How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
First time I heard of Fen was through stumbling on some fanart of CoC. Looked it up and got hooked. This was just as TiTS was being crowdfunded so I was pretty late to the party.


New Member
Jul 11, 2016
I initially heard of CoC through another forum, so I decided to search for it and try the game out. I ended up getting into some more kinds of monstergirl thanks to CoC.

Fairbourne Whitney

New Member
Nov 11, 2016
Pretty much completely by chance

so about a year ago i was in the mood for hentai because normal porn wasnt really gaining momentum for me so i picked a video with the thumbnail that intrigued me the most but i couldnt get off from that video as well because there was too many EEYYYAAAHHHH YAMETE~~~ in a high pitched voice that i dont like in hentai (they need more deep voiced VA's in hentai these days) so i scolled down to the related videos section and there was a video of a hentai game with Samus in it so i was like ehhh why not and i was surprised it i got off from it so as soon as that blasted refractory period passed i went and play the game itself on a website and then days go by i was going on this site browsing through the huge selection of sex games they had and then i ran into CoC and boy howdy it was fun during my first playthrough then i checked out the game creator Fenoxo and co and they were making a sci fi version of Coc so yeah thats how i ended up here a furry convert


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
It was a few years ago while Nimin was being developed and a blog I'd been reading referred to Nimin and the UnNamed Text Game which had just become CoC. So I played Nimin and really liked it. Then went to try CoC and was hooked.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
Was in College, a guy I knew was aware that i'd try any game once, and that i'd give it a few hours before i decided whether it was shit or not. 12 hours of Becoming a Corrupted Horseman later, i decided to go check and see if the thing was getting updates or not. Lo and behold, Fenoxo, master of all things futa and horsecocked.

And i guess i found this blog because the other one exploded and died.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
My friends were in a skype all playing CoC and they were laughing at how weird and silly it was but... I really enjoyed playing it. So instead of forgetting it like they all did, I returned to the game, and played the shit out of it. This was several years ago I believe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hello everybody o/

Today I wanted to ask how you guys found all of 'this'. I mean, nobody got on google one day and typed "fenoxo" and then suddenly found this site.

Personally, I found CoC through, and subsequently found, blah blah blah.

On one fateful day at the school lunch table...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Oh come on, you can't leave us hanging like this… ;)

Well basically we were sharing the weirdest shit we've ever seen. After one friend finished telling a story about a racist preacher, my other friend told of a furry fetish game where you get repeatedly raped by monsters.

So naturally I was interested. After that I kept updated with Fen's site, then TiTS got released and now I'm supporting it. Then I tried writing some content, but I got really bored really quickly. Turns out writing smut isn't terrible satisfying to me seeing as I'm a virgin. The character I had in mind wasn't even that smutty, actually. Additionally at that time Uveto wasn't even fleshed out.

You guys are probably cringing at the thought of me writing after having read this post. I'm not bad, you guys! >:C
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New Member
Nov 29, 2016
I'm pretty sure Bad Dragon was involved in my discovery of Fenoxo, but I don't remember in what way.


Dec 21, 2016
I found Corruption of champions first, browsing through websites. I think it was I really enjoyed it and looked into it, which lead me to this site.
I was browsing Fchan and someone had posted an old version of CoC on the Flash board. I spent pretty much a solid weekend masturbating before I'd exhausted everything to do in that version, and then I just looked up this '' the game advertised on the opening screen, and I've been here ever since.

Took me a while to stop lurking & get a forum account, though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
I was just browsing fanart of Minotaurs when I stumbled upon fanart of ingame scenes of minotaurs in CoC. From there I just did a few google searches and link clicking and it eventually brought me to the game.


New Member
Dec 30, 2016
My best friend showed me TiTs, actually~! It was a few months back, but I remember that I was hooked so much that I played all day on one of my off-days from work. o)---(


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Found about COC while i was browsing e621 with the tag ''dragon girl'' on.
Initially a trashed it by saying ''What the hell is this? Text based game on an image board? I'll pass on''
Later on i decided to go back to the game out of sheer curiosity. After a couple of minutes of gameplay i said ''Huh, let's see where this goes, mabye it will be interesting.'' And boy if i was right.

Flash Dingo

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
A friend linked me to CoC, and and I kinda just been following it. This was... probably about 6 or so years back. I just recently joined the forums to put in my two cents, much to my distress, but I've been lurking around.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I saw a written story by Kotep that was commissioned by Fenoxo. Noticed in the description that it was part of some lore-building for a game called "TiTS" and moved on. A couple days later I became bored and clicked the link and was introduced to the dark, seedy, alleyway of text smut games.


Dec 26, 2016
Well, about 4 years ago a friend of mine introduced me and my little brother to CoC as a joke, cause he thought it was hilarious that we had no idea what we were getting into. So, here I am. my little brother plays the public version of Tits, but I'm the only one "corrupt" enough to continue on. XD


Active Member
Feb 14, 2017
I had and still have an extreme thirst for stuff like futa and other things in the game, I hunted around for stuff that I like relating to than and came across CoC. I played coc and made a tigershark warrior that went around raping everything. I stuck with coc for a long while along with visual novels and other things, heard about TiTs but didnt care about it at that time. Eventually a friend gave me a backer build, I felt kinda bad for taking it and became a patreon for 5$ shortly after. I've been enjoying TiTs since around the release of build 0.6.19. I hope fen and the others keep up the great work, I really enjoy it.


New Member
Feb 18, 2017
Shortly after being introduced to e621 from a friend I started looking for flash things mostly games, found it thought I would give it a try. After playing it for a little while my friend asked what I was looking at I showed him, he looked with discuss, but I didn't understand why (still kinda don't cause from what I hear he kinda does like it) I played and loved it fell in love with marble, but the I found urta and never wanted to let go. And that is roughly how I was introduced to CoC

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
UTG. Still waiting to be able to grapple Unnamed Succubus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2017
i had this british friend who i met through some regrettable homestuck phase and we used to skype a lot. they started sending me screenshots of their fucked up character and pestered me to play coc. i played it for like a good hour and then never picked it up. a few years later i remembered it in passing and got curious. played tits and then it all went downhill from there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
It was a while ago but I watch the cooperational podcast, and one episode they talked about TiTs so I was intrigued and haven't regretted it.


Feb 21, 2017
Several months ago I got fed up with reading various fanfictions, that pulled a character out of whatever universe, then they would be tossed into various other tv show or game universes to gain skills and eventually tossed back into their own universe. Too many of those had CoC in those and I finally decided to figure out what it was exactly. Ended up on this blog site, uploaded CoC and played it for a couple months before switching over to TiTS and been playing that since then. Created this a couple weeks back after lurking about for a couple weeks.

Dreamer Rose

Nov 3, 2016
I had heard my brother and his ex (still friends) talking about a site for mature games,, and decided to check it out. They mentioned CoC as being "good, but too rapey for their preferences" (she was a rape victim). I decided to give it a try, got thoroughly addicted, and through the wiki discovered first FoE, the the forums, and finally TiTS. I am addicted to all three games now, and am actually working on a three way crossover for my main avatars. Though I would like to wait for the games to be finished before I write it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I had heard my brother and his ex (still friends) talking about a site for mature games,, and decided to check it out. They mentioned CoC as being "good, but too rapey for their preferences" (she was a rape victim). I decided to give it a try, got thoroughly addicted, and through the wiki discovered first FoE, the the forums, and finally TiTS. I am addicted to all three games now, and am actually working on a three way crossover for my main avatars. Though I would like to wait for the games to be finished before I write it.
Lemme know when that crossover is finished! Sounds intriguing!
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