Not even a little.

“Not a bad round one,” she says with a haughty, confident tone, even through her panting. She bucks her hips a few times, slapping her cock against your [pc.belly], where her dripping cum is starting to pool; it splashes and sprays her cum every which way with every slap. “But I’m {not silly:not even close}{silly:about one-sixth of the way} to done. Let’s hurry and get started on the follow-up.”

{first time:What have you gotten yourself into?}{else:Just what you hoped she’d say.}
You can read the whole thing for free on my Patreon, and you can also drop me a tip while you're there, maybe? Just a thought, you know, a suggestion, an idea, a little teensy tiny proposal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I just realised a few things
  1. Paige's tribadism scene will most likely be lost (as you can't access it if you have a cock, why would Paige have sex with you this way when she has a perfectly good cock)
    • The text that appears if you have a cock and vagina and try to select this scene "You can’t do this if you have a penis! Why not just use it instead?"
    • Also there would be a large amount of rewrites to make the scene work with Paige having a cock an balls
  2. Tribadism in the sleep scene will most likely be replaced by this scene (with the shower part possibly cutoff)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Paige having a dick requires a ton of logistical changes to her content - but your average player isn't really going to notice if you just ignore it, which I'm pretty tempted to do tbh.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Dude, she's into yoga. Yoga.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
No, but I bet it's just as painful.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
That sort of logistical struggle is why I initially locked Tribadism away for dick-havers: I didn't want to write the struggle of you lifting your equipment away so you can rub your taint against Paige's pussy, along with all the times I'd have to write your cock and balls flopping around as you get into it.

One of the Tribadism scenes also has Paige picking you up and fucking you in a standing position iirc, which muddies that water even further.

The two options I have are to just ignore it and let players do what they like, or to lock it away permanently once she grows a dick. One is good for the player just wanting to have a good time, but the other is good for consistency and authorial integrity. It's not exactly the easiest decision to make.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
This is pretty good.The only thing that would make this Expack better would be giving her a Horsecock.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated the doc with 1,700 words! This gets roughly 3/4ths of the way through the Frot scene, where you spread your legs and Paige grinds her dick against whatever's there (or even if nothing's there). There's a ton of variables in this one due to the chaotic nature of the PC's genitals, so this scene's going to be a doozy to write. It includes some SPH for particularly-under-endowed PCs, since more than a few people seem to be into that.
Unfortunately, I had to remove the option for her to Hotdog you due to logistical reasons - it had to be one or the other, and when I asked on Discord which one the people would rather see, Frotting won with 100% of the vote.
The pace of her movement is agonizingly slow; she still isn’t used to her dick, and every sensation is a new experiment that needs to be fully vetted and tested as thorough as she can. Her teeth nibble into her bottom lip as she drinks in every sensation of her cock frotting against your body until her hips collide with yours and you can feel the furs on her nuts tickling the bottom edge of your [pc.ass].

It may not be as pleasurable as putting it somewhere a bit warmer and tighter, but, as Paige is discovering, not all pleasure is tactile: there’s something to be said about the thrill you get when you’re teasing either your partner or yourself with the <i>opportunity</i> to do something more intense, but forcing each other to wait. Paige’s dick unintentionally flexes once beneath her fingers, and a fresh, warm shot of her pre launches forward, spraying onto your [pc.stomach]. “Not bad,” she says huskily, more to herself than to you.
Despite how unabashedly hard you are, your [pc.cock] is next to nothing compared to the monolith that is Paige’s hot pillar of dog-meat. Every push and grind of her cock on top of yours completely obscures any sight you have of your dick pressed against your stomach, and her girth is so wide that even if she were to adjust her angle a little bit, you still wouldn’t be able to see any part of yourself from underneath her.

