Friend, Wife/Husband, Fuckbuddy: TiTS Edition


Well-Known Member
As the title implies, choose one or more NPCs for each of the three, and post them here! Inspired by the same thread for CoC2. My picks:

Friend: ... I'm not sure, actually. Kase, perhaps? I know he's not particularly outgoing, but I still feel like 'protecting' him from Anno and especially Ramis.

Wives: Kaede. She's cute (both physically and personality-wise) and romantic, and I feel she doesn't get enough non-sexual affection from any of her other lovers. Fisi, for similar reasons (though without the 'other lovers' bit, of course). Syri would be under 'Fuckbuddy', but her hidden romantic side endears me to her enough to put her here.

Fuckbuddy: Anno. She's friendly enough and pretty much always DTF but doesn't seem like the romantic sort to me (which is exactly the same as I put for Cait in the CoC2 thread; in many ways, they're pretty much the same person).


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2018
I'm pretty much the same as the OP

Friend: Bianca. She is friendly, experienced and helpful. She is a person that always has a good story to tell, together with a drink and we can always relay on for help.

Wife: 100% Syri. She is a hidden romantic, masking it with tough dominant persona, but is an absolute sweetheart with the right person.

Fuckbuddy: Anno. She would have been in the Wife category, if Syri didnt exist or if she had a more romantic side to her.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Friend: Reaha - That moo needs a friend and help.
Wife: Fisianna - She is like me.
Fuckbuddy: Non herm Seandra, realistically the dick is not for me so before that TF.

I would've gotten around to making this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Friend: Anno - like that needs an explanation

Wife: Amber - My favourite character. I admit that I had a crush on her.

Fuckbuddy: Janice - Who is that? The name I just made up for the bored Jumper Dog cock variant. I really like the Jumpers, but the puppy is my favourite
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Friend - Kaede

Wives - Bianca because knowing all her backstory breaks my heart and I would love to help her recover and finally move on with her life. Anyx (as my cousin) she's a hot domme and ahem incest ahem is one of my top fetishes. Kiro because she is my absolute favourite NPC out of both TiTs and CoC 2.. I love her uncouth but mischievous personality and she's always down for a good time.. also Kally threesomes.

Fuckbuddies - Verusha, again hot lady domme and I like it rough. Roxy, she is one cock obsessed bunny obviously I would have to be a futa.. Anno and Syri.. do I really need to say why with those two.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
Friend: Kase, he is cute and I want to hug him also the Rat Raiders, I love those rascals
Girlfriends: Embry and Fisi, idk if I would marry them but I love the two of them in a romantic way!
Spouse: Chaurmine, his mini-quest is really good
Fuckbuddy: I guess Kiro and Kally! they are both super cute and despite normally loathing incest these two make it tolerable and even cute
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Friend, fuckbuddy, spouse: Syri Dorna. In a different universe, Ardia.
Friend: Anno, Azra, Bianca, Jill, Shade, Kase, Kaede, Gianna, Roo... this list could get very long very quickly.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Wife: Bianca (with part 2), Fisianna, Roxy, Nykke, perhaps Reaha if she were up to it, Ula (if she weren't bound to a tribe that apparently doesn't know steele is the sire of her pups), perhaps Free Roo, Azra (If she had progressed to calling Steele her Stud)
Friend: Looooong list, Paige, Anno, Syri, Kaede, Azra(as she is now), almost all of the female crew
Fuckbuddy: Hmmmm... Anno and Syri
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Friend: Bahakar, Bert, Anyxine, old Korgii chief
Spouse: Fisianna, Embry, Nykke, Ciaran, Kase, Delilah, Stella
fuckbuddy: Syri, Kiro, Bimbo Badger, Perdita, Bizzy, Rats Raiders, Vahn
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Wily Rodent

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2021
Friend: Fisianna. She's definitely my favourite character in the game but I kinda had to friendzone her because I don't feel like we'd be a good match for anything more involved. Our personalities are way too similar for that to ever move in any direction at all.

Wife: Ardia

Fuckbuddies: Who needs fuckbuddies when your wife is Ardia?
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Jun 24, 2021
Friend: Roxy, friends always support each other and I would be willing to help her fulfill her fetishes for as long as she wants.

First option: Brandy, I like her personality and why she lost her speech, I place her as the first option because I love being the dominant one and I feel that with her I can do everything that I and my penis want.
Second option: Kiro, she may not be an almost insatiable sex machine but with everything that happens to be able to have her in my crew, she earned a position that I would marry.
Third option: Anyxine, I just put her for the classic cliche of childhood best friends falling in love and finally getting married (It's one of my favorite cliches after all)
Fourth option: Bizzy, with it is the option to modify it to make it an unmissable one that could only be used to breed until death or not to modify it and raise it while thousands of people watch us in the process of turning it into an eternal breeding machine.
Fifth option: Luca, I love everything about Luca, his ending is one of my favorites.

Fuckbuddy: Sera, I always liked to dominate her until I made her my personal doll, I think I have something to do with making dominants submissive.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
Off the top of my head:

Friend: Mmmm... I don't have a favorite
Friend-Spouse: Kiro, Prai, Zo'Dee, Inessa
Spouse: Kase, Chaurmine, Fyn, Ciaran, Flahne,
Spouse-Fuckbuddy: Naleen Male, Gryvain Techie
Fuckbuddy: Almost everyone

Not Interested in: Dane, Lane, Lash, Dr. Badger, and Jack/Jill
Unsure about: Verusha, Sera, Ramis


Apr 25, 2021
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Friend: Basically anyone who isn't a dickhead.

