Fur, Skin, Scales and Limbs?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm wondering if I should:
A) Have furry/scaley bodyparts independent of skintype
B) Have bodyparts that incorperate skintype while otherwise showing their own distinctive features

I'm writing a transformative that turns the champion into a lupine-pexighast hybrid, which involves many new bodyparts that alternate fur and scales. (In total, general skintype, face, arms, legs, and tail). As a part of this, looking through references I'm finding peculiarities where sometimes skintype affects limbs, specifically arms and legs (faces less consistently). I had some notion of the bodyparts having their own fur-scale-hybrid config, but am now considering if I should reevaluate from a position of accommodating the general skintype as well.

The general plan is
Head: Hybrid Face (wolflike, scales along the top of the snout), lupine eyes, lupine ears, lizard horns
Body: Hybrid skintype (fur, scale blotch protecting the belly)
Limbs: Hybrid arms, hybrid legs (wolflike, with scales protecting elbows, knees, back of the hands and feet)
Tail: Hybrid tail (fur-covered, but lizard in shape)
Dick: Knotted, sheathed lizard dick
Pussy: Lizard

Also looking for references for writing bodypart description blurbs, particularly if I'm going down path B.

(I'm also considering other more unique reptile-type traits (such as gills and mander' tailflames), in the vain of this race being accepting reptilian traits while retaining a lupine identity, but it's been rightly pointed out that this is design creep so this is largely a conceptual what-if corrupted tf alternate for Nash to sell, assuming it even gets that far)
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