[Implemented]Butt Bugs


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
So I've been asked to move my work from ideas to here, whoever wants to can thank bujjj for that.

For those who do not know what this project is here is a summary:
1. I'm writing a Tarkus parasite, smut lords know we need a functional one and not just one that(to my current knowledge) does not actually become a parasite you need to worry about or celebrate.
2. As you can guess from the title these parasites are quite anal about where they go in your body and what they do with it.
3. It features a dildo-looking male and a butt-plug-looking female variant of which the female is the actual parasite.
4. If you have a female inside you and you are fucked by a male eggs are laid inside you where they gestate and grow until they are ready to be lain.
5. You can capture a male and use him as a dildo or inseminator, depending on whether you have the parasite or not. Might make a female capture possible in expansion.
6. Three different female types that have different egg pregnancies, currently no different males but I might expand upon them if this even gets into game.
7. I'm also planning some nursery content for these guys, a large room filled with sand and some boulders to simulate Tarkus.
8. Some expansion ideas are already listed in doc for the future if you wanted to suggest something.

Here's the link:


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
Parasites usually gross me out but this looks really impressive, hopefully you can get it in game. Well done!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Well then, the post victory male scene is finally finished. I almost burned myself out on that one, gotta be careful so I don't negatively motivate myself to quit. Those that watched me do my thing(all anon, ya bunch of anti social horn dogs) already know what the subject matter of the additions are. I'll be moving from the male for now to work on revising the female fleshlight scene to include their feelers while fixing my accursed run on sentences, kindly pointed out by Kirbu.

Speaking of my wonderful volunteer proof reader, I don't know if I've been doing so well that he did not need to point out my mistakes or if he's just been missing but I haven't seen him around in a while. :iiam: Then again he could just be testing out the new public build.

After the revision of the fleshlight scene I'll try and finish a chunk of the parasitism section before my next update.
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Nov 12, 2015
Been pretty busy and super distracted lately. My apologies! I gave the male victory stuff a looking over. Will try to get to the nursery when I can.

Watch the comma splices, gerund overuse, and fragments and I think you'll be golden, btw.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Been pretty busy and super distracted lately. My apologies! I gave the male victory stuff a looking over. Will try to get to the nursery when I can.

Watch the comma splices, gerund overuse, and fragments and I think you'll be golden, btw.

I don't mind people being busy, I'm busy too.

Ever vigilant against my comma splice curse although I've noticed some slip by after a bit of late night writing. I have to admit I had to look up "gerund"... didn't even know that's what it was called and holy hell did I have a lot of them. I must've been in a gerund focused state of mind when I put that down(almost used "putting that down"). Your first fragment edit didn't really make a lot of sense to me a few weeks ago but I saw nothing wrong with the paragraph afterwards so I guess it was good.

I'm going to start doing a change log thing, here goes:

- Modified female fleshlight scene with some feeler goodness.
- Fixed some glaring run on sentences in fleshlight scene.
- Laid out more or less the parasitism section in accordance to each female.
- Laid out some reminder plans too.
- Bit of a surprise edition but the nursery expansion is also more or less finished(just the personality of the hybrids that need a bit polishing and editing). Wasn't sure of the dev's stances on parent/child incest so for now that is omitted and modified like it never existed.

I swear I look at the suggestions and cringe at my own mistakes. At least it's not as bad as the hole I got from first posting the doc. Kirbu's as merciless as the language inquisition... and I kinda like that.


Nov 12, 2015
Yea, I didn't do a good job of explaining gerunds. They're typically used as a very easy salve for poor sentence structure, but it gets old really fast. As for the fragments, I typically try to take a sentence out of its context, and then you can see if its still possible to figure out the subject of it. The loose nature of writing for this game allows for *some* fragments to be intentional depending on your style, but I try and point them out when I can. I can always explain my thinking process if it's not clear.

It's beyond awesome to provide proofing feedback and to have a writer improve and care about their consistency going forward rather than get frustrated. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Another week another update, writing under the affect of paint fumes have taken it's toll so there might be a little weirdness in play with what I've added. I did give it a once over but I may have missed something. Should also be a little less gerund heavy as well.

