How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I believe it was when I first started with patreon. I think I was backing the game breeding season, and was searching around for more erotic content on patreon, when I stumbled upon trials in tainted space.

Then I tried it, loved it, backed it. (Not necessarily in that order)

I didn`t find out about coc before a bit afterwards. 

These two games made me rediscover my love for reading erotic texts.  :D  


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
i found the unnamed text game first and that led me to Fen who had already started CoC but it was still in its infancy

Wow, I feel kind of old now.  I found CoC before Fen had named it.  I was browsing Furaffinity for porn games, made the mistake of looking at the "other" fetish section for miscellaneous stuff, and one of the first entries was the Unnamed Text Game.  A couple months later Fen released an update that named the game Corruption of Champions and the rest of you started stumbling across it.  A while after that he set up the blog and forum which brought in so much fan made content that I started needing a walkthrough just to find everything.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Um let's see, if my memory doesn't fail me, I found CoC while browesing e621 (A site I only found thanks to Tvtropes hilariously enough). Back then, every single version of CoC got spammed on the main posts page for the site, which meant it was rather easy to run into.

Of course when I found it, it had just recently had Urta added to the game like a week or two prior. Tel'Adre back then had almost nothing: just a bar that only really had Urta, and a few shops for weapons/armor/clothes. Like Urta was literally the only thing sexable in the place! Now it's got dozens of NPC's to shag.

Around 4-5 months after I found it, a bunch of my friends discovered it themselves, which I found funny.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm a big fan of Ken Ashcorp's music and not a big fan of pirating stuff so after hearing "Touch Fluffy Tail" and expressing interest in playing such a game a friend suggested CoC. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was doing research one day on fish and was apparently tired enough to type in Fen instead of Fin. The results came up with a thing called CoC in which I thought is it that stupid clash of clans game then I noticed it said herm in further description of the site. Can't remember that sites name now but it led me to a topic on the site talking about CoC and I lurked for about half a year until TiT's was announced with the Kickstarter and created an account that only had like 9 posts and rathered to still lurk until I made some friends and became more active on here. So in a way I found the site by typing Fen on accident.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was doing research one day on fish and was apparently tired enough to type in Fen instead of Fin. The results came up with a thing called CoC in which I thought is it that stupid clash of clans game then I noticed it said herm in further description of the site. Can't remember that sites name now but it led me to a topic on the site talking about CoC and I lurked for about half a year until TiT's was announced with the Kickstarter and created an account that only had like 9 posts and I lathered to still lurk until I made some friends and became more active on here. So in a way I found the site by typing Fen on accident.

That's an interesting way of finding it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Cooptional Podcast. Dodger (aka PressHearttoContinue) was suggested TiTS by a guest host one day, mentioned it on air mid summer or so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was looking for text based games with good writing, found a forum that mentioned corruption of champions. All the forum said was that it was a fantasy game with a deep story...... What i got was technically that... but with a few extra bits included.


Aug 28, 2015

Was digging through old flashes and found an early version  of CoC; instant love. Came directly to this place and after a while I delved into other projects.


Nov 19, 2015
A friend told me CoC about it a couple years ago, so I tried it and ... well you can guess where it went from there. 

Pépère Pervers

Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
I found out about COC about 2 years ago now, through a porn games website called comdotgame or something like that. I was curious about the idea of a text-based porn game so I checked the FenBlog, gave it a try... and spent every night of the following two weeks playing it. Back then, there was already a ton of content to go through, and I did so joyfully. It was quite enjoyable, the characters were not just there to fulfill my fantasies, they had their own backstories and struggles to overcome, and it was great to bond with them in all sorts of ways, to get invested in them. Helia's remains one of the best example of such storyline (and my personal favorite).

Since then, I've been enjoying the ride and it's been nothing but pleasant, updates are frequent, the TiTS project has been coming along well, Fenoxo and his team have inspired plenty of people to make their own porn games and this is all pretty sweet.


