I'd like to help. (art)


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Hey Fenoxo, it's me again.
For thou's who don't know, I used to draw for Fenoxo back with CoC, with the general idea of fleshing out the game a little. Although it didn't really pan out in the end as Fenoxo had largely moved on from the project to work on the development of TiTs.

Well now that it's here and I've a played it a bit, I think I would like to help out once again, drawing busts n shit.
(and fortunately there are other artists involved so I don't have to try and do everything myself)
So if you'd like me to throw art your way, give me a holla. I'd be happy to help.

Link to my stuff, mind you my work has been a little scattershot as of late. Having a hard time figuring out wtf I like or want to do. But I could do this kind of work in my sleep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Hate to rain on your parade, @YohSL , but this probably isn't the best way of getting in touch with Fen. You're much better off directly starting a conversation with him.

Love your work, btw! All that T, A and D is just, MMMHHH!!! :yes::gizz:


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Hate to rain on your parade, @YohSL , but this probably isn't the best way of getting in touch with Fen. You're much better off directly starting a conversation with him.

Love your work, btw! All that T, A and D is just, MMMHHH!!! :yes::gizz:
And probably not, but I thought I should be public with my intentions. I'll probably go poke him with a stick later.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Just gonna keep this up to date.
Fenoxo is on board with me drawing busts for him, were just working out the details. Do have to get him on discord so we can speed the process up a bit.
Was planning on character called Azra, who is a futa shark milf, but it seems Adjatha wants to do it after their current work. So I guess they beat me to the punch.
I was still trying to figure out what Azra was. (race wise) People seem to have an aversion to explaining what race their character is. You'd think that was important but no.

The only other female that doesn't yet appear to have a bust is Ara Kei, but fucked if I can wrap my brain around this god awful description of the character.
If anybody tried to commission me with this sort of character description I would throw it back in their fucking face for wasting my time. I want to know what the character is and what they look like, not a bloody essay.

So atm Idk what I am going to be doing yet, since not only is there not a lot of stuff that needs doing that isn't already taken up by other artists, but the few that remain are either not in my wheelhouse, or completely undecipherable messes that'll take a dozen questions to figure out. And as it seems I have to wait hours to get responses (seriously need to reach people on discord), this is likely going to take time to get off the ground.

Now we play the waiting game. Joy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you're really looking for things to do, why not go around to the people who have user-submitted stuff that is either complete and ready for review, or going to be added at a later date, and see if they have any busts they need done?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
If you're really looking for things to do, why not go around to the people who have user-submitted stuff that is either complete and ready for review, or going to be added at a later date, and see if they have any busts they need done?
True that is something. Kind of wanted my first act to be official, but at this point I'll take what I can get.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Could you provide an example of a description you liked?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Could you provide an example of a description you liked?

This one isn't bad, but not perfect. It's clear for the most part what the character is and what she looks like. A few details are missing, like hair length/style, eye color. But It's enough for me to work from, and not have to decipher it.
Some of the official ones either don't tell you what race the character is, or refers to a race that doesn't yet exist. (and yet not describing what that race is)
Which kind of bugs the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I'm not exactly hooked into the artists' social circle, but I don't think Fisianna's three friends have busts yet. If there really aren't any characters that you want to do that don't have busts yet, you could always make busts for characters that have old or lower quality ones. I know there are multiple characters that only have busts from Gats that could really use another bust (decent art, but low detail and really only drawn in one pose).

Not entirely clear on how that process works tbh.
Someone starts writing something privately, then creates a google doc so that the community can help edit and suggest, then once it seems finished either Fen is notified directly through PM or through Savin (this is the actual "submission" of the project), and eventually he gets around to reviewing it. If it's deemed acceptable, it goes onto the "To Code" pile. If it's not acceptable, it goes back to the author.

To be clear, there is no absolutely required path to take, this is just what is generally done. Pippa's author wrote and coded her into a neat little package that Fen was just able to plug in as soon as he went over it, but that is the only time that's happened that I'm aware of.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Well it's not on the to do list, so I can't exactly tell you what stage of development thou's characters are in.
They may still be in the conceiving phase. I'll think I'll just do a fan character/event submission, and if that winds up in the game, great. If not, my loss.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Was planning on character called Azra, who is a futa shark milf, but it seems Adjatha wants to do it after their current work.
Ironically, I'd love it if anyone drew secondary busts so that I could replace those Adjatha busts that go with hyper measures regardless of the way their respective characters described ingame.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Ironically, I'd love it if anyone drew secondary busts so that I could replace those Adjatha busts that go with hyper measures regardless of the way their respective characters described ingame.
Ha. Well tbh I lean on the thiccness as well.
But I do try to be accurate.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I'm not exactly hooked into the artists' social circle, but I don't think Fisianna's three friends have busts yet.
Ehehe... I don't know if that would be very necessary yet, since one: I didn't go into very specifics with their appearances, and two: I probably might not be able to expand on them individually for a long while. I highly appreciate the thought though! :)

My curiosity does get the better of me though, seeing as good of a job you did of Erika, how a Fisi bust would look... but she's soon to get a bust from JayEcho anyways so I don't think that would be a priority anyways. :confused: But yeah, doing some busts of old Gats only pics would be a nice place to start prehaps.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ironically, I'd love it if anyone drew secondary busts so that I could replace those Adjatha busts that go with hyper measures regardless of the way their respective characters described ingame.
No offense to Adjatha meant here, but I kind of agree. With some characters, I'd prefer less hyper proportions aswell.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Ehehe... I don't know if that would be very necessary yet, since one: I didn't go into very specifics with their appearances, and two: I probably might not be able to expand on them individually for a long while. I highly appreciate the thought though! :)

My curiosity does get the better of me though, seeing as good of a job you did of Erika, how a Fisi bust would look... but she's soon to get a bust from JayEcho anyways so I don't think that would be a priority anyways. :confused: But yeah, doing some busts of old Gats only pics would be a nice place to start prehaps.
Even characters who who do very little and aren't planned to do more can get busts. Besides, with the amount of writing you did for Fisi, the supporting characters have more content then most NPCs just by proxy.