How often do you make a pure human build?


Oct 9, 2016
Always pure human. Trying to stay human when there's so much transformation is kinda fun imo.
It's also oddly original within the game when almost every human you encounter tends to have dipped into some TFs.

I also tend to lose interest in npcs that are too far transformed/animalistic. Tbh, not sure what people find sexy in characters when what they end up engaging with is basically pure horse or insect rear.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I've never made a pure human, but I always design my characters with a specific, realistically-proportioned concept in mind as I don't personally care for making the awe-inspiring eldritch abominations that you'll find in the Characters thread. I always try to make characters with interesting stories or personalities so it actually feels fun to play as them, so I try my best to stick to the basic rules of proper character design when coming up with them. I just tend to find it a little hard to care about characters with so many dicks and tentacles that they end up looking like a moon-sized version of Tangela from Pokemon. My characters normally have one or two main transformatives that govern their general design, around 3-5 minor details like a tongue, wings, or markings that add a bit of unique flair to them, and never more than one of each kind of genital. I'll often let them develop organically over time as new updates are released (for example, one of my characters will probably use the Frostwyrm Ichor transformative on top of their current design once it's finally released because they have a specific emphasis placed on their relationship with the Frostwyrm), but I never let it get too out of hand due to the concern that the character will start to feel too out of place in the universe of TiTS and just turn into a walking avatar of sex and destruction instead of an actual character with flaws, bonds, and goals.
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Feb 23, 2019
I've never done a Human playthrough, I usually lose myself within the first week, if not definitely within the first month, which is how my most recent playthrough is going now.

It's fun to be a sheep (not figuratively though).


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I'm very fond of playing aliens because it not only allows for a change of pace (considering almost every bloody game under the sun has you play a baseline human even if the setting allows for different species) and it's fun to think about how a character's behavior and routines deviate if their bodies are exotic enough (which is why I love remaking a half-Leithan Steele every now and again and have them become full Leithan because that's the half they identify with the most).

I do, however, not enjoy most of the aesthetics the game provides because they're not very alien - just furry space variations of regular animals that barely pass as monster girls/boys/others. A few I find incredibly appealing, like the Slyveren (I'm still sad that's not a starting race option) but I tend to default to just using Lucifier. It's unusual enough to make my Steele feel distinct from the characters you meet and regular enough to get access to most scenes I enjoy. My business-suited she-devil is a treat in my mind's eye, after all!


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Pure human plays are pretty much my default play style, only because there isn't a perk that allows one to basically shapeshift, because I enjoy RPing shapeshifters, a lot.

My human playthrough in TiTS is due to a few things I figured about my Steele's background:
- He did a lot of reading and studying and thus found quite a number of horror stories regarding poorly regulated TFs and the such, that more or less made him really cautious around TF items and fueled his curiosity into other ways of enhancing the body's baseline capabilities.
- He began studying technology, moving into engineering, especially cyborg/android mechanics, thanks to part of his research, he managed to build nanites that constructed a supporting digital system in his head, acting something similar to the cyberbrains found in GitS.
- He plans to intensify research into biosynthetic technologies once he takes over Steele Tech, but until then, he's got a galaxy to explore, and all kinds of people to meet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I usually do a pure human run once in a while when I want to make an evil steele with a corporate mindset. It's just some thing I fall into roleplaying as when I'm feeling it.

Like I just roleplay a Steele that just hates the free galaxy and hates the idea of nothing making them credits in a business mindset. They buy out Sera in order to not only dominate Sera but to break then down and make them into a slave that doesn't want payment but is willing to pay their master for simply letting them work for them.

They keep Anno on board simply to get money out of their future company and off load ideas for possible mods for them to sell like Cesprin and claming that they found the ideas for it instead of buying it off someone else.

Ramis is pretty much their Dane, but instead of following them around like a towering shadow, they use them to keep Sera from taking the ship on a joy ride and failing at it sometimes.
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