Oct 4, 2015
I found that game i think is called called "Nimin fetish fantasy" on FA, looking for oviposition, tentacles, or something strange that can be found in that game.I went and looked for a forum or a wiki, but googling "Nimin fetish fantasy" lead me to one of two places, Xadera's FA page and Fenoxo's blog. (specifically the links page)

So, you have Xadera to thank for leading me to you, and through you i've found FS. I have a rotation of these that I go through when i'm bored of everything else now. I can get my modern(ish) fix with FS, my sci-fi from TiTs, and my fantasy fix from either Nimin or CoC. (Honestly prefer CoC more, since it has actual characters aside from the player and more lore and story than most erotic novels) Honestly the sexy stuff is all secondary to the story and characters going on in fen's games.

Obligatory, "I watch it for the story" riff here, I suppose, just in case anyone tries to pull it on me. You must agree that Fen's games in particular are amazingly written for one and ACTUAL GAMES for another, and I'm starting to sound like a sycophant, which is off topic. 

Oh, and CoC cemented mice as my fave furry species. I felt so bad the first (and only!) time Amily saw how corrupt I had become, and i felt like I'd broken her heart. It legitimately hurt!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I am not entirely certain how I ended up here... I think it was some Urta fan art that I had found, probably on e621. I found via google and fell in love (like countless others). That was somewhere around 2012 or maybe even late 2011.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
Awhile back I found an old build of Corruption of Champions on Fur Affinity while I was searching around for website for flash animations. I had seen similar text-based games before but never gave them a chance. I'm not sure why I decided to try this one, but I'm glad I did, because I was instantly hooked on it.


Nov 21, 2015
I... don't remember. It was years ago when I stumbled onto CoC, it was probably through /d/ I would imagine.


Nov 28, 2015
Wow, I feel kind of old now.  I found CoC before Fen had named it.  I was browsing Furaffinity for porn games, made the mistake of looking at the "other" fetish section for miscellaneous stuff, and one of the first entries was the Unnamed Text Game.  A couple months later Fen released an update that named the game Corruption of Champions and the rest of you started stumbling across it.  A while after that he set up the blog and forum which brought in so much fan made content that I started needing a walkthrough just to find everything.

 I have a similar experience, found the Unamed Text Game when looking for porn games at furaffinity loooooong ago in that moment my english knowledge was soo small I just leave it....... years passed and after I learned proper english found the game now know as Corruption of the Champions. 


New Member
Dec 3, 2015
Chan Sankucomplex had an older version of TiTS. I was looking through random flashes when I played it. 


Nov 2, 2015
No one is going to believe me when I say the only reason I found this site and coc in general is because i couldn't English very good very because of medication.   legit I just mispelt cock. That's it. Mind you im part other younger audience so CoC had progressed alot


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
No one is going to believe me when I say the only reason I found this site and coc in general is because i couldn't English very good very because of medication.   legit I just mispelt cock. That's it. Mind you im part other younger audience so CoC had progressed alot

I believe you.


Searching for Herm on e261 stumbled on an old build of TiTS and became hooked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Wakimiko" emailed COC to me with the text, "Oh my Kami i just came four time."
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New Member
Jan 9, 2016
^ That guy RIGHT THERE, actually.

Im a huge Kaguya Hourisan fan, And when surfing the net, That name came up and I checked it out, clueless to what CoC was. A bit of exploring later, and I found myself reading pages of smut without realizing there was sex going on until I saw a grammar flaw in one of the sex scenes and said "WAIT A MINUTE~!! I know what Kind of game this is!!!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Last summer while reading a fanfic I looked at the stories by the author and one of them was a crossover between Naruto and CoC. I didn't read the fic, but when I looked up CoC I found that it was something well within my interests. I been on this site quite often since then. I still want to try that "The Silence" thing, but I have no idea how/where to find it (I never got the chance).