How to submit (and write!) content

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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015

Before you get started even putting together an idea, let's stop for a second and think. These writing projects are quite a bit of effort! How fast can you write these monumental submissions, ranging anywhere from a mere five thousand words are the lowest to fat behemoths that are easily twenty thousand! And that's still for just character/encounter submissions, let alone hulking out and doing things involved quests or, heavens forbid, planets as a whole!

Our accomplished, semi-professional writing team can clock out a small project in about a week or so, occasionally including the editing process. They're pretty good at it, though, already knowing exactly how to format things and, heck, have had years of practice of throwing down some sick, smutty slams. They're better then you. It'll take you a few weeks, maybe a month. That's fine on our end, we don't care up to the final result. This is about you and your commitment.

Now. That aside. What can you write and submit? Well, just about anything, really! We routinely accept new items, transformations, characters, combat encounters, areas and, if you want to get disregarded completely and seen as a incoming flake, planets as a whole! How do you do it? Well, to be honest most of those subjects are actually handled just about the same, so don't worry about it.

What is expected of you? It is expected that you'll properly format your submission, putting it into a accessible google document. (What? Don't have an account get a fucking account, it's free, jesus christ) It should be clean, with everything properly marked and put in a sensible order. It is very preferable that it is also edited; self-editing is a must, appeal to the forums to have people look things over, too, it's why you're posting here in the first place! Expecting the Team to edit it for you, however, is a no-no, at least not completely. It is also expected that you make parser calls or, in leiu of them, at least make it very clear when you're trying to make a would-be parser call but don't know what the string might be. (Put that shit in brackets or something else you never use in the rest of the document otherwise.)

One last thing; You're not getting paid for this. Probably. It's possible, though unlikely. If you successfully present something you might get into a band of folks that actually could get paid and contracted for projects by the team, let alone independent commissions, but still; don't expect money out of this. And even then, maybe you could buy a new video game with that money. It's not a job.

Here are the resources available to you. It is expected that you'll read them over and use them throughout your would-be submission process.

The Story Bible; while someone out of date, use this and the Smutosaur Wiki for your lore considerations. The wiki actually has a fair bit of lore-junk woven into it! For some reason. For this, though, in a pinch I recommend just asking on IRC or something, but for the most part you actually don't have to worry to much it'll probably fit.

The most important link here; how to present and format your document! Read it! There is no excuse to not and it's a pain for you to fix it after you get started!

The TiTS Parser information reference. Use this to figure out how to call on a player's stuff and things within a scene. It is preferable that you actually get it right and use the code as found here, but in a pinch if you aren't sure just reference the parser call using a separate method, like brackets, that can be scoured through the document by editers and coders. Getting it right is helpful, getting it wrong can be a bit of an issue.

aaaaa i need help what do I-

Writing Tips

  • For your first submission start simple; encounters are someone we enjoy, though I understand that it can be a bit complicated. They're far more likely to actually get in then throw away 3-sex scene NPC #56, however. Don't do your dream project first, cuz your dream project is probably a waifu/follower/something complicated. Your first submission shouldn't go beyond, say, ten thousand words. Really less then that, but maybe you get inspired, that's fine.

  • Related, I don't recommend having your first go at things be a "new" creature, requiring a new codex etc. Throw away bandit dudes of civilized races are fine, so are additional encounters from already made species! Swing your own take on the Vanae, for example!

  • Have an idea coming in with what you want to do, a plan for everything involved. Your document ought to have a skeleton of one sentence descriptors for each heading consisting of shit like "THEN THEY FUCKED OVER THE COUNTER" and other dumb shit; form it all together before you start throwing paragraphs at everything. Lets you tie it all in.

  • Ask questions! This is fine, you aren't actually much of a bother; have your skeleton first so we treat you seriously and just ask away. Come onto the IRC or do it in your thread, whatever. Just make sure you know who's answering cuz a lot of chucklefucks like to jump to be helpful. If you're writing something from an already established planet, area, species or even character then you ought to be in cahoots with whoever wrote that!

  • Come in with a steady realization; writing isn't easy! Otherwise everyone would do it and libraries would be gawd damn huge and this game wouldn't have everyone listed as authored by the same six people. You get it. Persevere - or don't, this is a hobby. It's fine if you flake. You have to write a lot of substance! Five thousand words is a vague minimum and that's a lot; description text of the room they're in if it's a new one, their various attacks if applicable, their appearance, dialog, various sex scenes to accommodate the many PCs, so on. And hell, I'm going to break this to you now; non-smut stuff? That's actually pretty easy. Writing smut and, dare I even add this qualifier, good smut? You'll be frozen in place at your keyboard. Even Fenoxo and Savin do it from a-bit-more-than-time-to-time. Just keep that in mind, too; people handle it differently. I personally usually leave it for last until I feel all full of moxie and gumption and, incidentally, my projects don't get done for months even with everything else finished. It's fine!

  • You don't actually have to accommodate every PC. I'm looking at you, fucking horses. Reference in the document in an author note if the scene just wouldn't make sense for a particular PC outside of vague "has dick/vagina" qualifiers. You don't even have to write one for every gender/sex of a PC, maybe you're just making some homosexual cowboy. That's fine. Really, it is, don't feel pressured! Make the attempt, however, or simply make it well worth it for the chosen few with lots of juicy content. Unless you're just exempting horses n' shit because again, fuck those tossers. Geez.

  • oh my god don't write a planet

  • don't write a follower either tbh

  • Don't get to nuts with your submission even after you've gone a ton under your belt and you're some forum super star. Giant stuff? Oh god. Normal stuff that gets expansion packs and grows over time? That's more palatable. Stuff with lots of new systems and gizmos to code and set up for? My eyes are literally bleeding. It won't get in any time soon if you do and you really ought to ask before getting to crazy/inventive.

  • Remember; it's not your job. It's barely even your hobby, come to think of this. You're in here for fun and maybe, just maybe, a little internet recognition. There's no pressure.

  • don't act holier then thou when you get your shit submitted tho like SOME CoC WRITERS I CAN THINK OF
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