- Most of the parasitic pregnancy scenes have been put in, all that's left are laying of the fertile eggs themselves and then they are off to the nursery.
- Added section to way bottom of doc for future plans of symbioses.
- Minor edits of post victory male scene in accordance to what Kirbu pointed out.

To do list:
- Masturbation scene that involves the male butt bug.
- End pregnancy egg laying scenes.
- Loss scenes.

Now long now, then I can finally mark this as a finished product until some bells and whistles are added. Truth be told the different female variants are bells of themselves and the nursery has a whistle likeness to it but I wanted to add them anyway. Didn't think this would turn into a 40+ page project when I started out on it but well what can you do when fingers wander.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Surprise mini update.

Don't know why I forgot about them but three extra reminders have been added, one of them even somehow turned into a mini scene. They were suggestions made by Kirbu and they sounded good so I set out to add them, but somehow forgot about their existence until this weekend. Anyway I am set on finishing either the male or the final pregnancy scenes before the end of tuesday.


Oct 15, 2016
Awesome, the whole thing is almost done! I love everything that you have so far, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Here I am with another update, on a wednesday of all times. Anyway, masturbation with the male has been completed, though it's not really masturbation now is it?

Changelog since last week:
- Masturbation with captured with male butt bug.
- And those reminders that I posted about on saturday.

To do:
- Egg laying scenes for each female.
- Loss scenes.

I've noticed I slow down whenever anything with the male needs to be done. The loss scenes on the male's side should provide a fresh perspective from which to write. Maybe I'm just bored with with him, who knows.


Nov 12, 2015
The project's definitely been coming along great. Just the transition from slews of grammar and sentence structure suggestions to fewer writing fixes and more general ways to improve and enhance scenes has been wonderful from my perspective. The scenes you got up next on your slate are definitely some of the biggest, juiciest highlights for the concept. Giving each female type their own egg-laying scene for fertilized eggs will not only let you accentuate their unique traits, attitudes and physical qualities, but also allow you to find different ways to make each one special with their own unique flare. By that I mean that not all three need to have the player merely squat and lay with mad-lib style changes between all three should you so choose. Off the top of my head just to better illustrate my point: normal females are about what you would expect, over-productive females could the the player down on their stomach weighed down by the torrent of eggs blasting out their behind, and large female carriers could be reduced to sitting down on the ground with the bug, effectively pulling their bodies up over the egg.

As for the loss scenes, those are ample opportunities for interactions that we've not seen in the much more consensual, controlled or more conventional scenes we've had so far. Butts are these bugs' domain, and they've got all sorts of tools to get an uncooperative pair of cheeks to let loose their precious hidden treasure to squeeze into and take control of. And once a bug has her host, she knows she can have some fun for a little bit before its time to blend in.

On that same note, when a male downs an infected host, that's a perfect chance for a female to show just how control she is of the situation, making for a rough, weird display of anal control and domination that could be leagues away from what one would expect from losing to a male bug alone. Any female is capable of making you as tight, gaping, wet, drooling, pulsing or teasing as they want on top of using your weakened, suggestion-prone state to move your cheeks or hips against your compromised will. If you think you can get things together enough to forcefully close your buttocks around her, then her feelers are plenty strong enough to assuage that mutiny and remind everyone just who this butt really belongs to. Oh, and losing to a female while infected just lays the groundwork for a true battle royale in the player's undefended ass over willingly letting the two tough it out.

Needless to say, I'm optimistic :)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds

Yeah, I was a bit of a drunk goat in the beginning. Needless to say the suggestions helped a lot with scene structuring. I'm not sure what exactly you meant with the large egg birth in your comment, my imagination made it turn out like the player is some kind of chicken that lays an egg larger than itself that it sits upon afterwards. I'm weird like that sometimes, the rest of those sound great btw.

