(Hypothetical) What if TiTS was on PS4/Xbone?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2018
Let's say Fen & crew are given $5 million anonymously to make Trials in Tainted Space as a console game rather than a text-based RPG.

Let's circlejerk ideas, because why not?!

The obvious things apply: the game is rated AO, combat is no longer turn based, and it's already banned in 30 countries during development.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2018
Assuming Sony and Microsoft didn't refuse to allow the game to be published like they do for most (all) AO games, the amount of character customization gives me forboding flashbacks to Spore
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Not So Anonymous

Active Member
Jun 14, 2016
Hopefully they'll remember a little detail that most console developers have forgotten for the past 20 years. All consoles since the PS2 have USB ports, and the interface to a keyboard or mouse from USB is standardized. If they don't support HID keyboards for their game that was designed with keyboards in mind, then something seriously wrong will have happened. Especially on the Xbone, since the UWP API already has the keyboard interface set up and ready to go.

Also, with $5mil budget we might finally get that character viewer. Aren't hypotheticals grand? :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Meh, I'm fine as is. I don't think the sex scenes will be anywhere near as good animated, and the character creator and TFs would likely be hell to animate.

I wouldn't be able to play it, because I'm not buying a console for one fucking game. :(
How about 5 or more? Unless you can find an emulator to play the PS4 exclusives anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
What if they kept the game text-based and instead hire teams of writers (led by all your favorite content creators of course) and hire legions of scabs from fiver to make sure every scene was properly tagged?

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
How about 5 or more? Unless you can find an emulator to play the PS4 exclusives anyway.
My Steam list is still full of stuff I haven't played. And I just added another game on Tuesday. So no console for me, because I'd probably hardly ever play it.

Besides, I like the text of TiTS because it always looks right in my mind. Seeing the whole thing animated would probably make me go "nope, not how I pictured it". I already can hardly play the stuff I wrote because all I see is where I could have written it better, I'm really not sure how I'd feel about seeing it all animated. I can be really damn picky about art, so I count myself lucky to have in-game pics of my characters that I like so much.


This is a what if situation... fuck the politics. Fuck the "it will never happen" or "its impossibles"... we know that already. Embrace the fantasy.
*** Also lets not put a number on their funding lets just say that there is an anonymous rich person giving them bottomless funds, some wealthy bastard with old money and smart investments who loves Fen's games more than any of us and wants his team on the payroll with the freedom to do as they please without worrying about anything but creating the game.
*** And just to make things A LOT easier... Add in a team of super geniuses with backgrounds in game creation at their disposal who will not only work for them but teach them out to create this game. I'd say about 20 or even 40 super nerds who are blank slates of infinite knowledge should do fine.
*** Lastly it should be on PC with a graphics downgraded version for the current gen consoles AND a version for next-gen consoles. Cause just putting it on consoles would be silly as comps can do more. and we want more, trust me. That being said...


1. Combat can, and should, remain turn-based in my opinion.

Sorry to all you action junkies out there but I don't want GOW w/bloobs... well GOW centered around bloobs since they already had plenty of titties in that game.

My reasoning is that, since this is a porn game, using a turn-based system offers a more cinematic feeling and room for hanky spanky times. Give the player the option to loop and/or save an animation/scene (or an unlockable gallery mode via the holodeck) during combat and an in-game recorder so people can show off the crazy things they've done. This way if my character teases and shows off his giant leaking cock or cum soaked asshole I wanna be able to sit and enjoy that instead of having to have my hand on the controller just in case I need to dodge/attack. That and turn-based games are badass.

2. The class, skills and combat systems would need a AAA revamp.

Yes, I want the turn-based cinematics because porn game but I also want deep, complex and involved combat along with the porn. Hey, this is a what if situation, so I can have my cake and eat it too right?

