Paige snorts, animalistic; her sensibilities leave her as she almost violently beats at her own dick, masturbating herself to the edge you’ve left her at. You can see her six-pack abs crunching and tensing, and out of the corner of your eye, you see her balls pulling up and squeezing into her body. It should only be a few pumps, now.
On cue, Paige’s breath catches in her throat, forcing her to hold it. Her body tenses; her hips thrust upward into her hand; and the first stream of her jizz arcs through the air, glinting in what little light there is in the room before coming down in a long, thick streak across your face. Her aim is terrible: her cum goes in a long, diagonal line from the right side of your chin to up and above your left eye. And the second load is only <i>marginally</i> better: it goes the whole distance length-wise across your face, over your parted lips, along your nose, and between your eyes.
“Fuck yeah, take it, you dirty slut,” Paige grunts. Her voice is drowned out by the sound of her fist beating her dick, and your focus is more on the feel of her cum painting your face to its colors, just like you had fantasized. Every new line of cum is full and thick, reaching all the way from your jawline to your []. You’re torn between wanting to close your eyes to protect them, and wanting to watch the spectacle of Paige cumming so hard that she’s literally covering your face with every other throb of her dick. And, like the good little ‘dirty slut’ that you are, you wait until she’s good and done before you swallow whatever lands in your mouth.
Some part of your mind is dimly aware that you’re cumming along with her; that your {cock

wn [pc.cock] is throbbing, pointed at Paige’s ankles, and your [pc.cum] is jetting from your tip with enough force to reach her feet{herm:, and your }}{vag:[pc.vagina] is clenching and tightening, your own juices dribbling onto the bed and staining them, as proof of exactly where you were sitting when Paige started cumming all over your face}{none:body is tensing and seizing, before relaxing, and then starting it all up again in a rhythmic, constant pattern; even with no genitals for you to cum with, there are some things that are baked into your biology that your body will never forget}. Perhaps that’s why your body feels so languid right at this moment: all the tension is getting redirected to your crotch, giving your body the function it needs to sit there and take every warm, covering shot of her cum across your face without a care in the world.
Her fifth shot of cum is weaker; it only reaches as high up as just beneath your left eye before streaking down to your chin. She’s getting to the end of her rope, but, from the way she continues to fuck her own hand, she’s got one last shot still in her still-quivering nuts: her left hand comes down onto your head, holding you steady, and she places her cock’s head on your outstretched tongue, ensuring that the sixth and final load finds its mark inside your mouth.
When it comes, she angles her cock a bit to the right, causing her jizz to blast against where your lower jaw meets your upper jaw, filling out your cheek and submerging your gums with her warm, creamy, salty cum. With a sigh, she lets go of her dick, letting it rest against your still outstretched tongue; you can feel it throb and pulse against you, but, from her body language, you believe that she’s really, finally tapped. And it only took five loads.