Frozen Half-Gryvain companion


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I would've thought the vaguely triangular orange shape would've given it away long before now.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Code for appearance with regards to Dracoguard taken is done

if DGC>-1
    if DGC<2
    if DGC=0
        if DGC=3   
            if DGC=2


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Code for appearance with regards to Dracoguard taken is done
Why don't you actually work on the character first BEFORE doing all of that? Or at least commission someone to write her? So far after all this time, we have not even had a single Gdoc of her content if there is to be any. You're working from the wrong end.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Hey I have a lot of partial stuff but none of it makes sense so I only post stuff when I finish a part.
Now that I have finished appearance I am going to finish the intro event for her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey I have a lot of partial stuff but none of it makes sense so I only post stuff when I finish a part.
Well, then show us that, so that we may help you to have it make sense.

Now that I have finished appearance I am going to finish the intro event for her.
That what you've posted does not constitute a "finished appearance" or "finished anything". The flags and Global Values are supposed to be based on your description of the character, not the other way around. As @Emerald is telling you, you are working this from the wrong end.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
and also the values are based on my description but before I posted anything I wanted to have quantitative not qualitative data as you cant use qualitative data

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Dude, you can't even finish your fanfiction, lol. I thought you were a troll until I googled you. There is no way you're going to write an entire NPC, let alone a crew member. Look, it's not a matter of "us" versus "you". You don't owe us anything, and frankly, we don't care about not getting anything from you. It wouldn't really be any different from what we're currently getting from you, which is as you said, "data". And apparently pseudocode. Both of which that would normally just be done by Fen or Gedan anyway (even now if you actually finished the character), and never actually mentioned or used. So ultimately useless.

Really now, there's no shame in giving up and doing something you actually want and have time for. Seriously, don't misunderstand; very few of the people posting in this thread would be capable of legitimate writing either. We'd love to provide constructive criticism otherwise.

@Ormael: It's not private though because he doesn't have anything. Normally I'd just rag on people continuously for something like this (there was a guy way back when that pulled some way worst shit), but now I'm honestly just starting to feel bad for OP. His "best" aside, he's fundamentally misunderstanding things.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well trying to keep it up private before you feel it's good enough to show scenes like intor and so on may be killer mood in long run. Maaybe you need to look who could look over it before rest to give you rough estimate if it good enough to be show to public as otherwise you wll keep telling you need to make it more edited and people will get more agtitated you not showing anything to them. So really think about find 1-2 ppl to QC it to help you evaluate how ready those scenes are for masses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
and also the values are based on my description but before I posted anything I wanted to have quantitative not qualitative data as you cant use qualitative data
What @noobsaleh said. (You damn ninja! :catstare:)

I am doing the best I can and telling me that I am doing it wrong isnt helping
We are also telling you how to do it right and you just keep just showing us useless Global Values and no Gdoc links or any kind of actual content.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Why don't you actually work on the character first BEFORE doing all of that? Or at least commission someone to write her? So far after all this time, we have not even had a single Gdoc of her content if there is to be any. You're working from the wrong end.

Because I don't know what you mean by working on her? when I am doing work relating to the character I consider that "working on the character" so please tell me what you consider working on the character


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Because I don't know what you mean by working on her? when I am doing work relating to the character I consider that "working on the character" so please tell me what you consider working on the character
You haven't even shown us a GDoc of what you got of her encounter, talk scenes, sex scenes, interactions.. basically all the shit to make her an NPC...
You haven't shown us ANY of that at all since you even said you were gonna do this character, which, I highly doubt you will, considering you've not given us members, nor the devs, anything to work with or Quality control.

SHOW US you're working on this character of yours, it's hard to believe it from your own mouth at this point, to be perfectly honest. If you can't do that, either commission someone, or don't waste our time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not all of us are briliant or know what to do right of the bat. But I think Cpt. is partial correct on not been slight less polite when he do any post to update situation. As long it not drag for next few months.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
This thread has become a shitstorm of off-topic posts and ideals.
From what I read during my time here (which is like, 4 days or something), I have searched through the forums for the rules and guidelines pertaining to submitting NPCs and ideas.

