Grenish Meadows


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Grenish Meadows is a short piece of interactive fiction about a shy young man learning about sex for the first time from a futanari satyr. It uses Quiet Browser's Mazuko monster girl setting.

Fetishes include: Male/hermaphrodite, futanari (feminine hermaphrodite), monster girl, various forms of oral, and anal sex. The player is given the choice of what kind of sex happens, but some form of sex is mandatory.

Game link: [FONT='source_sans_proregular']!vNIFnLSB!rmnldmwcs82yd1khOa3tDCvfNtxnaIUM1Y6Teuv9j5o[/FONT]

Game script: Gdoc.

Full size Sunny Meadows:


If you liked this, please consider supporting me on Patreon. If I get a lot of support, I'll start making these much more frequently with regular free updates.

All the artwork here was provided by The Hidden Hanger.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now I think I can post this as a new post on the thread.

I've now written everything up to the end of the fourth day, leaving only the fifth day and epilogues.  This includes the two main sex scenes for the game, but the end is very much in sight!

I also wanted to start this thread to let everyone know that I've been thinking of doing more of these sorts of short interactive fiction works.  In addition to commission work and Venture Seas, this would be side things that I can work on from time to time when I either want to change gears or when things are quiet.  I was thinking of starting a Patreon tip jar for them as well, letting people who support me vote on which project I should do next or work on.  Does this sound like something people would be interested in?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I swear I remember reading through it back when it was still up on the forums, and I quite liked it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Didn't he make a thread for the Terra Teratro stuff on a monster-girl forum?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Still plugging away at this.  Only half a sex scene and the epilogue now remains to be written.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The script has been completed!  I'm still planning on doing some editing work, but the script won't be changing too much from this point forward.

Since I have no graphics for the game, I've decided that I'm probably not going to continue using Ren'py for it.  I believe that Twine would be an ideal program to code this in, so I'll probably be implementing it in that in the next couple of days.  As before, the full script for the game is available in the OP.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
The script has been completed!  I'm still planning on doing some editing work, but the script won't be changing too much from this point forward.
Hot diggity daffodil.  I'm looking forward to playing the finished version.  Days 1 and 2 were already a lot of fun, and from the look of the older version there's going to be a lot of variation in the later days to play with.

Since I have no graphics for the game, I've decided that I'm probably not going to continue using Ren'py for it.  I believe that Twine would be an ideal program to code this in, so I'll probably be implementing it in that in the next couple of days.  As before, the full script for the game is available in the OP.

A lot of people seem to find Twine very easy to program in.  I'm a little surprised you didn't switch over sooner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
HOLY FUCKING HELL CAPTIA CODES!  Despite my finest efforts, I cannot get the forums to let me use a proper url tag for the download link, so I'll just have to post the raw link.  It would also be nice if I didn't have to fill out a captia every time I try to edit the OP.

Anyway, that's right.  There is now a download link for Grenish Meadows in the OP!  I did some testing on this already, but it is by no means extensive so there might be some issues.  I think everything looks good for now and I think I can safely publish the first version for everyone to enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Seems like something got coded backwards.  In the Orc and Minotaur endings where Patrick gets fucked, his new girlfriends don't have dicks.  But in the ones where he fucks Sunny's pussy, they are futas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems like something got coded backwards.  In the Orc and Minotaur endings where Patrick gets fucked, his new girlfriends don't have dicks.  But in the ones where he fucks Sunny's pussy, they are futas.

Looks like they're all reversed.  I'd caught an error about getting the orc and minotaur reversed (the check for interest in breasts and butts was backwards), but obviously missed that one.  Fortunately since there isn't too much in the way of code here, it's hard to break things.  New version added to OP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just "played" through it, and it was enjoyable. I think I noticed a couple typos or misspelt words, but that's about it for my criticism. Not the kind of thing I'd fap to, but certainly interesting enough to make you want to see the next day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just "played" through it, and it was enjoyable. I think I noticed a couple typos or misspelt words, but that's about it for my criticism. Not the kind of thing I'd fap to, but certainly interesting enough to make you want to see the next day.

Thank you for the compliment.

If anyone notices any typoes, errors, or cases of past tense creeping in when it shouldn't, please post them in here and I'll correct them in game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It seems that MEGA corrupted the file somehow and people were having trouble downloading this.  I've fixed the issue, but let me know if it comes up again.