I might not be able to do a lot this weekend as I'm going to be with a few friends and I'm pretty sure they haven't even heard of TiTS, let alone fenoxo. In other words the next update might be a bit more delayed than usual.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Two announcements.
1. I'm not dead, just some irl issues that needed sorting and have been sorted.
2. I'm on leave baby!

In light of my recent acquisition of more free time I shall be devoting all of what isn't spent on the general maintenance of my body to finishing this project. I've already written the normal and overproductive fertilized laying scenes and the large one is the only one that still needs to undergo its genesis. After that it's only the loss scenes that are left.

Changelog since last wednesday:
- Normal and overproductive fertilized laying scenes are in.
- Productive last scene section have gotten the final colors that the entire doc will have once everything is complete. Tell me if it's easier to read or if it's crap.

To do:
- Large fertilized laying scene.
- Loss scenes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Very mini quickie update.

Large fertilized laying scene added, not a lot of sexy going on there unless you count an overly large egg being painfully birthed through the ass sexy. I swear, only a sparrow character or masochist can orgasm from that. Due to a lack of a pain enjoyment flag I can't do a lot to this without more or less throwing a person's character into a spiral that they might not enjoy. At the moment I'm writing this comment I'm preparing for bed so I'll truly start on this when i wake up but I'm adding a button based decision for the player to choose if their character like pains or not, this'll heavily modify the scene so but for now it's more or less what you'll expect from an actual birth.


Nov 12, 2015
Speaking for myself, I much rather prefer having fun with oddities and stretching just beyond the boundaries of realism than reinforcing pain or other dire consequences. In a setting where cocks can be as big as your arm or someone can turn into slime, I find it more appealing to typically have a sense of levity and make even a plump, football-sized worm in your hole undulating out an ostrich egg sound at least visually stimulating.

Plus, its really difficult to write something well that you aren't personally enjoying.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
And that concludes the pregnancy scenes, some editing is still needed if any faults are found but otherwise they're done. I've modified the large one's scene to be a bit less of a reminder of reality and all in all sexier than it's original draft.

Now I'm shipping my mind off to the land of non consensuality to write the loss scenes. This is going to be a relative first timer for me so it might be a bit of a mess.

Mini changelog since wednesday:
- Fertilized laying scene for large female has been added in its relative final form.
- Overproductive scene got a few more specifications but it's not really something to brag about. Just that there were a bit of confusion considering the player's position throughout the scene.

To do:
- Loss scenes. I wonder if the male should even bother to fuck a steele that doesn't have a butt bug parasite, after it checks the player's butthole but finds no female. If not it could be more realistic in terms of probable outcomes but I'm not really sure, oh well, time will tell.
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Nov 12, 2015
It's more realistic, but the payoff's not as entertaining. Considering that the bugs are at least shown to be intelligent, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to have the male bug disappointed and then opt for some butt-fucking practice on their vulnerable prey before trotting off at least mildly content.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
It's more realistic, but the payoff's not as entertaining. Considering that the bugs are at least shown to be intelligent, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to have the male bug disappointed and then opt for some butt-fucking practice on their vulnerable prey before trotting off at least mildly content.

Sort of like what you'd expect from a usual bum buggering but only less, what's the word... exciting. And more like "*Sigh*, fine. I guess you'll do."


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Well boys and girls and whatever in between, I think it's time to tell you about the great loss scene. Now keep in mind it's not done yet, far from it actually. I want to cram the entirety of the loss scenes into one big mutherfuckin' scene! Now, I know what you're thinking...

:eek: ARE YOU FUCKING MAD!!! And to that I say yes, well, maybe not, maybe a little. If you think about it those large, bolded, italic, underlined sections that separate the other scenes from eachother are going to have a bunch of code from the devs in between the scene primer and them anyway and I was wondering if maybe instead of what I've been doing 'lately' I just do some variative scene splitters myself. What you'll see there is more or less what i think goes between this


and this


and this


Anyway, I needed to create two new color codes in my doc in order properly color code them. They've already been applied to what I've laid down in the scene and what you'll see below the scene 'primer' is more or less the minimum variation required for this scene. Don't worry I didn't use yellow in doc, that'd be horrible on white. The 'primer' is already there if you want to go through it. Whenever a female is the victor it'll go through heavy resistance from you and a possible bug inside you and whenever a male is involved as the victor he'll either screw the female within you or punish you for not having one by using his worm's tongue tentacles. Pretty neat huh?