The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you're going to be making.

This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself.

Allow me to explain:

Trials in Tainted Space accepts community content submissions. You don't need to know how to code to submit written content to TiTS (I sure don't!), but having an understanding of the parser we use is a must. There are many, many submission documents you can look at for examples to base your own documents off of. My signature contains a repository of them. Specific writing guides can be found in stickied in Event Submissions.

This subforum is a good place to take an idea you've come up with, and would like to work on yourself, and pitch them. See if it's actually a good idea, first and foremost, and allow other members of the community to suggest ways you could improve your starting idea. This process will help you save time by abandoning bad ideas, and help you to make the best quality submission possible from the ground up. Taking in feedback and making sweeping changes to your content after the fact is much harder than having a great starting point.

Once you have actual writing to share, start a topic in Event Submissions with a link to a publicly-viewable Google Document. This will allow community members to copy edit your work, and for coders to access it and implement it into the game.

Pitching ideas you do not intend to put the time and effort into writing is not the purpose of this subforum. You may do so, but expect a strongly negative response. Nobody is going to write your ideas for you: the people who can write have more ideas of their own than they can ever possibly write already; they don't need or want yours.

The exception to the above is ideas for purely mechanical changes to the game. If you have ideas that would improve the way the game works, combat balance, class features, etc., this is the place to put them up for discussion.

If you planned everything in your head and expect everyone else to agree or accept them, you are most wrong. As a writer, it is essential to be able to take criticism; if someone doesn't like what you do or write, then listen to them and apply it to your writing. Everyone is taking the mickey out of you due to the fact that your ideas are so messy (not being put in an organised google doc, with a basic written character description). I for one, personally find your grammar appalling (shown through your various forum posts, which does not even have basic sentence structure) and this is a turn off (like literally, I lost a boner).

I know it is not my place to say this, but if you want to appeal to the public and be taken seriously, then you have to act more mature. Insulting people and calling them a 'prick' is not helping your case dear.
(If I am wrong about my whole rant, I am so, so sorry)
Edit: After this long post, I feel hungry. Gonna get lunch bb
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Jhin Crux of issue is aside that some people not like that version of half-gryvain he want to wirte is lack of any link to show to them. So till he provide it all would repeat with people keep pointing at him about only talking much but not showing any prove of progress on this project.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Because I don't know what you mean by working on her? when I am doing work relating to the character I consider that "working on the character" so please tell me what you consider working on the character
Go to the "Event Submission" section of the forum, pick a thread and any thread will do and look at the first post. Notice that google doc link in every initial post? Click it and lo and behold: paragraphs upon paragraphs of text describing the scenes involving the subject matter, even a description of the character if the submission involves a NPC and no array of Global Values to be seen. :colbert:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have a half gryvain save that took dracoguard 7 more times and didn't grow a dick and more importantly Astridr is MY character so YOU are going to have to deal with the way I make her

But on a serious note I really can't take OP seriously. From being a part of RPs on here they ring SO MUCH of the people that will pester the DMs and other RPers over what weapons, armor, magic their character should have without ever mentioning their sex, race, backstory, any characterization at all. If even one page of content on this character is written it'll be a bigger miracle than the 1980 US Ice Hockey victory.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2017
I found this form if you can even call it that I think it looks like someone trying to make something come to fruition a couple people that put constructive comments every once in a while and then what started as a few but the number of them grew quite large of people who do nothing but crap all over this guy every time he says anything and even worse when he was gone and unable to respond I know I am new to the website but that does not mean that I can't recognize people pissing all over someones ideas for there own enjoyment I am not to say that OP is a saint by any means I mean this forum consists of him saying something it getting crapped on him getting more angry at his ideas getting crapped on and repeat, I mean ya he is an easy target so what leave them alone and find something better to do I actually found a link to this when the same people were trying to piss him off in a different thread on here and you know what I am going to comment on this thread and how sad it is that you guys can't find anything better to do than pick on this random person on the internet.