Paige can’t help but notice just how immense she is compared to you, and just how little effort she needs to put in to keep her dick pressed down on top of yours. “You know that male enhancement practically sells for dimes these days, right?” she snickers. She wraps one hand around her shaft; although she can’t touch her fingers together on her own meat, she can grip onto yours easily. One full pump of your cock doesn’t make it halfway up her own. “I’d say that having a smaller dick just means that you’d have an easier time fucking someone… but hell, I got this real <i>dominator</i> of a cock, and I’m fucking you, aren’t I?”
Did you know that subscribing to my Patreon, while totally optional (since you can read this doc for free), will mean that you are cool and smart and handsome and immensely virile/fertile?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 2,100 words! This update finishes the [=Frot=] scene and makes some small headway into the next Vaginal/Anal scene.
“Fuck,” Paige barks, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. Her eyes widen and her pupils contract as she eyes your body, from your stomach up to your [pc.chest]. “I’m going to love painting you white, [pc.name].” Her thrusts pick up power as she imagines it: her knot grinds almost painfully against you with each thrust she makes against your body, and her tip bulges, yawning wider, ready to spew her contents all over you. “Here it comes!”

True to her word, by the next two thrusts, you’re treated to the sight of the first of many ropes of pearly-white ausar jizz being shot through the air, arcing upwards only a few inches before raining back down across your outstretched form. Her cum {DD-cups or larger:sprays into the bottom of your rack}{else:shoots high enough to land across your face and into your open mouth}, coating everything it launches over along the way in her jizz. Like she had promised, you’re covered from the {underside of your boobs}{the lower jaw} and downward in long, thick, viscous streaks of white cum; each grunt is accompanied by a long, thick streak of her cum reaching up to spray over some other part of your body, followed shortly by another, and she deliberately tries to aim for different parts of your form so that she doesn’t leave an inch of you uncovered.
You lick your [pc.lips] as you watch another bead of her pre drip from the pointed tip of her cock and land right on your forehead. The salty, musky taste of her cum still lingers on your tongue, and you can practically still feel its thickness against your teeth. She just said that she’d be okay with having a second round, and, frankly, you’re starting to think that that’s not such a bad idea.

But no: as amazing as a blowjob can feel for either party, there’s a burning, seething fire in your loins that needs some very <i>particular</i> attention. You lick your lips once more, before you look Paige in the eye and, in no uncertain terms, tell her that she needs to {vaginal:fuck you until you forget your name}{anal:fuck you so thoroughly that you’ll be afraid to sit down for days.}
Not a whole lot to talk about in this update post, otherwise! Insert segue into Patreon shill here


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 2,300 words! This completes the second vaginal/anal scene. It's a bit heavier on the variables than I had expected it to be, namely, what Paige says and does based on your previous actions.
It isn’t too much longer before you feel her bulbous knot pounding against your [pc.vagOrAss], and with it, the clap of her furry, heavy balls against your lower asscheek; with each thrust she makes against your body, a deep, echoing, resounding <i>clap</i> of her skin against your body reverberates off the walls, telling all that would listen that she has you underneath her, and that she’s looking to <i>tie</i> you to her like the bitch she’s making you out to be.

Paige grunts, mostly through her nose, as her knot continues to batter against your poor [pc.vagOrAss]. Her thrusting turns down a bit: losing speed, but not power, as she pulls back until she’s got the tip-and-some-change inside you before pushing back in with a powerful buck of her hips. “{chose the same hole:You’re probably loose enough by now,” she says to herself, tilting her head. But….” She thrusts against you twice more, feeling your [pc.skinFurScales] jiggle beneath her fingers. “}Nah. If I tie you, that’d be the end of it. Wanna save that for when I’m ready.”
Paige humps her cock into you a few more times, feeling your body slurp on her shaft and her seed spilling out from your [pc.vagOrAss] with each motion. You’re left a twitching puddle of [pc.name]-shaped [pc.skinFurScales] on her bed by the time she pulls out with a long, exaggerated ‘<i>sluuuuuurp</i>’.

