How often do you make a pure human build?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Sometimes, all these transformations make the game far too convenient for me and I just like doing a normal human character, how many of you feel/do the same?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Yeah, my Mercenary Steele is pretty much just pure human, save for a pair of knotted dicks. And I've gone for that for a couple of reasons.
One, I went ridiculously overboard in Corruptions, to the point where they were a multiwinged, tentacle dicks-a-swarming demonic looking monstrosity. To the point where I didn't enjoy playing the character anymore.
Two, reading what happened to Victor and how even though he looked human in his last years, that was just basically spackling over a lot of problems. I could imagine Steele refusing to use TFs after seeing what happened to his father.
Three, Captain Steele doesn't have SteeleTech yet or full access to their healthcare. There's a lot that could go wrong and he might not have the resources to correct that yet.
Four, I'm quite comfortable playing a pure human character. They feel like a rarity at times.

That said, I have two other Steeles, one is an Amazon cowgirl and the other is a very lithe catgirl, but that's beside the point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Three, Captain Steele doesn't have SteeleTech yet or full access to their healthcare. There's a lot that could go wrong and he might not have the resources to correct that yet.
Technically speaking you already have more or less the best microsurgeons money can buy to allow modification, even from native foods. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that they had some form of innate taint repair function to combat or minimize accidental taint in perhaps some sort of saved copy of your genetic composition on the hour of injection. This wouldn't mean you're immune to damage, just that it's going to be hard actually getting damage from the common stuff that everyone uses that isn't some form of obscure ingestable of an alien planet.

As per the question of this thread, I've only had two pure human Steeles, one male and one female. They were interesting plays but I'm not likely to do that again in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Technically speaking you already have more or less the best microsurgeons money can buy to allow modification, even from native foods. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that they had some form of innate taint repair function to combat or minimize accidental taint in perhaps some sort of saved copy of your genetic composition on the hour of injection. This wouldn't mean you're immune to damage, just that it's going to be hard actually getting damage from the common stuff that everyone uses that isn't some form of obscure ingestable of an alien planet.

Oh thank you for correcting me on a mental thought I had. Yes, I had never thought of the microsurgeons, or the fact that they hold your genome in storage in case of an emergency. Yes, thank you for that. Next you can point out something else painfully obvious, like that water is wet.

I was thinking more of when Steele eventually travels into Tainted Space, where random mutations have been known to happen. Yes, Captain Steele has a more advanced set of microsurgeons than Victor, but after a trip into that, even the microsurgeons would probably be taxed by the nanomachines in Tainted Space.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Never. In any game I play, if there's an option to be something else besides human, that's what I'm choosing. I mean, I have already spent my whole life as a normal baseline human...

On the other hand, you could say that I always make a pure human build in TiTS, as it's an easier start point for most TF items. I'm the kind of person who likes to run pure or mostly pure species, like Laquines, ZIl, Rodenians(soon?), and when you start as a human the TF item doesn't have to undo thigs like ears and tails.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Never. Humans are boring, I'm playing this game to avoid them :p I even avoid some human NPCs (especially male ones)

The closest thing to "human" I ever make is probably my succubus build... She's the only one that doesn't have fur, at least. She does have wings, a tail, horns, two clits (at least) and so on though
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Oh thank you for correcting me on a mental thought I had. Yes, I had never thought of the microsurgeons, or the fact that they hold your genome in storage in case of an emergency. Yes, thank you for that. Next you can point out something else painfully obvious, like that water is wet.

I was thinking more of when Steele eventually travels into Tainted Space, where random mutations have been known to happen. Yes, Captain Steele has a more advanced set of microsurgeons than Victor, but after a trip into that, even the microsurgeons would probably be taxed by the nanomachines in Tainted Space.

It's probably like this the microsurgeons can repair taint to a certain extent but it takes time. Hence the way taint reduction works if your taint crosses a certain threshold the micro surgeons can't repair your genes to below that threshold but can still repair it to the edge of that threshold. This is also the reason why it takes three days to lose one point of taint