So what do you guys think of the stat chart
This took a while to decipher so I understand the frustration but once you can read it, that chart showed he wasn't just all talk and that he actually was working on the character and not just opening and closing his mouth.

It has 25% chance to grow cock if female/genderless, and effect limit can make it appear after some tries. But if you continue to take it, you'll become herm eventually.
Etis as an outside party looking in I would like to point two things to you assets such as characters are the Creator's creation not your creation so if you don't like his character go make a character you like and interact with your character instead
And I would like to point out that you said "if you continue to take it eventually you'll become a herm" you seem to forget something that statchart showed us 4 different possible values for the variables and since she needed an appearance before she took the TF the first time meaning that the variables are: before the first dose, after the first dose, after the second dose, and after the third dose which means she stops taking it after 3 doses meaning she is NOT continuing to take and therefore will not eventually become a herm.

I think that:
1) You should write some actual content before TF part since you are doing it from the wrong end.
2) You should choose non-all-herm race if you don't want a girl with a dick.

She starts as half, and you can give her DG. And once you do, she should become full gryvain. Full gryvains are herms, and DG has it as one of the effects. So removal should be extra action here. And, IMO, optional one.
"Half" plus 3x(0 to 4 out of however many mutations it would take to get all the mutations) is not still not greater than or eqal to 1 and that is assuming that the "half gryvain" is exactly 50% gryvain in both lineage and traits expressed which is statistically improbable.

and if you looked at the chart you would see why she took it was because her tail was broken

You make good point about her tail and I do think they need to back off and while I understand why you are pissed and justifiably so you still need to calm the fuck down

Looks like someone forgot to take their meds. There are ≈58% chance to become herm from 3 doses of DracoGuard. And from we have now she just not going to be.

Etis I am glad you are recognizing that you don't have a god given right to have his character be a herm just because there is a slightly higher than 50% theoretical chance of her becoming one because guess what life doesn't do what something just because it is more likely to happen otherwise anything that had greater than 50% chance of occurring would have 100% of occurring

But onto an even more important point making jabs at someone you don't like, not just assuming but more or less announcing that someone has a mental irregularity is not only rude and uncalled for but inappropriate and the fact the way that the comment was made was suggest that someone having one is beneath you just because they need meds something which again and I do not know you nor the OP as I just got here and have never talked to either of you before but I do know that you are making accusations based on an the fact he lashed out after you repeatedly took shots at his ideas and now you are saying stuff about him based on behavior your actions directly caused and in doing so have gone from putting down his ideas to insinuating things about (and with the "forgot to take your meds comment" it was most certainly in a derogatory and belittling manner) someone you know little to nothing about.

I have a half gryvain save that took dracoguard 7 more times and didn't grow a dick and more importantly Astridr is MY character so YOU are going to have to deal with the way I make her

Well DG still got as was already menationed just 25% chance to trigger cock grown (growing statisticaly with each consesus dose). Why making such a fuss over this, that OP decided that even with this growing % chance for cock grow it not happening? What if it would actualy trigger on some next one dose like 4th or 5th? I already pointed this out slight earlier and he do explained it.

Please calm down slight you both or things can get nasty soon here -_-'
Even other people are not enjoying that a small group of people are trying to get a response out of the OP by constantly putting down him and his ideas.

Because that's inherently over-complicated and another bess/ben will never be accepted

If Ben(ss) was limited to just two variants of base body shape, they wouldn't have been anywhere near the dreaded blob they are.

I not see this one project would aim to make this Gryvain as much customaizable as Bess/Ben which was a blob of possibility aside having silver skin all rest was out for customize about their bodies. Here we got female with possible 2-3 preset changes for her hence it is easier to work with such fundation than limitless possibility fundation.

Those last three quotes are at least starting to head in the right direction back to where this thread should be.

I can't tell if you're agreeing with what I said or saying the project won't get like that, I don't mean to be rude but a lot of what you type is hard to decipher.

Although thinking more about it, deciding wether it's female or male isn't that complicated but not exactly needed.

Not that it actually matters since the OP hasn't signed in since September and not like they even started working on this as a project.