She lets out a light, airy sigh as she grips her wet dick by the shaft – and she beats it against your upturned ass a few times, slapping a new wet spot on your cheek with each movement. You dare to look over your shoulder, a part of your mind dreading (or is it eager?) what you’ll find; and, confirming your fears (or is it excitement?), you see that, despite having cum{last chosen was Vaginal or Anal: inside} you twice, she’s still, against all reason, solid as a rock.

“Hurry and catch your breath,” Paige says, jerking her shaft with her right hand and fondling her tits with her left. “We’re not done just yet.”
I might cut off the last row of scenes in the flowchart, so that it's three sex scenes, plus the shower, plus one more sex scene. It depends on what my wordcount is when I get there.

Give me money so I can eat


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated the doc with 2,700 words! This completes the second Oral scene in its entirety: Paige stands beside the bed, and you get into a sitting position so you can throat that cock properly.
{last was not Oral:“Far be it from me for trying to tell my partner how [pc.heShe] wants to get fucked,” she laughs.}{last was Oral:“[pc.name], I’m a bit of a thirsty gal for a mouthful of cum myself, and take it from a fellow cum-guzzler: I know the look of a cocksucker when I see one.”} Paige clambers off the bed, one leg before the other, before she turns and faces you, her knees against the edge, and her iron-hard and bulging tip is jutting straight ahead from her crotch: a beacon for you to home in on and prove to her that you’re a good cumdump.

You pull yourself to a sitting position, your nose against her pointed tip; you run the flat underside of your nose against her cumvein, your nostrils against the skin of her shaft, and you drag your nose down its length, deeply huffing as you go. Your hands instinctively find Paige’s hips, bracing you against her for support, while Paige’s left hand strokes at your [pc.hair]. It may be the combination of the submissive posture, the gentle grip of Paige’s hand on your head, and the fumes of her musk, but there’s something awfully… comforting about being in this position, with your nose flaring and your tongue lolling as you ready yourself to take Paige’s cock into your throat{oral is 1: once more}.
You’re taking her with long, full, broad sucks: going deep enough that her tip and a handful of change presses into your throat{snakebyte:, sending shivers of hardly-restrained pleasure arcing through your body and incentivizing you to take her deeper, to suck <i>more cock</i>}, before withdrawing with a single, long, wet, loud, and languid suck; your spit clings to her shaft in long, viscous webs, before it’s all eagerly crammed back into your throat with enough force that you feel Paige’s balls slap you in the [pc.chest]. Every thrust of her dick into your maw is a new experience: {oral is 1:you’re already aware of how deep you can take her, but every thrust is like a challenge to see if you can go even further. A challenge that you’ll probably take again if you want to go down on her a third time.}{else:with every thrust, you wonder if you’ve hit your limit, that you can take her as deeply as you can, but she changes your perceptions of how deep is <i>too</i> deep with every other push.}

“I’m close,” Paige says hoarsely, her hand tapping at your skull to let you know. Her balls clench and pull against her body, and her cock stretches and bulges wider across your tongue with her rampant movements. As soon as you register the words, you realize that you’re fairly close yourself, and you’ve gotten there without touching yourself once. {oral is 1:Your abject devotion to sucking her cock took all your attention from yourself.}{else:Sucking her dick took all the attention you had away from yourself – you wanted to make sure you did a good job. Or, so you tell yourself.}
This completes the second round of scenes. I keep trying to tone down the wordcount, but it's very difficult - not because I'm naturally a wordsy writer, but because there are so many variables. The PC cums in this scene, and their orgasm is 400 words, covering different genital types and fluid outputs. Writing is tough!

But you can make it easier on me.

