How's Viv working for people?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Why would a pure character have a demon companion to begin with? Especially considering that he transformation was partially caused by you.
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Active Member
May 21, 2022
If you really liked Viv and had to take corruption gain every time you sexed her, and considering she's a companion which would mean lots of sex, it'd get kinda annoying for people running pure characters no?
True, but firstly from a RP perspective, if you're trying to RP a pure character you thematically shouldn't be turning her into a demon in the first place. Actions have consequences, and the game gives you like two or three chances and asks you repeatedly whether you really, really want to turn her into a demon and straight out tells you that this may not be a good thing to do. And well, if you are playing pure but turned her into a demon anyhow "by mistake", then taking the extra step of having to go to Brother Sanders and cloistering yourself and repenting that you turned your friend/lover/whatever into a soulless monster every now and then doesn't seem thematically far-fetched.

From a game balance perspective, it's also not that difficult in-game anyhow to lower corruption, given Winterstem is not that difficult to come by. It's a pretty common drop, it's randomly purchasable from the Kitsune Den, and if it's that much of a problem, I guess they could make it non-randomly purchasable from a vendor, maybe even Viv herself.

I just don't think there's a good reason for her to be an exception to the rule of "having sex with demons increases your corruption."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
To be honest the main strike against Viv so far, apart from having all the same sex scenes and nothing new that appeals to me, is just that we have so many Companions at this point and only being able to bring two at a time makes it a tight bottleneck for who to bring where, especially if I know a character has no comments or interjections in a quest. Fortunately for her there are SOME things I'll bring her along for with my next character but for now, I'm probably gonna stick with the likes of Kiyoko and Arona.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
Demon Viv all the way. While I was happy to finally see a human represented and a researcher, she has far too many self doubts and worries to be an effective scholar. Also, she wanted to destroy data which is a cardinal sin for any scientist.

She is pretty good as a caster as well, though I dislike that she overwrites my flame knight summons in battle.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2022
She is the strongest companion in the game, not doing damage herself, but as a suport, she has really high base spellpower and with high leadership and blessing you can get it to around 300. Thanks to her I was able to do more than 2k damage in a single turn, her buffs are crazy powerful.