Hi I'm Upcast Drake the Programming Simian


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Since there's been not many updates from me recently I figured I'd share why (for those of you who don't frequent Discord, at least).

I've been working on a CoC2 engine. It's written in JavaScript so it can be played natively in-browser on (just about) any device. It's still in development so there's a lot of stuff that's missing engine-wise, and it's even further in development content-wise, but you can play what's there here http://upcastdrake.orionhub.org:8000/index.html.

If anyone wants to contribute I'm open to volunteers, although if you don't know how to program already I can't really take the time to teach you. The source code can be found here https://github.com/upcastdrake/CoC2.JS. To run it you need to install Node, then from the CoC2.JS directory run:
npm install
npm run build
npm start
That should "compile" the code and start a local server at localhost:8000 or similar so you can test it.

In TiTS news, I'll be starting Fisianna's first Xpack soonish.

Wait, so is this CoC2 as in actual Corruption of Champions 2?

hoooooly shiiiit, that will be awesome!

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Late post but I coded all the logic and stuff for Ula preg. Fen filled out the text and it's already in a backer build, so enjoy.

The breed her and taur sex scenes can knock her up. She is above-average fertility so it shouldn't take more than a few attempts. After 30 days she'll tell you she's pregnant when you approach her. The birth window is 180-185 days to witness, after 185 days she just send you an email. There's some nice interactions with her after she's had kiddos.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015

When did CoC2 even begin to happen? I don't recall hearing anything about it before.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
It "began" like 3 years ago, but development fizzled out. Then in December just as a way to learn JS I started working on an engine more-or-less by myself just intended as a learning exercise. Then I kept working on it because I was having fun. Then the dev people came back to the project and we all started working on it together. Here we are!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Hrm... April Fools that isn't quite a fools?
It's a double fool! Make people think it's a fool and be all like "Oh, yeah, right! Nice try, fam!" But it was real the whole time! The perfect prank: making the victim fool themselves!
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