Please make it so as the the player character we can hurt down and torture the shit out of the man who attacked our kitsune daughter
So… as the player, you'll most certainly get the chance to do just that with Kinu being controlled by you. Not with your own player character however.Damn can we at least fight him at some point I don't want him hurting my kids
Considering they're damn well dead, implied to be so, or missing in a good portion of the premade backstories, I imagine my PC would be wondering just what in the fuck is happening.suddenly your very own parents plop outta nowhere.
It is something.I don't think defending your family from the rapacious murderer is being an over bearing parent and I always find that justification for our complete absence from our kids lives hilarious.
But it's also pretty much the champion's day job to be acting champion and warden of these lands, by the point these events start occurring there's a decent chance they basically have legal jurisdiction over where all this nonsense is taking place, alongside the expectation to actually put a stop to such matters.
Tracking down someone who's running around trying to murder people in their homes would be something the champ might be pressed to look into themselves even if it wasn't their own family being attacked.