That concludes this week's Paige writing. I'll be returning to futa Paige on the 18th!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 2,300 words! This completes the Thighfuck scene in its entirely; for an added twist, in this scene (and in every scene in wave 3), you cum, but Paige does not. This is only going to fuel her sex drive for the shower scene, though!
Maybe it’s <i>because</i> of the heat and the friction of her cock roughly fucking the gap between your thighs, so close to your {cock:[pc.cock]}{vag:[pc.vagina]}{none:crotch}, that you find the whole thing to be far more pleasurable than you expected; while it’s not the same tactile feedback you’d get if she stuck that monster cock of hers into your [pc.vagOrAss], there is nonetheless a definite, tangible feeling of <i>gratification</i> that you get every time you feel her knot pound against your legs, and you see your [pc.thighs] ripple from the impact, and you feel her exhale through her nose against your ankles.

Without stopping her thrusting, Paige reaches down with one hand, going for the water bottle she had discarded, still half-full; she hefts it and unscrews the cap, all without breaking her stride, and, rather than drink it, she pours it down the inside of your legs, washing the cool water along your thighs and onto her cock.

The feel of the water rushing down your thighs makes you shiver, the contrast of the cool liquid meeting her hot thrusting cock giving you a tingling dissonance; once the water hits her cock, her hard-and-heavy thrusting becomes saturated, each pound being punctuated by a wet splash, reminding you of the sound of a cock <i>properly</i> fucking a nice, tight cunt; and the way droplets of the water fling from your legs and onto your stomach, some of them reaching as high as your [pc.chest], as she fucks them right off your body – hell, it makes you <i>horny.</i>
The sight of my Patreon plug is overwhelming!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 2,600 words! This completes the third Vaginal/Anal scene in its entirety. 2,600 words is, frankly, too much for a sex scene, but any player is only going to see maybe half of all that content in any given run due to the options they choose and the genital set they have. I honestly feel really bad for the poor bastard (probably Fenoxo) that codes it.
Suddenly, Paige rights herself, standing up straight; without losing her stride or tempo, she reaches for her water bottle, still half-full, and twists the cap off, flinging it over her shoulder. Apparently, she’s feeling a little overheated: with her hips maintaining their rhythm, she brings the mouth of the water bottle to her neck, and waterfalls the rest of the contents down her body: it cascades through the cream-colored fur of her front, over her breasts and down her cleavage, washing down her stomach, until it splashes against her cock, still sawing into your {chose vaginal:[pc.pussy]}{chose anal:[pc.asshole]} all the while.

Now, every movement of her hips comes with a wet squelch and a splash of water, sometimes reaching as high as your neck, and backwashing down your {chose vaginal:taint}{chose anal:ass}. The sudden water makes for decent lube (not that you were in need of it, with how {chose vaginal:wet you are and }how much pre she’s squirting to coat herself with), but, moreover, the mixture of the friction of her cock pounding into your body, along with the comparatively-cool water dousing your box, drives you forward farther than you had expected: you didn’t realize how badly you needed to feel her sodden, rock-hard cock mix with a bit of water just to get you so close, and so quickly.

You chew into your bottom lip, your fingers curling {biped, flexible:against the [pc.skinFurScales] of your raised legs}{else:into the bedsheets, yanking them out of place}, as you feel the edge of your orgasm coming up to you in a hurry. Perhaps it’s because you’re overstimulated from having cum so recently; maybe it’s the shock to your system brought on by the cool water against your hot mons; maybe it’s just because Paige is a whole lot better at making your brains leak out of your skull with her cock than you had anticipated; whatever the reason, you’re suddenly <i>very close,</i> and it takes all your remaining willpower to hold on for just another couple of thrusts–
Did you know that there's actually a ton of content on my Patreon? There's more to it than just Paige and her brand new dick!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 3,300 words! This completes the third Oral scene, front to back, and it makes it maybe a quarter of the way through the upcoming Shower scene (which will be split into three, and which one you get is based on the options you chose beforehand).
She lets you go at your own pace, running your [pc.tongue] along the length and the circumference of her cock; you drag it from her root, around her knot, to her tip, and you coil and lather at it everywhere in-between on the way back down. Every new drop of her pre is caught, swilled, and swallowed, before you go right back to work, ensuring that no inch, not a single speck, of her upright and throbbing dick is left unattended. Your left hand rests on her stomach, your fingers dug into the crease of her abs; your right hand comes to her bulging, heavy balls, unable to grasp both at once, and feeling your fingers strain to heft just one with their sheer density.