Best Friend: Anno. Wholesome doggo with technical know-how and a heart of gold. 'Nuff said.

Spouse: Either...
Syri. She needs something in her life that won't end up being taken from her against her will, be it by unfortunate circumstances (her Navy career) or shady activities (Valden). Also gamer wife.

Fisianna. She is too pure for this sinful galaxy and every fiber of my being yearns to shame her parents for how they treated her. When endgame comes, I'm making her SteeleTech's CTO. Show them that the daughter they disowned became one of the most powerful persons in the galaxy's spouse and developing tech for his company at his personal request. Fuck you mom and dad.

Fuckbuddy: None, since I'm strictly monogamous.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Fisianna. She is too pure for this sinful galaxy and every fiber of my being yearns to shame her parents for how they treated her. When endgame comes, I'm making her SteeleTech's CTO. Show them that the daughter they disowned became one of the most powerful persons in the galaxy's spouse and developing tech for his company at his personal request. Fuck you mom and dad.
Makes me wonder what sort of Endings we will be allowed to have. I have zero idea at this point.

Be Steele Tech's CEO? NOT take up the company as Steele is already rich? Marry someone? Who? (Fisianna would be one I'd consider. Ula would be another if my Captain Steele were allowed to drag Korgii Hold kicking and screaming into being uplifted). Will the captain keep a majority of the crew in his/her employ, or will everyone drift apart?

Or will the game have smaller blurbs of text for other prominent characters depending on their state at the game's end?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Makes me wonder what sort of Endings we will be allowed to have. I have zero idea at this point.

Be Steele Tech's CEO? NOT take up the company as Steele is already rich? Marry someone? Who? (Fisianna would be one I'd consider. Ula would be another if my Captain Steele were allowed to drag Korgii Hold kicking and screaming into being uplifted). Will the captain keep a majority of the crew in his/her employ, or will everyone drift apart?

Or will the game have smaller blurbs of text for other prominent characters depending on their state at the game's end?
I hope at the end we at least have a choice to say fuck it all and leave the company for someone else to deal with... I'm all for Steele running off and shagging around the galaxy instead. Perfect ending for my Steeles would either be a permanent sub for Verusha, Anxyine or join/start Ardia's harem (though tbh my Steele would prefer her momma sire as her domme) or take Kiro and paige and the four lovely ladies on Dhaal and make our own pirate crew.. plander and bugger every lady we come across.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
and the four lovely ladies on Dhaal and make our own pirate crew..
Might be a bit complicated as they likely will already be back in space doing their own thing.

That is if what's in the Event Submission board gets into the game AND Captain Steele completes the quest.
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Chiruna Steele

New Member
Sep 22, 2021
Friends: Celise, Anno, Syri -celise always there to cheer me up
Wives: Kaede,Frostwyrm,Erra,Azra
Fuckbuddy: Kiro, Mitzi, Lumi
hard to choose , so many good characters
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Apr 25, 2021
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Makes me wonder what sort of Endings we will be allowed to have. I have zero idea at this point.

Be Steele Tech's CEO? NOT take up the company as Steele is already rich? Marry someone? Who? (Fisianna would be one I'd consider. Ula would be another if my Captain Steele were allowed to drag Korgii Hold kicking and screaming into being uplifted). Will the captain keep a majority of the crew in his/her employ, or will everyone drift apart?

Or will the game have smaller blurbs of text for other prominent characters depending on their state at the game's end?

CTO, not CEO. The former stands for Chief Technical Officer, the senior-most head of a business' technical division, responsible for all research and development in the realms of all things computers and programming, as well as maintaining and upgrading the business' current tech. She would be in the greatest possible position to exploit her skills: a comparatively limitless budget and resources as well as airtight job security.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Runner up. Not in order just close ones that didn't get picked immediately. Will add more.
Friend: Hana, Anno, Paige, Syri, Kase, Azra, Ciaran (his dad jokes make me chuckle), Brandy, Celise,
Wife: Erra, Bianca (knowing everything about her past), Brandy, Paige,
Fuckbuddy: Brandy, Bizzy, Celise, Paige,


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Runner up. Not in order just close ones that didn't get picked immediately. Will add more.
Friend: Hana, Anno, Paige, Syri, Kase, Azra, Ciaran (his dad jokes make me chuckle), Brandy, Celise,
Wife: Erra, Bianca (knowing everything about her past), Brandy, Paige,
Fuckbuddy: Brandy, Bizzy, Celise, Paige,
Paige is...funny. She seems to really have problems or reservations with outright saying something as strong as love. Among all her scenes I think it only comes very close to that once or twice. Everywhere else in the text its "a very close/strong connection". She doesn't really strike me as someone that would want to marry.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2021
Friend: Kaede. I like her. I enjoyed seeing her around on different planets and just talking. She's pretty cool.
Fuckbuddy: Paige. She's my #2 fav, without a doubt. She's really cool.
Wife: Definitely Syri. Hands down my #1 fav NPC. She's super cool.