The three classes we have are good. We have our sci-fi analogs to the classic three class archetypes and they'd each have a huge potential skill tree similar to the sphere grid in FFX. Add, on top of that, some trainers who can unlock special skills within your class that are otherwise inaccessible or unlock skills from other classes or maybe even upgrade skills you already have. Then bring in cybernetics, skills you buy that give a special flavor to your abilities, taking a leaf out your cousin's playbook and paying to win.

Then you have psionics which can be a weird thing that Fen comes up with, truly unique but compelling and heavily involving the player. Maybe have its growth be based on its use? IDK psychic abilities in a porn game sound fun tho (read: mind control). Although ofc it'd have to be balanced against the rest of the game... maybe have some op skills like mind control only be usable on defeated foes? idk. Psionics have too much potential.

But like I said I want something deep, complex and compelling, not passive and not simple. I'm weird, I like menu screens, lore behind my skills, reading my character stats and plotting out just what I want him to be able to do. It's part of the fun and since this is turned based the potential for different mechanics within skills are just... infinite.

3. The visuals, THE VISUALS, man those fucking visuals. oh and audio too of course but MMAAAANNNN THOSE VISUALS.

Look it is a porn game it goes without saying that some parts should jiggle, some should look wet, some should turn red when my player pounds it with his dog cock. The sex has to be done right which means staying away from the uncanny valley. No robot faces, make blush realistic, blood swelling does things... stuff of that nature. Also take into account that when you're fucking someone who is full of cum that shit will leak out, and if you're fucking someone while your own asshole is full of cum... just things that turn people on. Not just sex tho but working out at the gym could be a sexy minigame with superb visuals. Same thing for exhibition scenes, riding a hoverboard, piloting a ship.

But also don't forget the setting. Idk if you've noticed but we're in space bruv. We don't have to do the dark black and stars routine this is a science-fantasy porn game. We can make space look fucking fantastic with nebulas, artistic coloring, fantastic set pieces and backdrops... take a page from the books of Titan AE or Treasure Planet and go nuts with the interstellar setting. Make it unique, make it striking and make it, above all, art.

Then also don't forget... there are entire worlds to explore. Now you've got the potential for planets as beautiful as Journey, Uncharted or Hellblade. I wanna be able to watch the sexy guy I create swim naked in the ocean, I wanna see sand on his ass after he gets up from getting a blow job from one of the locals, then start brushing it off before he puts on his gear. I wanna see him weightless in zero gravity. I wanna watch his chest rise and fall when he's tired, I wanna see him sleep under the moonlight of a distant planet. I wanna see him laughing at a stand up comedian amongst the neon lights of an entertainment-based space station. Even without the porn I want to bust a fat nut from just looking at this game. Just beautiful 4k visuals that have a lesser versions for the consoles obviousl. A game that is worth buying top notch equipment for in and of itself.

Also a dynamic character builder that randomizes non-priority npcs would be awesome. The same way mass effect and bethesda games have npcs scattered around that are just pieces of the character creator splooshed together, its its own form of entertainment trust me.

All the visuals would be accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack, a huge catalog of sex noises ripped straight from porn with player adjustable settings. And yeah make it fully voiced because why tf now this is my perfect fanasy TiTs no reason to not have Michael B Jordan voice the protag.

4. Interactive win/loss scenes.

Really just basic shit for a visual TiTs

you'd be able to skip loss scenes all together, still have the after effects but you don't have to watch your straight male steele get his hole dug out by a big green thraggen spunk raider (shameless self-plug). If you're not skipping the scene you can choose to "struggle" (if you're into that) or make in look more consensual cause i'm into that.

I'd like sex scenes to be a cross between what Fek is doing with Rack 2 and what telltale games does (oops did). Basically, the scenes would have their own interactive parts in and of themselves like in Rack 2 but progression is done in a tree fashion where choosing to do X results in Y but choosing to do B results in C... something along those lines to increase replayability without baring people from repeating their favorite scenes ad nausem. New body parts and transformations open up new options and close others... fun times for everyone.