New Member
Oct 28, 2015
Loved the game. A pity you can't give Sunny a blowjob (at least I didn't find a way to!). I'll be sure to keep an eye on your new stuff.^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Loved the game. A pity you can't give Sunny a blowjob (at least I didn't find a way to!). I'll be sure to keep an eye on your new stuff.^^

Nope, as Sunny points out on day 4, he'll need some serious throat training before he can pull that off.  There will probably be player blowjob scenes in my future stuff, however.


New Member
Nov 11, 2015
Very good game.  It doesn't really force unwanted decisions on you (and is up front about the non-negotiables), which is appreciated.  The pacing of the game was very nice with the progression of the day themes.  The choices mattered.  The game was all in all intended to be a small, self-contained experience, and kept true to that and delivered very well.  

Little games like this are nice and I definitely appreciate the decent male sub content being that I feel like it is lacking in availability.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
I made two play troughs in an effort to see the bulk of the content, then I took a peek at the script to see if I had missed anything significant.

While I tend to prefer longer games, this was a very enjoyable interactive short story.

Interesting setting, fun story, and well written.  Thank you for sharing it.  I'll be keeping an eye out for other games from you, if they're of comparable quality, they will be well worth playing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm happy to share some artwork for the game of the lead Satyr girl!  Check out the OP for the artwork, and open up the spoilered image in a new tab if you want to see the full size image.

Corrupt Nova

Oct 5, 2015
Hmmm. Apparently it was just chrome being dumb and breaking the link on me for some reason. I was able to download the game using Firefox. Thank you.
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Dec 20, 2015
Seems like even after all this time, TheDarkMaster can't stop producing stuff that I could possible find fun.

Finished it. What I liked was how you managed to convey the likelihood of relative 'being charmed by your first partner isn't neccessarily love' concept while still giving a bonus ending to people who were highly compatible with the heroine. 

Two things I disliked, but can't really complain about were the male pregnancy risk (That, I have QuietBrowser to blame for, I believe?) and getting onto my pet peeve of a futa+male relationship where, during the story, only one gets to be the penetrative partner in 'classical' sex, which I believe would be a valid complaint if it wasn't a free-to-play short game where you can always repeat your choices to get to see the other scene.

I think all the minor mistakes and typos could be eliminated in a single proofread, can't even recall any of the top of my head now. Thanks for sharing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems like even after all this time, TheDarkMaster can't stop producing stuff that I could possible find fun.

Finished it. What I liked was how you managed to convey the likelihood of relative 'being charmed by your first partner isn't neccessarily love' concept while still giving a bonus ending to people who were highly compatible with the heroine. 

Two things I disliked, but can't really complain about were the male pregnancy risk (That, I have QuietBrowser to blame for, I believe?) and getting onto my pet peeve of a futa+male relationship where, during the story, only one gets to be the penetrative partner in 'classical' sex, which I believe would be a valid complaint if it wasn't a free-to-play short game where you can always repeat your choices to get to see the other scene.

I think all the minor mistakes and typos could be eliminated in a single proofread, can't even recall any of the top of my head now. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to hear that.

Yes, you're right about male preg being a hold over from QB's satyr design.  I don't cover it in detail otherwise since it isn't really that big of a kink for me.  The other I'm a bit confused about, are you saying you wish that the final scene had both of them penetrating each other?  I suppose that could be an issue but the design of the story I'd figured out way in advance just doesn't leave space for that.  If the story had been bigger you probably would have had that included.

I probably won't go through the whole script again on my own in the near future, but I will correct any errors that people report to me and release a fix for them.

It's been pointed out to me that sharing a MEGA link around isn't necessarily the best way to distribute this game.  Since it is an HTML file I could simply host it as a webpage.  Does anyone have good suggestions for places I could host it?  It is a 350 KB file.
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Dec 20, 2015
Well, in terms of that 'complain', I did understand that part of the design was a one-off scene for every possible one, with a simple and short replay being all you needed to do to see other scenes. Since the character was meant to be a human with an average sex drive, not going for sex marathons seemed like a perfectly acceptable thing to do. With one scene per day it was an understandable design.

If I was going to 'complain' at all in regards to that it would be that the endings do reinforce the notion (because you only get a futa girlfriend if you get the ending where your character receives anal sex, and the only act mentioned in the ending is your character receiving anal sex from said girlfriend), but I think that's looking into it too far without considering the design. That's why I said I can't really complain about the 'two things I disliked'.