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
In an old, forgotten codex.
I used to play only as a Human character, but after some time I've found the appeal of bunny-morphs. Generally speaking though, I only have one character. I've thought about making another one, and if I did, they would probably be human.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Never. I usually don't care to mod my characters cosmetically, so they often look mostly human, but I always give them inhuman but practical sex things like siren genitals, multiple gryvain clits, SnakeByte, red myr venom, prehensile ruskvel/catnip tongue, cerespirin pollen flowers etc.. When you bag a floozy it doesn't matter much what kind of ears you have, but having nifty crotch mods helps me deal with all the "ooh Mr/Mrs Steele, you're the galaxy's best at sex" stuff as well, since all the hyperbole seems less egrerious if you've genetically configured yourself into maximizing the pleasure you provide.
Nope, cybernetic half-Ausar for me.
Cybernetics haven't been implemented yet, though?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Please bear in mind that you can still drastically modify yourself and still be considered human so it's all relative.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Please bear in mind that you can still drastically modify yourself and still be considered human so it's all relative.
I'm imagining a hospital visit. A woman's getting a mammography and when she takes off her bra, she has tentacle dicks where she should have nipples, and when the nurse faints and the doctor runs out of the room, she goes: "I'm still 95% human!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I usually stick with the race Steele starts out as. Sometimes I mod Steele to look, say, full ausar rather than half, or go amazon from human, or something else reasonably close to starting position. But in general, TFs aren't the interesting part of the game for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I'm imagining a hospital visit. A woman's getting a mammography and when she takes off her bra, she has tentacle dicks where she should have nipples, and when the nurse faints and the doctor runs out of the room, she goes: "I'm still 95% human!"
That's basically my character. One foot demon tongue, aphrodisiac saliva, fuckable nips, three Gabliani pussies, cunt tail and a butt bug in the anus.

"You're a human"

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2016
Depends on what you consider "pure", but technically practically always. You could argue the purity is dampened by how heavily I mod the character (stretchiness, bust size, fertility...) but otherwise their appearance is almost always 100% human

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
My merc Steele is mostly human. She's based off of Tio from Monster Musume (see pic), so most of her TFs have been growing taller and adding a horn and deliberately getting infected with the Sneezing Tits. I have a half-ausar techie Steele who's been sitting unplayed for a while whose only TFs resulted in her pair of dog-dicks. But I do want to make my smuggler Steele a little bit more out there. There's a lot of TFs I don't really like, but I'll definitely give my smuggler a bunch of different dicks at least.

Though now that I think about it, it would be funny to have her look completely normal human until she takes off her pants. :D


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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Always male human. IDK, having 3 tentacle knotted dicks doesn't make me feel like I'm there.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Cool. Do you use Minerva for that? Does the Cybernetic Synchronization (or whatever it's named) perk from the Gabilani TF function with it?
The TiTSEd program from the forums here works perfectly fine, though I have to borrow a PC to use it. And yeah, I decided to check it out and I have 55 Intelligence, which is pretty cool. Didn't want the cybernetic genitals and certainly not the oil cum type, but I suppose you could get 65 Intelligence with them.

I'm curious to know if it stacks with the Dumb4Cum CumCow Treatment variant now...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
My Steele is a Harpy with tentacle tails. Because TENTACLES!!! Also being a bad ass battle harpy is pretty cool. My second Steele is a grayian maid and my original character that I started with was human. I basically had eaten every drop and mutated like crazy until I stopped playing for a while and than started a game with the two characters up top.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
i've only met this game for a few days but im having a blast just running around the planets with a feminine human on each run (trap or female). not too sold on the alien augmentations i mean, not like i wouldnt like to invest on them at one point but i dont see the advantage of having them from a gameplay perspective. from a cosmetic/fetish/RP standpoint i can understand and some of those extra body features have some weight when teasing enemies but i feel they should unlock some neat stuff like new unique special abilities, stats or effect your gameplay experience on each planet (having wings/aquatic augments to reach specific locations, multiple legs providing better weight distribution and thus being able to carry more on your inventory, smaller bodies being less penalized on high gravity worlds, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i feel they should unlock some neat stuff like new unique special abilities, stats or effect your gameplay experience
It would lead to players playing the same builds instead of pursuing aesthetics of their choice.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
It would lead to players playing the same builds instead of pursuing aesthetics of their choice.

that response makes it sound like people will feel pigeonholed to choose an specific aesthetic. im fine with the game as it is right now, just feel that if i wanted to transform in one of the many aliens of the setting they should provide some kind of neat stuff you can do during encounters like, flying for a few turns if having wings, throwing sticky web to snare enemies if having an arachnoid body, simple stuff. current progression as it is doesnt obligue you to make an specific build, the only exceptions are based on the class like technicians having extra options during some interactions or mercenaries being able to carry heavy weapons without training their bodies (very "late game" traits) and thats perfectly fine.

it would add a bit of realism into the way you play and i can understand why some may not like the concept of their biology handicapping them but there could also be technology to bypass those limitatiosn to a degree (we even have antigravity bra and underwear already for example)


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Players a min-maxers by nature.

If we had a Turtle-like TF, where the shell conferred an armour bonus, you'd have a lot of players going for that not because they like the turtle aesthetic, but for the bonus.

There's a reason why Fen and the others decided that TFs should never have an impact or advantage in combat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
that response makes it sound like people will feel pigeonholed to choose an specific aesthetic.
They did with CoC, what with the dragon and nine-tailed kitsune morphs for special magic. Or what I did, cramming certain leg/horn/sting parts onto my Champion for extra attacks. Heck, I'm not a Lust player, yet my main Steele has Red Myr venom biting and Vanae milk just in case it may help.
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