(this is why the ppl helping have to be super geniuses because otherwise this game ain't never getting finished with this level of quality unless each person is their own super computer and they work in perfect synch).

5. Dynamic character customization alongside item creation/modification.

Look we already have TFs but just like what they're doing with cyberpunk 2077 we'd need cybernetics as well as a purely cosmetic part to armor creation. An armor creation system similar to DA:O where you pick the style, the material and anything else then make the object. Because of this system I was able to look the way I wanted throughout the whole less than what i wanted but still ok ig game. When I needed better armor I just had armor that looks like the one I have already crafted with better material. Simple but effective.

Also weapon creation/modding obviously. Maybe one or two special moddable legendary weapons for every planet. similar to fallout 4 letting you mod legendaries but without the randomness.

Basic RPG shit but TiTs style, Fen style. Make it big (or small), make it loud (or quiet), make it you. Plus add sex to some of them, obviously.


This is a biggie. I want actual characters. A lot of people in the forums take issue with strong characters and want their yes men and their never no ladies and there is room for them but... tbh... I want characters like Kashawn whom you can get into an actual argument with, where my decisions can have real consequences.

Characters who interact with their shipmates. I want Anno to get pissed that you invited her hated ex, Hunky Husky, onto the ship. Maybe have Kase get mad when you sign a crew of 30 red shirts (each with their faction/company's generic suit of sex scenes and randomized appearances) because of all the paperwork he has to do. I want a certain level of realism when it comes to characterization. Maybe add an easy mode so ppl can keep their omg that's pretty harems but having an actual AAA game experience would be nice. Also if steele's rep is good enough he can settle things with arguing crew members. ME2 I basically want ME2 with epic sex, some scripted events, cutscenes, dynamic events... the works

And of course, followers would have longer, more varied event trees for their various sex scenes.

The only cookie cutter followers would be our "red shirt" mob followers who act as disposable/insert-here crew members.

7. Last but not least... A quality story

Everything I've mentioned should all go hand in hand with the overall story, the way all games should do. Not just exposition and dialogue but visual storytelling, mood setting, theatrics... the whole shebang.

You're a fucking steele. Child of a living legend who is racing your cousin (whom imo you should get to make via char creation similar to your own char) into the vast unknown. You're going to battle galactic pirates, meet new alien races, have run ins with law enforcement... All while being a child who just lost a parent.

Each planet could have its own unique vibe beyond oh this is the puppy planet. I'm talking about taking Uveto's snow mechanic and blending it with visuals and audio so that you feel how lost you could be. There could be a alien horror based planet where you run from (or in some of your cases run toward) hungry gynomorphs. Tavros could be similar to the GTA side quests where you can just go do stuff for fun, same with New Texas but NT would be more like sci-fi Red Dead with a side of intrigue.

FenCo has shown themselves capable of some great content and has proven they have the ability to surprise and enthrall us with just words.They've done a little bit of everything with CoC and TiTs and with unlimited resources and a mandate to recreate them in some form, that would be epic. IF all these things come together in a great and compelling story about a son/daughter's journey across the universe at the behest of their dearly departed father... it wouldn't matter that there's porn in the game, it'd be too good to pass up even for the people who don't want to deal with the porn.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
God no. It would not work

Just take Broken Age. Tim Shaefer said he wanted to go back to his adventure games of the nineties. The Internet said 'yes please' and gave him a shitton of money. What did we get? An adventure game from the nineties. Riddled with all the issues from nineties adventure game. We wanted a MODERN game that had the QUALITIES of the old adventures, while being bold enough to fix the problems.

So you cannot do 'TiTS in 3d'. It has to be a completely different game that speaks to the same qualities of the text adventure. Just as a starter: The combat has to be redesigned from scratch.

The other problems are that text is the perfect medium for dirty fantasies. It allows for freedom and subconscious catering to what you like. Even redconning. Take Sera. The same Sera scene will have different tones according to the liking of the reader. How hard does she slap you? In my mind, it is a playful 'swat', anything more and I am disgusted. However the hardcore subs would probably be disappointed if it does not draw pain. So in their brain, it probably leaves a mark.