Feeling them bounce in your fingers invariable draws your face to them: you crawl forward slightly, your nose leading the way against her crotch until it finds the crest of her right nut, and you can’t help but inhale deeply, holding her scent in your lungs for a moment as you bask in the musk and the <i>virility</i> of Paige’s nutsack. You have a job to do, of course: you lift her heavy nut to bring it to your mouth, and you dutifully suck in as much as you can, running your tongue over the sensitive ball. You feel Paige’s thighs quiver and tense as soon as you do, and you feel her cock jet a little bit more of her pre against your neck in response – she likes it, and quite a lot, too.
Paige removes her hand from you so that she can reach for her old, discarded water bottle, still half-full. You hear her unscrew it – you wouldn’t be surprised if she’s still a bit thirsty, after all the ‘work’ you two have been doing – but, catching you off-guard, Paige reaches down to your head, and she dumps the remainder of the bottle’s contents onto your scalp. The water hits the back of your head with a wet splash, and it cascades down your cheeks, your neck, and a bit down your shoulders; the tight seal of your lips on her shaft is moistened as the water wraps around to your mouth, and the taste of Paige’s hot, musky cock is diluted with the comparatively-cool water. And, bonus, it’s refreshing.

Throughout the slutty sucking; the wet sounds of your [pc.lips] surging down her shaft, touching down on her knot, then slowly making their way back up; and the general haze you’re mind’s been in since you first took that deep huff of her musk, you realize, with a bit of a start, that your orgasm is fast approaching. How long have you been sucking Paige’s dick? Has it been five minutes, or has it been fifty? Or somewhere in between? Has sucking Paige’s cock done this to you, or is it how deftly and expertly she’s {cock:giving you a handjob}{else:fucking you with her fingers}?
How much ausar cock can one Steele suck? Go to my Patreon and maybe you'll find out!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated the doc with 1,800 words! This completes the "variety" shower scene, where she fingers your ass and you jerk her off until she paints your front side with her jizz, and it makes some minor headway into the vaginal/anal shower scene.
She sighs, her body still tingling with aftershocks and still randomly clenching in spots, anywhere from her fingers, to her legs… to her <i>still</i> rock-hard and red-hot canine cock. After three back-to-back-to-back rounds, shooting more cum than you’d have imagined her nuts to be capable of, she hasn’t lost an iota of that sexual energy. She’s already good to go for round four – she just needs to tell you whether she wants it in the shower.
Admittedly, while it’s certainly not what you expected, it feels better than you were ready for. As pleasurable as the last three back-to-back-to-back rounds of raw, unfettered sex have been, maybe you were a bit grimier and a bit more tensed from it all than you had realized. Feeling Paige’s fingers work the soap into your body is relaxing – and therefore pleasurable in its own way – enough that you can’t help but moan.

“Never underestimate the effects of a nice, warm shower,” Paige laughs, working her fingers against your spine{tail: with one hand, and using the other to massage the soap into your tail}. You lean harder against the stall’s wall, sinking slightly against it, your cheek pressed against the wet material as Paige’s masterful fingers get the hard-to-reach spots of you cleaner than the probably have been in years. And you think that even as Paige’s cock continues to fuck the space between your raised ass-cheeks, continually spurting its pre onto {tail:the underside of the base of your [pc.tail]}{else:your tailbone and a little ways up your spine}, right where Paige just got nice and clean.
That's that for futa Paige this week! I'll be returning to her on June 1st!

Why not give my Patreon some lovin' in the meantime?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
B, not complaining but why do you go through the trouble of bringing us a walk through graph of the scene?