[Implemented] Anno at the Gym

Dec 6, 2017
As a big fan of all the Anno content in Trials in Tainted Space, I wanted to expand on the great interactions which are currently implemented and provide more opportunity for scenes which involve her huskar variant. At this point, the basic script for the event and its scenes have been written, so I would appreciate any comments or criticism which could help make this project better. I've tried to write this so Anno stays in character as much as possible, but if you think it needs a little (or a lot of) tweaking, please let me know.

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Dec 6, 2017
Well, I've finished the first draft of this submission. At this point it just needs review and editing. Please look it over and note anything you think should be changed. I want this to turn out in a way which most people in the community can enjoy. Thank you for whatever criticism or perspective you can offer!

If there's any other options or activities in you think would adapt well into this, leave a comment. As long as it wouldn't be redundant to something already included or be out of character, I may well add it in.
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Feb 29, 2016
I am loveing this maybe its just me but with huskar anno and you just watch her and she goes to the showers followed by the bulls could we go and watch or will that clash with the shower them first part?
Dec 6, 2017
I am loveing this maybe its just me but with huskar anno and you just watch her and she goes to the showers followed by the bulls could we go and watch or will that clash with the shower them first part?
I tried to support that through the Them First scene, and thought it was unnecessary to include it for the Watch sequence. I don't plan on changing that unless a bunch of people or Savin ask for such a change.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I'm late getting to this, but I read through it and I like it. :D Always glad to see more people using the gym. I only had one comment to make on the doc, and one suggestion - you talk about the bulls staring at her a lot, but there seems to be a lot of swinging both ways in New Texas, so there would probably be some cowgirls staring at her too. Up to you if you want to change anything, but it's something I noticed.
Dec 6, 2017
I'm late getting to this, but I read through it and I like it. :D Always glad to see more people using the gym. I only had one comment to make on the doc, and one suggestion - you talk about the bulls staring at her a lot, but there seems to be a lot of swinging both ways in New Texas, so there would probably be some cowgirls staring at her too. Up to you if you want to change anything, but it's something I noticed.
Thanks. I hadn't really considered that, but you raise a good point. I'll put some cowgirls in.
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Dec 6, 2017
Do you think Reaha would be interested in visiting the gym?
She might be, but I got the impression she was satisfied with her body. I guess you could ask Reaha's creator for permission to do a scene with her in the gym, but I certainly wouldn't write it. Not because I don't want to see it, but because there are a dozen scenes I'd rather write first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
She might be, but I got the impression she was satisfied with her body. I guess you could ask Reaha's creator for permission to do a scene with her in the gym, but I certainly wouldn't write it. Not because I don't want to see it, but because there are a dozen scenes I'd rather write first.

I was thinking of asking if Kaede might be seen there, but changed my mind as I was typing the question...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
Apparently we have scripts for this nvm...
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Dec 6, 2017
Hello. The scene is coded and waiting for Fen's final review. You will likely see it in the next backer build. I had fun coding it thanks!
Thank you very much! I had a lot of fun writing it and hope it meets Fen's standards.
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