When you visualise this, you have to create an unambiguous tone. I am pretty sure Sera would be a character that is only a disappointment. It would be too hardcore for the softies like me, and too softie for the hardcores.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
So, what I basically gleamed from@Foxxling is the following: A blend of Mass Effect 2 and Yakuza but in space and with sex, which actually sounds like an all-around fun time. And considering Yakuza made even the escorts interesting even though they're nothing but a simple, optional minigame? That'd be great to have, not to mention the opportunities for worldbuilding and adventure.
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very indepth for something thats never gonna happen

Well i'm a writer I don't really consider this that in depth it was just a bunch of wishful thinking. Being specific?

Talking about what if and hypothetical scenerios is just fun af. I'm the friend that has to limit my what if questions in a convo so i'm not annoying. if you could have superpowers which would you want and why? i'm that guy. And if you ask me my answers are gonna be detailed or specific af.

Superpowers? Well depends if i have to pick another heroe's powers i'd probably go martian manhunter cause he has every standard power I ever wanted but if I gotta.... see? its just how I roll.

It is honestly something that helps me write for TiTs because i'm like what if i wanna do this or what if someone wants to do that. it slows me down but it's a good thing overall.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
in ps4 and xbox? probably never gonna happen

STEAM is now allowing games of all ratings and themes.
but maybe some things in TITs may get in conflict with it, as there's some rapey themes around, but a lot of steam games accepted recently also have hit that borderline limit
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
if you could have superpowers which would you want and why?
Electricity generation and manipulation, to simulate enhanced physical ability and add shocks to my attacks. I already have the martial arts training I need too!

I love stuff like this, I do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I'd strongly recommend going a cannon Steele. As cool as the tfs and mods are, they would just be a massive fucking headache.

Turn based combat, totally. And instead of cgi, I'd go for animated sex scenes. Bible Black for the more normal stuff and then maybe Sexy Magical Girl for hyper stuff. A demo called Divine Arms did it fairly well. The sex bits I mean.

Superpowers? Well depends if i have to pick another heroe's powers i'd probably go martian manhunter cause he has every standard power I ever wanted but if I gotta.... see? its just how I roll.

The ability to manipulate space and time. Why would I drive a car when I could just wave my hand and bam! I'm right at work. Or in Vietnam.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I'd strongly recommend going a cannon Steele. As cool as the tfs and mods are, they would just be a massive fucking headache.
I would never play that game then.
The ability to manipulate space and time. Why would I drive a car when I could just wave my hand and bam! I'm right at work. Or in Vietnam.
Because you could destroy the universe, or end up in a different one, or at the wrong place in history?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
if you could have superpowers which would you want and why?

Oh, oh, that one's easy! Venom or acid generation. I'm not very strong, so supplementing physical weakness with an ability like that would be immensely helpful.

On the other hand, time manipulation would be sweet because I could take all the time I need to do things I want/have to do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


every who answered the super powers question you guys are awesome.

I'd strongly recommend going a cannon Steele. As cool as the tfs and mods are, they would just be a massive fucking headache.

Turn based combat, totally. And instead of cgi, I'd go for animated sex scenes. Bible Black for the more normal stuff and then maybe Sexy Magical Girl for hyper stuff. A demo called Divine Arms did it fairly well. The sex bits I mean.

When you say canon steele do you mean a protag like John Shepard where we get character creation without the transformation parts of the game? or do you mean like Drake from uncharted who is some dude I play as?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
every who answered the super powers question you guys are awesome.

When you say canon steele do you mean a protag like John Shepard where we get character creation without the transformation parts of the game? or do you mean like Drake from uncharted who is some dude I play as?

The former. You could mod up during creation, but with 5 million, probably have to go the CoC2 route and say no nagas and taurs. 15 million you could probably make it work. Would be a bitch to probably animate though.