Yeah, but what would these forums be if we only debated on things that matter? :p

Plus Gryvains aren't comming in male/female type naturaly. Even for half-Gryvain like PC it can be only herm or female so it wouldn't be even needed to add male version of her.

Well, this particular gryvain could have modded themselves to be a pure female or male.

Yeah I know he was quite persistent on making her female and as in above posts was said he really was about not giving her cock even with DracoGuard doses. I still hope he will back and continue work as it is so far only one Gryvain npc I looking up to be meet ingame.

Though, there is nothing to continue as nothing has been even started despite it being only one NPC.

I know too how much work is for make one NPC just added even with base interactions save possible NPC with companion X-pack. Thuo here it's jsut: PC dig that gal out of block of ice and after agreeing to take her it concludes all precrewmember stage so most of work would be put into fleshing out her actual crewmember interactions menu and adding way to handle case when PC unfreeze her but not taking asap onboard.

Then I apologize as I have misunderstood that part of what you were saying. But my point that it wasn't even started, hence, there being nothing to continue still stands.

tbh, rather than using long dead thread to have some argument about the bust and their inaccuracies, why don't we make a thread about it instead? The person who made this half-Gryvain shit was clearly a special snowflake in over his/her head. Let the thing die and fade away into obscurity.

Righto. I was gonna say something along the lines of "Why is this thread still being necro'd, kill it now.", but then I saw the recent discussion and just started putting my imput on that instead.
But yeah, this thread needs to die. It's obvious the guy isn't gonna be working on this Gryvain character any time soon, haven't heard from him since his idea got shot down bigtime. I'm surprised the thread wasn't locked as soon as the necro happened or something, I was expecting that really.

as a half gyrvain you have the choice to be female or herm and the reason I have been gone was my computer died on me

And that is why there are so many npcs in tits so that there are characters that everyone can enjoy

I have started and am forced by lack of support to work alone

You who are such an ignorant and assumptive prick can take your own advice and go elsewhere as for the reason progress was halted is I had no computer for about 2 months

why dont you actuallly look for a logical reason that someones been inactive instead of taking free shots at them because they are unable to defend them self

and personally haters my npc contributes many things to tits as a whole for one I catered to the people that were sad in CoC when ember was never finished all the people that were mad there was not a single npc with any gyrvain blood that was purely female finally it adds the indebted character who owes the hero there life that is a fundamental aspect of many good stories not to mention there is purely lesbian myr npc that only will allow yuri acts to them or their slaves so why are you so intimidated by the thought of a heterosexual female npc being introduced hell she even accepts herm pcs so dont get your panties in a wad

While the shade-throwing was a little harsh, you've gotta understand that folks around here are pretty used to being disappointed by people who say they're gonna write something (maybe even something they've wanted!) only for them to never deliver. It doesn't help when they don't get updates/don't see you chimong into the discussion about it.

In any case, now that you presumably have a working computer, hopefully we'll see what you'll pump out for us, if anything.

I didn't even remember the context of this thread right away. Had to go back to before we started discussing art assets to refresh myself.

Anyway look, there's nothing wrong with having a fully female Half-Gryvain that's only into males. EDIT: And apparently herms as well? That's like more than half the playerbase. She'd hardly be a special snowflake. And choosing stats beforehand doesn't make her any worse either. I'm saying that to everyone, not just you, OP. Yeah, gating and/or specializing content may be annoying, but that's the writer's prerogative.

With that said:

Bruh, let me just say, in the politest way possible (no but seriously now, don't get upset or anything): You ain't gonna write shit. You're going to complain on this thread and then leave the forum without so much as a Google doc. Hell, you might actually not even be a troll (unlike that other guy), which is even worse because that just means you get offended easily.

I mean honestly, amateur writers don't get much more than praise. And only some (even here) actually get paid for it.

Oh, hush you. I'm trying yo be polite here.

What? No you're not. I mean, I called him out too but at least I'm admitting it.

Emphasis on "trying".