I've set out on a great writers quest to finish this doc off with and I'm not going to stop until it is done. Unless I have to eat, sleep or do something else an organic does.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
And that's the tongue tentacle section done.

I'm starting to wonder if I was flawless with the large fertilized laying section, nothing has been pointed out yet. Oh well, I'll comb it over a couple of hundred times when I get the chance just so I'm sure I'm not looking at it through a biased point of view.


Active Member
Dec 19, 2016
This is a pretty cool project! It's unique and interesting, and seems like it'll make for some fun interactions. The detail put into their biology for the codex section is pretty cool too, you can tell a lot of thought went into it. I'll spend some more time reading when I get a chance, and I'll try to look out for any typos/grammar/other and comment on them to help out. :)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
This is a pretty cool project! It's unique and interesting, and seems like it'll make for some fun interactions. The detail put into their biology for the codex section is pretty cool too, you can tell a lot of thought went into it. I'll spend some more time reading when I get a chance, and I'll try to look out for any typos/grammar/other and comment on them to help out. :)

Thanks. I would go over it several times every time I finished a piece but that would cut into writing time and grossly extend its time to completion which carries over the risk of me quitting before it's done and I don't think anyone wants that. I appreciate any and all help.

On to the update. The first section of the loss scenes has been completed along with the tentacle section from last time. The loss section is about 60% done, the entire project, about 94%. It should be finished before the end of next week if everything runs smoothly.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Oh glorious edge of my seat moment of 97% completion, how you tease me so. Does thine not wish'ef to simply complete thineself, no? Very well then, I shall complete thee with the utmost of haste. For mine people are waiting.

Changelog since Yesterday:
- Third large loss section complete, it's the one where the two females fight.
- added item based removal just above the parasitism section.
- added placeholder scene below parasitism for when the overproductive female's eggs immobilize you.

To do list:
- Only one section of the loss scene left, the one where if you have a female parasite, the male screws her.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
And BOOM! I'm done! *drops mic and walks away*, *awkwardly comes and picks mic back up* actually I still need this for a little while. But still :toot:.

Now then the question is does this need editors? All edits have been done through the suggestion system so far and I don't think anything else needs to be done in order to put edits in apart from some fixes that could be pointed out. Not to mention I'm paranoid of trolls, that's why I have backups. Another question, in order to submit stuff I need to put an "@" in my post along with the name of whatever staff member I want to notify right? I'm thinking savin as he personally took an interest in this back when It was in the idea thread.

Anyway, final changelog of content added:
- Last section of loss scene that needed completion has been completed. It has two endings in of itself, one where you go about your adventure after the loss and one that's a bad end. I'm not good with bad ends at all so I'm sorry if it's a bit underwhelming.

To do list:
- Submit mah shit after verification of what I must do.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
It would seem that those that wanted to has done all the proofreading they could and I've fixed what they've pointed out, I've even done a little proofing myself for a change. I'll summon @Savin now.

Oh great analmander, would thee not go over my doc.

Now I wait.
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Mar 26, 2017
Hey, I should do that.

I'm sure it's not obnoxious, doubling up the alert amounts, not at alll.

Oh glorious @Savin, lord of butt love, pleeeeease check your inbox you silly person.

I think that's gonna work.
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Nov 12, 2015
Been too busy to finish proofing everything, but there hasn't been anything egregious. Congrats on wrapping this up, Preacher. :)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Been too busy to finish proofing everything, but there hasn't been anything egregious. Congrats on wrapping this up, Preacher. :)

Yeah it's been a long ride, almost quit two times too. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of anyone coding this though.:oops: Sorry probably Gedan.