If that is your version of trying I appreciate that you are not as bad as Etis but you still need a lot of work

"We" are merely asking why you've decided to take an all-herm race for a pure female NPC. "Not into girls" does not mean "hate own anatomy". And if she is okay with herms it is not heterosexual, it is "everything with dick".

Just to clarify we consists mainly of Etis and NotYouNurl but also includes JohanLitvisk and Jdeko like I said I am new and this is just what I have already seen

@ShadowKing042 Glad to see back after adventures with your comp. I keep hope you not get piss off by what happened in thread and etc. and would still work in your pace to finish it so we can enjoy her :D

See that is something I have noticed Ormael defends OP while others normally lead by Etis and NotYouNurl try to berate the OP and belittle his ideas

Code for appearance with regards to Dracoguard taken is done

if DGC>-1
    if DGC<2
    if DGC=0
        if DGC=3 
            if DGC=2

Why don't you actually work on the character first BEFORE doing all of that? Or at least commission someone to write her? So far after all this time, we have not even had a single Gdoc of her content if there is to be any. You're working from the wrong end.

Hey I have a lot of partial stuff but none of it makes sense so I only post stuff when I finish a part.
Now that I have finished appearance I am going to finish the intro event for her.

Well, then show us that, so that we may help you to have it make sense.

That what you've posted does not constitute a "finished appearance" or "finished anything". The flags and Global Values are supposed to be based on your description of the character, not the other way around. As @Emerald is telling you, you are working this from the wrong end.

I am doing the best I can and telling me that I am doing it wrong isnt helping

and also the values are based on my description but before I posted anything I wanted to have quantitative not qualitative data as you cant use qualitative data

Well trying to keep it up private before you feel it's good enough to show scenes like intor and so on may be killer mood in long run. Maaybe you need to look who could look over it before rest to give you rough estimate if it good enough to be show to public as otherwise you wll keep telling you need to make it more edited and people will get more agtitated you not showing anything to them. So really think about find 1-2 ppl to QC it to help you evaluate how ready those scenes are for masses.

Because I don't know what you mean by working on her? when I am doing work relating to the character I consider that "working on the character" so please tell me what you consider working on the character

You haven't even shown us a GDoc of what you got of her encounter, talk scenes, sex scenes, interactions.. basically all the shit to make her an NPC...
You haven't shown us ANY of that at all since you even said you were gonna do this character, which, I highly doubt you will, considering you've not given us members, nor the devs, anything to work with or Quality control.

SHOW US you're working on this character of yours, it's hard to believe it from your own mouth at this point, to be perfectly honest. If you can't do that, either commission someone, or don't waste our time.

@Jhin Crux of issue is aside that some people not like that version of half-gryvain he want to wirte is lack of any link to show to them. So till he provide it all would repeat with people keep pointing at him about only talking much but not showing any prove of progress on this project.

But on a serious note I really can't take OP seriously. From being a part of RPs on here they ring SO MUCH of the people that will pester the DMs and other RPers over what weapons, armor, magic their character should have without ever mentioning their sex, race, backstory, any characterization at all. If even one page of content on this character is written it'll be a bigger miracle than the 1980 US Ice Hockey victory.[/thi]
Watch your own video and learn to deal with the OP and if you don't like him take your buddy's and leave

That is what I have seen in this thread so far.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
he wrote some code stuff that whoever programs the character in would normally write and might have to rewrite anyway.

he has no scenes with her, none, zero. Everyone is telling him to actually write the character and he blows that off and keeps making [probably useless] code-posts. He is arguing about upholstery and paint color options without ever telling us what car he is buying.

I have seen this SO MANY times in the RP I help run on here where people come in and jump directly to what cool guns they want their character to have or what mega-awesome Demonic Magic they want them to wield but offer no information on the most basic aspects of their character.

Okay, your Iceberg Waifu isn't a herm, we get it. Now write her meeting Steele, explaining who she is, write some sex scenes, actually write your character instead of wasting time on dead ends and minutiae.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
he wrote some code stuff that whoever programs the character in would normally write and might have to rewrite anyway.

he has no scenes with her, none, zero. Everyone is telling him to actually write the character and he blows that off and keeps making [probably useless] code-posts. He is arguing about upholstery and paint color options without ever telling us what car he is buying.

I have seen this SO MANY times in the RP I help run on here where people come in and jump directly to what cool guns they want their character to have or what mega-awesome Demonic Magic they want them to wield but offer no information on the most basic aspects of their character.

Okay, your Iceberg Waifu isn't a herm, we get it. Now write her meeting Steele, explaining who she is, write some sex scenes, actually write your character instead of wasting time on dead ends and minutiae.
You know what I am doing right now because I will tell you I am attempting to make a group to help me get this done so I can make progress faster get the character finished and implemented and most importantly not have to deal with people like Etis and NotYouNorl because there is no reason I should have to deal with them or the way I have been treated and my ideas stomped on so no I am not doing nothing and no my code is not useless and to all of you who said that I would do absolutely nothing watch and weep and I thank those of you who were constructive and hope you will continue reading this because I will still post on here when my group finishes things and guess what Astridr acceptance of herms was to make her more appealing to a larger audience she still has a strong preference towards males, and do you know why I aded that because I read the response and actually think about what the CONSTRUCTIVE comments and suggestions say.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You know what I am doing right now because I will tell you I am attempting to make a group to help me get this done so I can make progress faster get the character finished and implemented and most importantly not have to deal with people like Etis and NotYouNorl because there is no reason I should have to deal with them or the way I have been treated and my ideas stomped on so no I am not doing nothing and no my code is not useless and to all of you who said that I would do absolutely nothing watch and weep and I thank those of you who were constructive and hope you will continue reading this because I will still post on here when my group finishes things and guess what Astridr acceptance of herms was to make her more appealing to a larger audience she still has a strong preference towards males, and do you know why I aded that because I read the response and actually think about what the CONSTRUCTIVE comments and suggestions say.
Then post the fucking link to the Gdoc already! And show proof that you are actually working on something.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Or don't, I don't really care either way. Stop bullying OP guys, you're just giving him attention for no reason.

@HaremGod: Hahahahaha.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@HaremGod, And as for your post, instead of going through a lengthy recap of what was said which also takes into account gaps in the OP's activity that span up to several months on end with now proof that they invested any work into this, not even a summery of the character's personality or planned scenes. I'll just settle on agreeing on what @JDeko said in his reply to you.
And that it was less us "craping all over this guy every time he says anything," and more us calling them up on their bullshit of being all talk and no action while pulling a "Peter Molyneux."

Etis as an outside party looking in I would like to point two things to you assets such as characters are the Creator's creation not your creation so if you don't like his character go make a character you like and interact with your character instead
And I would like to point out that you said "if you continue to take it eventually you'll become a herm" you seem to forget something that statchart showed us 4 different possible values for the variables and since she needed an appearance before she took the TF the first time meaning that the variables are: before the first dose, after the first dose, after the second dose, and after the third dose which means she stops taking it after 3 doses meaning she is NOT continuing to take and therefore will not eventually become a herm.
That's not how TFs work in the lore of the TiTSverse or when used by Captain Steele. While when used on NPCs TFs have a a linear progression for code/writing simplicity's sake, single purpose TFs aside (and that Throbb gets a pass since it is supposed to be a male genital enhancement drug that is supposed to focus on growing/dick size), the characters who take them generally don't know what features they are going to get, especially if it's a racial TF. Therefore, there would be no way for this half-gryvain to determine at which dose of DracoGruad (which is the gryvain racial TF item) would she or would she not grow a dick.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Isn't your post kind of contradictory? You said creators choose how TFs affect their NPCs, so an NPC could just be like "Well I heard from so-and-so that this'll give me a dick, so I'll give it a shot."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh you quote quite many fragments Harem O.O

Well it's undeniable that this thread is also gven much attention by prle thou not like "certain NPC" related that was caused by controversy of npc itself. Maybe soon storm would calm down here too. I wish it would.

And @HaremGod about Etis...he sort of sucker punched so barely any chance he will post anything new (well technicaly he won't on Etis account that for sure).